Семейные истории

A strong family begins with communication and support. Parents must be able to listen to their children, understand their problems, and help them solve them. Children, in turn, must respect their parents and be willing to help them in times of need.

  • My husband and I experiments in bed
    I want to touch on a very intimate and sensitive topic. My husband and I have been together for eight years now. I am 34 and he is 28. We have 2 children. We love each othermy husband is very attentive to me, respectively, I to him too, there are, of course, quarrels, but for the most part we have m...
  • My husband is shy and never defends me.
    I have been married to my husband for 8 years and have children. And I recently found out that he is ashamed of me, and maybe even ashamed of me. It was recently, two days ago he tells me that he ordered a thing from one guy (no matter what, that's not the point), but from this guy,wife , she is a c...
  • I can't deal with betrayal and loneliness
    I studied in the same class with my ex-husband, began to be friends from the age of 14. We loved each other very much, even dreamed of getting married right after school, but my parents dissuaded me. First studying, and then getting married, set such conditions. Only now, left alone at 42, I underst...
  • I had a family and now I'm free
    I hadfamily ,husband , children. My friends and work colleagues were jealous of me. They said how happy I am, what a caring and loving husband I have, what wonderful children. And at some point I felt unhappy. The children grew up, left the family, worries left with them, and the burden of responsib...
  • It turned out that I'm not ready for anything for love
    I have been living with my husband in a civil marriage for many years, he is a good person, a true friend, a good lover, but all the time I have a feeling that something is wrong, that he is not the same person with whom to live life and raise children. I just love him like a brother, nothing more, ...
  • I could hate my mother
    I'm latechild . MyMy mother gave birth to me at 42. She had an unsuccessful marriage, and then she divorced and from her friend gave birth to me. We have a great relationship with my father. Now my mother is 77 years old. A year ago, she began to lose her memory and feel bad. Over time, little thing...
  • I don't want a sick wife
    I am already 43 years old. My name is Alexey. Mythe confession will be about how I missed my happiness. From a young age, I was a rather shy person, and even worked as a simple engineer. After the death of my father, I lived and live with my mother. Friends tried several times to introduce me to nic...
  • Husband can't forgive me cheating
    My husband and I have been together for 8 years. Son is 6 years old. A year ago I cheated on my husband and he found out. The world has turned upside down (I will speak for myself). I hate myself for my act, I constantly curse. I am a terrible person and sometimes I myself do not believe in what I h...
  • Forbidden fruit destroys the soul
    I am a simple guy. I live alone, I graduated from the institute a couple of years ago, I work. The salary is good, so I can afford to travel around the country. Somehow, out of boredom, I went into one game and met a lady there. We chatted online for a very long time. At some point, I wanted to meet...
  • A year after the betrayal, but there is no forgiveness inside
    I came to confess, with the hope that someone's view of the situation would somehow help me. Married for 10 years, two children. A year ago, I found out about my husband's betrayal, which happened at a corporate party. I recognized him almost immediately in hot pursuit. Panicked, ran to take tests. ...
  • Betrayal of a girlfriend because of a boyfriend
    I had one best friend, we did everything together with her, we were friends for almost ten years, talked, studied at the same school. She was very dear to me. She is now 15 years old. We were still friends, but everything somehow changed dramatically when my girlfriend met some Russian guy. He was h...
  • I regret that I listened to my husband and gave up my happiness
    I also found myself in such a situation as the author of a story who fell in love with another, but cannot leave her husband. 9 years ago, being married, I met a man. We talked after work, seemed somehow warm, close. I never looked for any meetings on the side, but here I met it just like a native p...
  • I can't separate mother and children
    I am almost 30 years old. I work as an insurance agent in a small company. I don't get much, but I get enough to live on. I had a lot of relationships, but not serious ones. There was no thought of marriage, exactly until I met her. At first, I liked her outwardly, and then, when I got to know her b...
  • An unexpected confession from a friend
    Please help me to understand the situation that confused me and I have been in limbo for several days. I have been married for over 15 years and we have friends with whom we have been friends for about the same time, our children are the same age and are also very good friends. We often meet, celebr...
  • Proud or stupid?
    When the children were small, three other mothers and I created a system for exchanging children's things among ourselves. It was a real way to save at least a little, since growing children were constantly in need of new clothes, toys and other things. It all started when one of us noticed that sh....
  • There are also mothers
    She left me three years agowife , most likely to another or another better life for her. We had a two year old daughter at the time. My communication with my daughter was very rare, the constant reasons for the ex-wife and mother-in-law to create problems in this. I won't say thather daughter's mot....
  • confess
    Facebook VK Odnoklassniki Twitter WhatsApp Telegram Gmail var a2a_config = a2a_config || {}; a2a_config.on­click = 1; a2a_config.locale = "en"; Here you can anonymously confess online and tell a story from your life (without registration, all fields are required). Please fill in all fields of th...
  • Daughter went to her father and stopped communicating with me
    I reada confession about how the daughter was left with a divorce from her father and crying. I have a very similar situation. The eldest daughter, whom I raised alone for 10 years, at 13 went to her father and his new wife and flatly refuses to communicate with me. Over the years, he managed to bui...
  • I don't like my child's name
    I don't like my child's name. Sophia is 5 months old, I chose the name for her myself, none of the relatives would be against it and everyone is happy. But I can't call her by name, as if a barrier has been put up. It's really torture. I could not even imagine that this happens to parents. I really ...
  • Family makes me nervous
    I have a lot of problems with my state of mind. I went to a neurologist andThe doctor advised me to visit a psychologist. I am very nervous, everything irritates me, brings me to a breakdown or to a headache. I suffer for a long time after a breakdown, I go crazy, a lump appears in my throat, after ...