
A daughter is one of the most precious gifts a family can give. She brings warmth and light, joy and happiness into the home. A daughter is a little princess who needs to be protected and cherished. She teaches us to be more caring and attentive, improves our communication and helps us to understand each other better. A daughter is also our future, our hope and our pride. We should try to give her everything she needs to grow into a strong and confident woman. After all, the future of our family and society as a whole depends on her.

  • How can I mend my relationship with my only daughter?
    I have very difficultrelationship with a 15 year old daughter. Outwardly, everything is so wonderful: she is an excellent student, very giftedchild . Many people say to me “thank you for your daughter”. But no one knows the true state of affairs ... I have been raising her alone for a long time, wit...
  • Mom herself is to blame for raising her daughter to be selfish
    After my parents divorced, we stayed in a one-room apartment. Mom worked and also worked part-time cleaning in the evenings, my sister and I were almost constantly left to our own devices. I was 12 at the time, and my sister was only six. Mom constantly asked me to look after her, said that she hope...
  • Because of my mother's betrayal, my father abandoned me.
    There are a huge number of stories when men who have been raising children for years are not natural fathers. Of course, no one justifies mothers, but few people think about the other side - children. I want to tell you how this DNA test has affected my life. I was then 10 years old, I lived with my...
  • I feel like I don't need anyone
    I am writing because I myself can no longer cope with this state and open up to no one in particular. I stopped enjoying life, although from the outside everything is fine, lovinghusband ,pregnant , home, but I feel that people do not need me, as if I am not from this world. I have not been working ...
  • Mom interfered in choosing a name for my daughter
    I remember how, in the eighth month of pregnancy, I watched some kind of musical program on TV on TV. There was a musical program where they sang a song in the Uighur language called “Gyuzal”. And then my daughter, hearing this song, seemed to start dancing in my stomach, moreover, when the song end...
  • I'm tired of my husband's relatives
    I understand the author of the story, to which the matchmakers are packed to visit at sea. People believe that urban relatives exist in order to receive village relatives to stay with them for a week or two. And this could still be experienced, but sometimes neighbors of relatives, their colleagues,...
  • I created these problems for myself.
    I am 26 years old, I studied well at school, I graduated from the university in Moscow. While still a student, she became pregnant and leftmarried . At 19 years old. The first years are good.my husband earned, provided for me. Then I got acquainted with a book about esoteric teachings and rushed. My...
  • Why did I stop enjoying life?
    I am 45 years old, divorced for a long time, there is an adultdaughter Ksyusha, she is 22, is dating a guy and is already planning a wedding. I said that they still do not know each other very well (they have known each other for only a few months) and are in a hurry with the wedding, but my daughte...
  • Жизнь моих родителей
    Я с мужем развелась после 4 лет брака. Мама упрекала меня, что я оставила дочь без отца, хотя прекрасно знала, что муж мне изменял, еще и выпить любил. Мои родители тоже прожили сложную жизнь. Оба из многодетных семей, у отца еще и родители были пьющие. Детство у него было тяжелое, может, поэтому и ...
  • My hopes for a happy family life did not come true
    Three days ago I turned 30 and I raised that I was all alone. The first bell of change came at the age of 20. I fell in love, but a week before the weddingthe guy went to the girl for 16 years, I practically died, it was unrealistically painful, for 4.5 years I existed, and did not live, waiting for...
  • When will I meet a worthy man?
    All my life I have been constrained, notorious, withdrawn. I dress likeblue stocking . Eyes on the floor. And at the same time, my exes were still jealous of me, out of jealousy they left me. What is the first man, what is the firsthusband . I swear, I am always faithful, that in a relationship, tha...
  • Confessions of a Happy Man
    I write in order to speak out, to satisfy the impulse to tell someone my story, to tell it like this, anonymously to the same anonymous readers. For me that is the best option. I grew up in an ordinary family, with the usual normal moral standards and foundations, I was not a pervert and did not see...
  • Choosing a name for my daughter has become a real problem.
    In mid-November, my daughter was born. During pregnancy, not everything went smoothly, because they simply dreamed of a healthy daughter. I did not seriously think about the name until the moment of birth (althoughhusband hurried), thereby losing time to search for information, description, reflecti...
  • My husband's children from his first marriage and his ex-wife do not allow our family to live in peace
    My husband has two children from his first marriage: a son, 14 years old, and a daughter, 11 years old. And I have a 17-year-old daughter from my first marriage and a 15-year-old son, and the youngest is 14. In general, when we started living together, his exwife tripped us all the time. She forbade...
  • I don't want my husband's grandma to call me
    I had a complex and ambiguous situation, even a little strange. I've only been married for a year. Last time,my mother-in-law's mother , that is, my husband's grandmother, calls me and complains for hours about herdaughter . To my mother-in-law. Yesterday she complained emotionally and for a long, l...
  • Мой грех и расплата
    Мне очень не просто об этом говорить, еще сложнее осознавать, что виновата я сама, и больше винить мне некого. К моему огромному сожалению, я ничего не смогла изменить, и даже последующие годы в огромной признательности и любви к мужу, ничего не изменили и не помогли затянуться и зажить ранам его ду...
  • Is it possible to return the love of a husband?
    From the time of my youth, I knew that in the future I would have a strong friendlyfamily . I dreamed of a big beautiful house with our own yard, where we would spend time with the children. I imagined how I would take care of flowers, enjoy life surrounded by loved ones. In her first year at univer...
  • Can't get out of deep depression
    I'm 35 tomorrow. Eathusband , 2 daughters. I am a housewife. Olderdaughter went to first grade, the youngest went to kindergarten. From these new circumstances, I am depressed, I can not do anything. Helpsmom . I'm afraid to leave the house. On the first of September, there was a fainting state on t...
  • I am very angry with my children.
    I have a son anddaughter , 45 and 39 years old,husband died two years ago. My husband served in the police, rose to the rank of lieutenant colonel, but at home he was a fiend, drank, beat me very hard and all in front of the children. I took my daughter and went to the apartment and applied fordivor...
  • I don't know who to blame for our divorce
    We got married six months ago. I initially fell in love with my husband, I just blew my head off. He seemed to have fallen in love too, he told me so, courted me andHe proposed to get married after three months of dating. I can say about myself that I am pretty, I graduated from school and universit...