Семейные истории

A strong family begins with communication and support. Parents must be able to listen to their children, understand their problems, and help them solve them. Children, in turn, must respect their parents and be willing to help them in times of need.

  • Husband's strange habit
    Married 10 years, have two children. I could call my marriage happy, if not for one strange habit of my husband. Friends say that this can be put up with, because the husband does not drink, does not beat and does not change. But I just can’t get used to the fact that even after a minor quarrel, my ...
  • Husband lies all the time
    I am 46 years old, divorced for 12 years. I met a man five years older than me. He also has two unsuccessful marriages and a difficultdivorce (according to him). He was left without anything, everything went to his children and grandchildren, including his ex-wife. They divorced their first wife aft...
  • Favorite dared to say that I'm fat
    My beloved man often began to say that I should go on a diet. And the thing is that not so long ago I had a difficult period in my life, and I, so to speak, "fattened myself." And lest you think that I look like an elephant: I weigh 61 kg, height 167, I look visually taller. I agree - the weight is ...
  • Loving but jealous husband
    I am 30 years old, my husband is 42, I have a daughter from my first marriage (7 years old). We have been married for 2 years, we were together for a year before marriage. While we were just dating, everything was great, no quarrels, although I noticed that some kind of incomprehensible jealousy was...
  • How to get revenge on your ex-boss?
    I want to confess and get advice. I know that many will condemn, but I hope that there will still be those who will help. Let's go back to 2020. I am 30 years old, unmarried, no children. I have been in love with my boss for a long time. To be honest, I was always in the center of attention in k...
  • I regret interfering with my son's family
    From the very beginning, the son and daughter-in-law decided to live on a separate budget. Maybe because the daughter-in-law has a son from her first marriage and their common three-year-old child. It's strange for me, but I didn't interfere. Now they are taking out a mortgage, and the daugh...
  • What was she thinking before?
    Five years ago I married a young girl. I am much older than her. A year later, our wonderful daughter was born. At that time, I was in charge of one of the large companies, worked a lot, traveled a lot, because I really liked this job, and the income was quite high. I will say that at the time of th...