
A daughter is one of the most precious gifts a family can give. She brings warmth and light, joy and happiness into the home. A daughter is a little princess who needs to be protected and cherished. She teaches us to be more caring and attentive, improves our communication and helps us to understand each other better. A daughter is also our future, our hope and our pride. We should try to give her everything she needs to grow into a strong and confident woman. After all, the future of our family and society as a whole depends on her.

  • A friend married my ex-husband
    I had the only oneA friend from school, very close and beloved. Washusband , have a commonson , he is 15 years old. The friend also knew her exhusband , they had in childhoodLove .We divorced, they got together and got married, they had a babydaughter . A friend asked me if I would be against their ...
  • Black and white
    I often read this forum, and I noticed that many stories are extremely categorical, but not everything in our life is divided into black and white, a person does not always have a choice according to the rule, this is good and this is bad.For example, my mother-in-law is very offended that we no lon...
  • Everyone thinks I'm a homewrecker, but I'm not.
    I met a man at work, but he was married and haddaughter . But they did not live together, they were preparing for divorce, but we all worked together. The man and I began to live together, and I moved in with him.I’m new at work, but I became friends with everyone very quickly. Everything is fine, b...
  • And again about inheritance
    In 2020, my grandmother died, leaving a house in the region. Mom entered into an inheritance and lived there periodically, then I took her with me, thensister . With meMy mother’s relationship is so-so, I’m always not like that, I’m wrong, my views onlife doesn't match, I'm doing everything wrong. B...
  • I don't like children
    I don’t like children, I haven’t since I was 22, right after I gave birth to my child. These terrible 9 months seem to have been the worst in my life.Then another hell began - the round-the-clock howling of a child. Life has changed, and it seems to me, not for the better: my personal time has disap...
  • I don't want to be a stepmother with living parents
    I have the same story as in the author’s confession about the childhusband from his first marriage. I hadhusband . His little one lived with usdaughter . They lived together for five years, then separated. Everything got to me. But the problem is not only in the child, although my mother-in-law did ...
  • I don't want to talk to my dad's wife
    I'm 24, yeshusband , 1 year old child. My parents divorced when I was six years old. At the moment they each have their ownlife . Dad has a new onewife anddaughter 12 years old. Mom doesn'tMarried .But my parents communicate periodically, they have goodrelationships , sometimes I even notice flirtin...
  • I can't forgive myself for my silence
    I was born into a good and friendly family. She is not big -mom , dad, little sister, aunt, and my cousinBrother . I will not mention grandparents, since this is not about them. Although I love them very much.Becausemy father is in the military, we had to travel around the country. But finally we re...
  • Why should I worry about my lover's wife?
    I am 39 years old. I am beautiful, well-groomed, one might say a successful entrepreneur, I have several fitness clubs and a sports nutrition store. There is an adultson , studies abroad.Mymy husband , with whom we were together since school, creating a business from scratch, died 6 years ago. For t...
  • The long and difficult road to happiness
    This story happened to me in my youth. I was 15 years old when I met him. Dear boy, with big ambitions and we started seriousrelationship . A year later, he left to study in another city, and six months later he wrote that he wanted to leave.I cannot describe my feelings in those days, I felt very b...
  • I don't want to live like my sister
    My eldestMy sister has been restless since childhood. In addition, he is the ringleader and authority figure in any company. Everyone predicted great things for herfuture careerist. But she chose a rather strange profession for herself - a pastry chef. Instead of going to university, I just went to ...
  • After my wife's vacation I lost my peace
    This was in 2019. My wife treated my youngest in the falldaughter in a sanatorium in Anapa. The girl was a little over 5 years old at the time, and the wife was approaching 31.We were treated for about a month. He talks about his company, which has developed. She and her daughter, the second woman, ...
  • How to explain to your daughter that her father does not want to communicate with her?
    When was she born?daughter , I was nineteen years old. My husband was nine years older, so it seemed to me that with such an older man I was not afraid of anything. Moreover, he, like me, was looking forward to the birth of the child.But when the joy after our arrival with our daughter from the mate...
  • I live the way my parents lived
    It is generally accepted that children inherit the fate of their parents; if the mother is unlucky in her personal life, thenthe daughter will live the same way. This happened to me too, but I think that this is not fate, but simply a person transfers everything from childhood to adulthoodlife and y...
  • How to get your husband back after divorce?
    I am 30 years old. Eatdaughter 1.8 years old. I have known my husband for 13 years, 5 of them together, and for the last 2 years we have been legally married. Before marriage, they lived at home with my parents.After the birth of the child, we decided to go to my husband. There lived one of hisMothe...
  • We are not happy with such a son-in-law
    My daughter grew up so quickly that she didn’t even have time to look back. I recently celebrated my 18th birthday. OnBirthday brought gorgeous bouquets and gifts, she said it was from a guy. They didn’t ask in detail about the boy, and is it even possible to get any information out of teenagers? As...
  • How to resolve a conflict with your daughter
    My daughter is 18 years old, I am raising her withouthusband , the three of us live with our grandmother. My daughter got into good schooluniversity , at your own request, on a budget. I learned about problems with my studies from a call from the dean. This was before the first session. It turned ou...
  • I can't please my husband no matter how hard I try.
    I am 34, my husband is 29 years old. We look the same, I'm small and fragile.I can't figure out the situation in our family. Married 6 years, yesdaughter 9 years old from her first relationship. My husband always supported me in everything, cared for me, helped me in all situations. He is quite a po...
  • Return to your ex-husband or go to jail?
    I want to tell you my life story and the situation in which I found myself. I just don’t know where to turn, who to ask for advice. I hope many have watched Eldar Ryazanov’s film “Station for Two.” So, the plot is very similar to minelife , only everything is much scarier and sadder.I got married at...
  • My beloved woman cannot leave her husband because of children
    Three years ago I met a married girl. And from that time we fell in love with each other. I am already 32 years old, she is 35 and she has two daughters (6 and 10 years old).During all this time, we talked with her on any topic, made plans forlife . I've been calling her to me for a long time. She w...