
  • I'm still afraid of my ex-husband
    I understand that this is not right, it is a sin. But thinking about what I should do, I understand (and I’m scared about it) that mylife will be full and peaceful only when he is gone!We've been divorced for five years. I've been through so much. Beatings, insults, humiliation! He's a psychological...
  • How to teach your mother-in-law a lesson?
    I want to tell my story, or rathermy mother-in-law's attitude .My husband and I have been married for 10 years and have three sons. When we first started living with our husband, we lived with his parents (3 years). At first everything was fine, my mother-in-law and father-in-law were good, until I ...
  • What should I do?
    Some time ago I published on this siteconfession that myson can't meforgive . And everyone unanimously advised me to leave him. At the age of 50, I decided to go to a boarding house for the elderly, but I woke up in time - there it was almost the same as in a mental hospital. hospital, only the trea...
  • After his wife's betrayal, he was left alone and no one needed him.
    Divorced after her infidelity. After the divorce, I was still unemployed. My son stopped communicating with me. I tried to get back together with my ex-wife, but she said: “You haven’t forgiven and won’t forgive.”After the divorce, I worked on shifts for 5 years. I’ve worked, I’m lying at home, drin...
  • Even after cheating and divorce, my husband does not want to leave me alone
    We lived with my husband for 21 years. We have two sons, 23 and 17 years old. In 2010 mymy husband , who was already ex-husband, decided to build a house. I did not want. I very much doubted that I would be able to cope with the construction, and my job was not stable.And oursthe relationship was no...
  • Is it possible to start life over?
    My story is about howlife gives you what you ask for and not quite.I once hadthe family seemed happy,husband is a good man, kind, perky, smart,There was love , only gradually everything just turned into gray everyday life. This is a long story, but we broke up, the children stayed with me, I continu...
  • My beloved little brother
    Even though mybrother Anton is thirteen years younger than me, he and I have always been friends, especially since I always helped my mother babysit him when he was little. I went for a walk with a friend and always took him, she loved him too, and he got so used to it that when I met a guy, he bega...
  • How to cope with a divorce?
    I understand everything, I’ve read a bunch of articles, but now I need advice from real people. Here's my story.Got married at 21husband is the same age. Of course, it was early, but I loved him so much, and it seemed to me that he also loved me. At this point, we have lived together for 21 years, b...
  • Mother-in-law manipulates her illness
    I've been here for about six months nowMarried . My mother-in-law suffered a stroke 7 years ago. And all her relatives consider her a sick person. But I think it’s not right to put such a cross on a person. And him herselfMom is not interested in life. He sits forever near the laptop and TV and does...
  • Tired of debts and loans
    Maybe my story is banal, this can happen to anyone. My husband and I have been married for 7 years and haveson 6 years old. I won’t describe why (it will take a lot of time), but it turned out that I gained credits. They choke me so much that my soul is heavy.Every day they call from banks, I can’t ...
  • Tired of being a mistress
    I am the same woman who fell in love without memory. Which is still ashamed of what it was and ismistress _ Who gave birth from a madly loved, but strangerhusband .He did not go to join us with our daughter. Although he promised. But it helps financially. Not a lot of money , but still. I understand...
  • Unbearable father-in-law
    Imarried 8 years, yesson ,pregnant with her second child. From the very beginning I noticed various oddities of my father-in-law. He loves to drink and doesn’t watch his language at all, insults his mother-in-law, loves to do it in front of everyone, and she lets him get away with everything. But it...
  • Husband spoiled his son with money
    We have been living with my husband for 10 years, two children, 5 and 8 years old. We met my husband when he was already divorced for 5 years, from his first marriageson (at that time he was 15 years old).The husband left the family himself, but tried not to limit his son in anything. Expensive phon...
  • I missed the moment when my son came under someone else's influence
    All this is actually very strange and to some extent terrible, everything that is happening now to my 10-year-old son.He always grew up as a cheerful and obedient boy, he studies generally well, although he is lazy at times, he is finishing 4th grade this year, in general, everything went well with ...
  • Husband left family for son
    This is the life story of my Aunt Vera. She is 44 years old and left herhusband . They lived together for 21 years.We met in the first year of college, studied in the same group. With his attention and perseverance, he was able to win her heart, as it turned out, forever. After the army , Vera and A...
  • Я не осуждаю свекровь, а просто не могу ее понять
    Я автор истории, в которой свекровь любит только внука, а на внучку не обращает внимания.Всем спасибо за мнения. Я очень внимательно отнеслась к каждому комментарию. Некоторые прямо удивили, признаюсь честно. Наверно легко судить тогда, когда это не касается своих родных, близких и детей. А ещё прощ...
  • How not to lose touch with adult children?
    I have a story of communication with my son that is similar to yours and I decided to share it too. My adult, marriedmy son also began to move away from me and the situation is very similar to the one described above. He received a higher education, works, and so on according to the list, everything...
  • Forbidden love with a gypsy
    27 числа у меня случилась беда, за решеткой оказался мой любимый человек.Все началось в 2015 году. На работе мне в след кричал молодой человек, с целью познакомится, лица я не увидела, но видела, что сидели два парня, а я вся такая гордая прошла мимо. Дальше он по всему автосалону (это место, где я ...
  • У меня идеальная жена, но мне с ней скучно
    Много лет назад мне сильно нравилась одна девчонка на работе. Я долго пытался обратить на себя её внимание, но она была прочно, как мне казалось, влюблена в нашего начальника. Со мной она обращалась дерзко и презрительно. Наконец, мне это надоело, и я решил больше с ней не общаться.Сначала у меня эт...
  • I am very saddened by my son's loneliness
    I worry about my son all the time; he has been very uncommunicative since early childhood. This was especially evident at school, where he had no friends at all, and his classmates often teased and offended him. I talked to the teachers several times, but what could they do. When he was beaten after...