Семейные истории

A strong family begins with communication and support. Parents must be able to listen to their children, understand their problems, and help them solve them. Children, in turn, must respect their parents and be willing to help them in times of need.

  • My dear neighbors, mind your own business!
    All people come home to take a break from work, and I, in order to listen to what my housemates say about me, who constantly complain about me to my mother, a 70-year-old pensioner. I have never seen such people as in our house anywhere, neither in the city where I studied as a technologist at the i...
  • The mother-in-law allows to sell the apartment only on her terms
    We live as cohabitants, we didn’t sign on time, but we plan. There is a common child who is registered on the father. I have the eldest daughter from my first marriage and he has a son - 11 years old. Do we live in a single room? we were cramped, they wanted to sell it, add maternity capital and tak...
  • Self-doubt or veiled deceit?
    Recently, I have been reading various life stories on this site and did not dare to write my own, I considered, compared to others, not quite serious. But this problem, my problem, has been bothering me for quite some time. I have been living with a man in a civil marriage for four years. Before tha...
  • Life is beautiful and should be appreciated
    The pessimism of the author, who despaired and believes that life has passed me by, made me write my story. I am a simple bus driver (though with a technical education). He suffered a massive heart attack while driving. Thank God, no accident. Doctors pulled me out of the other world for 5 days. Aft...
  • Resentment against the mother does not go away
    I do not know how to close the insult to the mother. I know she loves me and I love her. But subconsciously from childhood, resentment for the lack of attention and care sits inside, since she constantly worked. She loves me the way she can. She does not call and does not ask how I am doing, but she...
  • How can I overcome my reticence?
    My name is Artyom, I am a schoolboy (17 years old), I am engaged and interested in programming, physics, mathematics, photography, journalism attracts me. My problem is that I can't communicate properly with strangers, I'm afraid to make friends with them, etc. It didn't particularly bother me, but ...
  • Twin daughters become enemies
    It pains me to see how my daughters don't get along. Maybe I made some mistakes in my upbringing? I tried very hard to give everything to them, although it was not easy at times. Brought up with my husband, most of it was given to me. My husband worked, drank, he is a football coach. Children (still...
  • How to tell my parents that my boyfriend is of a different faith
    I have been dating a young man for two months. He is well-read, well-mannered, and quite successful. The first month was like a dream. Walks, flowers, poems. Declaration of love. Everything was so perfect. My parents raised me strictly from childhood and constantly watched so that an unsuitable youn...
  • How to convince my husband that I love only him?
    My husband and I lived together for 7 years. We lived, I won’t say that peacefully, we often quarreled. Appeared three years agochild , and then everything began to improve. And lately everything has been great. But in spite of all this, we always loved each other. But apparently not so much. Not be...
  • How to build a relationship with a divorced woman?
    I have nothing against divorced women, it’s not a stigma or a label. Everyone has different life situations in their life. But is it possible to build long-term, trustingrelationship with a divorced woman? It's obvious thata man aged 40+, with an unsuccessful marriage behind him, can hardly count on...
  • Запутанные отношение с новым мужем
    Я молодая женщина, мне всего лишь 25 лет. Но я несчастлива. В 20 лет я вышла замуж, в 21 год стала мамой, а в 23 года овдовела. В 24 года я встретила парня и мы стали жить вместе. Сначала все было идеально: к сыну моему он относился хорошо, ко мне еще лучше. Но буквально месяца полтора назад все изм...
  • Mistakes or road to hell
    I know the devil let me fall in love, but doesn't let me be together because I'm a sinner. He wants me to suffer, because the worstJudgment is judgment on oneself. You know, because each of us has his own hell. I know what 9 circles of hell I will go through, I just want to meet you again and not ma...
  • Jealous husband to his best friend
    When I was in my last year at the university, I met two girls. We became friends, we were friends with the company - me, my own sister and these two girls. Then I met my future husband. I introduced him to some friends, and it seemed to me that some kind of spark flared up between him and one of the...
  • Why is the girl silent?
    We have been with her for almost a year and were both happy in a relationship. Before me, she only had a bad experience in a relationship, where guys humiliated me and could even raise their hand, and I show her that this is unacceptable in a relationship. She still cannot get used to it and makes a...
  • Problem neighbor
    It's not quiteconfession , but I just want to pour out my soul. Our neighbors are ordinary elderly people who have turned into a grandmother who has lost her mind and a screaming grandfather. We've been living like this for a year now. Grandmother in dementia, screaming all the time, as if she was b...
  • Love in the distance
    This story will forever remain in my memory. And let many condemn me, but I think that I did the right thing. I am 23 years old. 5 years ago I met a young man. The guy is good: he doesn't drink, he doesn't smoke, he's well-rounded, handsome. But love, I initially did not feel for him. She talked abo...
  • Can't get over fear and insecurity
    I am 22 years old, I live in a big city, study and work. I have all the indicators to be an ordinary, average person. But, unfortunately, I do not have the main quality - self-confidence. This makes it very difficult to move, develop, live and breathe fully. It's like a snowball. Every day it seems ...
  • My wife won't let me talk to my parents
    My story is much more complicated than that of the author of this confession. It all started with the fact that my wife and I wanted to live separately from my parents, but for some time before the wedding and after the wedding, we lived with them under the same roof in a private house that we built...
  • Halloween Pie
    As Halloween approached, I remembered a story from five years ago. Then the celebration of this day was not so common, and when Vika's friend suggested celebrating by inviting all my friends to a costume party, I immediately agreed. Since I didn't know much about Halloween at the time, I decided to ...
  • Я не обращаю внимания на измену мужа
    Мы живём вместе 6 лет, есть ребёнок. Мужу всегда доверяла, но недавно два месяца назад обнаружила переписку его с коллегой, у которой есть муж и ребёнок. Переписка откровенная. На мои расспросы, муж естественно говорит, что у него с ней связи нет. Но женщина всегда чувствует, когда мужчины изменяют,...