Семейные истории

A strong family begins with communication and support. Parents must be able to listen to their children, understand their problems, and help them solve them. Children, in turn, must respect their parents and be willing to help them in times of need.

  • Memories of past love
    I will not write the prehistory of my confession. I just don't want to. I try to put the past out of my head, although I can’t do it yet. This fall I'm going outmarried . For a loved one, perhaps. I don't know. I'm confused. And not a little girl. I already know when it is and when it is not. We ha....
  • The fear from my childhood haunts me to this day.
    I am 23 years old and I faced the problem of perception of information in my adult life. Everything that concerns the study of something, causes protest, both moral and physical. Morally, I feel depressed and oppressed, physically it seems to break me, I feel sick, even a feeling of constriction of ...
  • Sex before marriage with a religious couple
    I want to describe my problem, which is usually not discussed. I am a religious girl, myguy too. We have been together for three years now, everything is perfect with us: patriarchy, I obey him in everything, we do not quarrel. When we first started dating, we had sex, chic. We were each other's fir...
  • You don't have to offend me
    I noticed a strange feature behind me: if someone offends me greatly, then some kind of trouble immediately happens to him. I didn't notice it, buthusband . We often had not only scandals, but, let's say, small showdowns. My husband is very lazy. She doesn’t want to do anything at home, I do everyth...
  • My sister and I have similar dreams
    College hostel for girls. Night, the beginning of the third. I sleep on my side, facing the wall without a pillow, and I wake up from discomfort. I mentally plan to rise on my hands, pull the pillow under my head (it is from the back of the head) and finally unstick from the wall. I want to roll ove...
  • Не могу отказаться от человека, которого люблю
    Год назад я познакомилась в гостях у общих знакомых с мужчиной, который на двадцать лет старше меня. Он мне сразу понравился, и он это заметил. Но у него жена и двое почти взрослых детей. Но я не могу ничего с собой поделать, не могу его забыть. Однажды мы встретились случайно, и я не выдержала и во...
  • Раздражает вмешательство тещи в нашу жизнь
    Живем с женой отдельно, но на всякий случай дали ключи от своей квартиры ее родителям. Теперь уже и не рады, но забрать назад как-то неудобно, получиться, что не доверяем. Отношения с тещей всегда были нормальные, но мы сами виноваты, что так решили. Когда отдавали ключи, не думали, что все так обер...
  • My husband did not forgive me for this behavior
    I left at 20married to the head of the company where I worked, who was much older than me. Say now that because of the money - no. It was my first man in my life. I loved him very much. He was interesting, handsome, successful, and young girls always paid attention to him. He was very courteous and ...
  • My adult son does not want to communicate with me
    Do not judge me strictly for myconfession . Maybe I'm badmother , once raised a son who does not want to communicate with me. But I still want to hear good advice from those who have the same problems with adult children. I am 61 years old, and my only son is 30. I am married for the second time, th...
  • Left alone with a child without support and love
    12 years ago, I was expecting a guy from the army. Love , letters, visits - waited. From the first day after his demobilization, I immediately became pregnant, I was delighted. But apparently he isn't. The father of the future baby disappeared, maintaining neutrality, and I waited. gave birth. Diffi...
  • broken windows
    After another scandal, I decided to divorce my husband. I packed his things and put him out the door. The apartment belongs to my parents, so legally everything is correct. Formermy husband , not expecting such courage from me, got angry and came back with the police to move in. It was explained to ...
  • Cheating husband
    Everyone knows that in life there is a black and light streak. Someone has more light stripes, and someone has solid dark ones. It's like who's lucky. Or maybe our attitude to life also matters in this matter. There are people who constantly complain about life, while others will always find somethi...
  • I realized that my husband will never be different
    My husband is used to always doing everything in his own way, he never takes into account my opinion, he is constantly rude. He speaks only in raised tones, to the fact that it hurts and hurts me and does not pay attention. She endured everything for the sake of the child. But when he also began to ...
  • Am I making the right choice?
    I am 27 years old. I have a seven year old daughter. I'm divorced. After the divorce, disappointed in family life, I decided that I no longer want tomarried . Created a relationship that would never lead to seriousness. As time went. The pain of disappointment was leaving and I understood that I wa....
  • Having fallen in love with another, I lost my family
    At his niece's wedding, he met her friend Vika. I was with my wife, and she was not alone. Several times I invited her to dance, whilemy wife didn't notice me. Then she said that it was time for us to go home. I refused, and she left herself, although I knew that a scandal awaited me at home. If my ...
  • I want to leave my husband and leave him children
    I am 31 years old. Married for 8 years now. gave birth to a son anddaughter . My son is 7 years old and my daughter is 4 years old. After 8 years of marriage, I began to understand that even children do not bring me happiness and satisfaction. I became even more depressed than before. The family has...
  • With the move to work in another city, my husband did not support me
    I was offered a job in another city, and I had to persuade my husband to temporarily move. He agreed, as I expected, not immediately. I had to promise that it was only for a while, I even found a job for him there. But I did not take into account that a change of scenery and place of residence would...
  • Can't forgive myself
    I want to tell my story about family life and get advice from people from the outside, because I am in turmoil, I cannot find peace and how I should act in general. I am married, I am 33 years old, my husband is 38. After we met, mymy husband literally carried me in his arms, gave me gifts, there wa...
  • I don't want to get married at 20, but I'm afraid to be alone
    I am 20 years old. I've been dating a guy for 2.5 years. He is 28. Everything seems to be fine, but he does not strive for anything, does not want anything. We live in my apartment, he sends me to work to collect at home. There is another man who takes care of me, invites me to live with him, but he...
  • Jealous of my boyfriend for his sisters
    My story may seem silly, but for me this is a real problem that I myself can not cope with. We have been together with my boyfriend Misha for almost a year, I love him very much, he seems to like me too. He has a sister and a cousin (we are peers, we are all 15-16 years old). And that's the who....