
A daughter is one of the most precious gifts a family can give. She brings warmth and light, joy and happiness into the home. A daughter is a little princess who needs to be protected and cherished. She teaches us to be more caring and attentive, improves our communication and helps us to understand each other better. A daughter is also our future, our hope and our pride. We should try to give her everything she needs to grow into a strong and confident woman. After all, the future of our family and society as a whole depends on her.

  • Mom, thank you for everything
    My mother has been gone for 2 years. Today is my stepfather’s birthday , and today I dreamed about her. Mom hugged and kissed me endlessly, as if she was afraid that I would wake up and disappear again!During her life, my mother and I were not justmother anddaughter , we were united and still are un...
  • My husband's parents don't like our daughter
    I don’t know how to get along with my mother-in-law, her mother and father-in-law? We live with my husband and now with our little daughter (she’s 1.9) at his house, more precisely, with his parents and his grandmother.We have been together for 12 years, of which we have been living together for 7, ...
  • I regret that I left my family because of a passing hobby
    I saw howmy sister reads this site, became interested and also decided to write her ownconfession _ There is no one to tell about the stone lying on the soul, but you need to talk it out.After divorcing my wife, I still felt guilty before her and my son for a long time. After all, it was I who left ...
  • How can I open my sister's eyes?
    Six years ago mymy sister gave birth to a daughter, and when she was 7 months old, my sister, leaving us the child, went to work. Thatthe man from whom she haschild , abandoned her and did not participate in raising her niece in any way. My parents were with the girl and raised her. My sister sentmo...
  • Obsession or still love?
    Now I am 37 years old, two children,daughter andson , I am completely independent and self-sufficient.I’ll start the story with the fact that my daughter’s father and I separated when she was 3 years old (now 13), but we maintained wonderful, friendly friendships.relationship . I was 27 years old th...
  • Take care of each other
    I read the story of a mother who hated herdaughter , and couldn’t help but write.My daughter died a year ago. Karinka was 17 years old: beautiful, cheerful, an excellent student, and involved in sports dancing. Life before that was just wonderful: I,husband and two daughters. And then one morning, o...
  • I'm not like others
    I am 30 years old. I'm young and strong. Good position and good salary. Eatfamily . In general, everything is like everyone else. But for many years I have been tormented by the thought that I live in vain. No goals, no desires.Since childhood, I was only interested in books; I did not like to play ...
  • My friend's love story
    I have a childhood friend. While he and I were single, we saw a lot of things, but one day he “put on rose-colored glasses” when he met a girl named Yulia. For some reason I didn't like her right away. At first I couldn’t even understand why - she seemed kind, sociable...They met beautifully, always...
  • Now I have become my daughter’s favorite nanny
    I worked together with Andrey in a large company, and I immediately liked him. Many people looked at him, which is not surprising: handsome, successful. I worked as an office manager and was five years younger than him. He had recently broken up with his girlfriend, was in need of attention and unex...
  • Virtual dating and real marriage
    I'm the one who met my future husband on a dating site, went outgot married , gave birthdaughter and divorced 11 years later.Selfonline dating was great, andcorrespondence is the only good thing I remember now. We communicated on the Internet, texting every minute, for days on end. The communication...
  • Осталась одна с тремя детьми
    Я в 18 лет вышла замуж, родились сын и дочь погодки. Муж был старше на 12 лет, прожили 5 лет и развелись. После этого 3 года были суды, он хотел отнять у меня детей, на тот момент я уже начала встречаться, как оказалось потом, с женатым мужчиной тоже старше меня на 12 лет. Все суды я выиграла, и быв...
  • How to divide an apartment after a divorce?
    I read an article here about how a man had nowhere to live after a divorce, and I want to tell you that four years ago I found myself in the same situation, only I had nowhere to go. Parents lived in another city, my sister has a one-roomapartment ,I took in a husband and two children, of course, fo...
  • The husband does not love his child, but is ready to raise strangers
    I'm 30 years olddaughter is 2 years old, it so happened that my common-law husband and I separated when our daughter was 3 months old. He is 15 years older than me.We dated for 4 years, but we couldn’t get married; we kept putting it off until later. And I suddenly became pregnant and I tell him abo...
  • My parents chose my profession expecting a lot of money.
    I’m a 4th year medical student studying dentistry and I understand that I can’t study anymore. I study neither well nor poorly, I pass everything myself, I have no hopes of getting a diploma with honors. Parents pay for school fees. In the 11th grade I couldn’t refuse them when they persuaded them t...
  • I betrayed my husband by giving birth to my lover, but now I want to return
    My name is Anastasia, I am now 33 years old. I want to tell my sad life story. Please don’t judge me harshly, even though I deserve all your reproaches. Even though I betrayed myhusband , but I want to improve and return to him.I got married for the first time at the age of 18, for love. He was 2 ye...
  • Is there karma?
    We have a distant relative, but it so happens that we communicate much more often and better than with close relatives. She is truly dear to me, which cannot be said about her daughter. She's snide and envious. She got married at almost forty, became pregnant by her husband, and took him away from t...
  • My husband's attitude made me depressed
    I have been depressed for the last 2 years. I am 36 years old,married for 11 years, two children - 8 years and 4 years old. I haven’t worked for 8 years, I stay at home with the children.When the eldestI sent my daughter to kindergarten, she began to constantly get sick, after 7 months she was still...
  • My wife's children don't respect me
    The beginning of our life together was normal, one might even say good. But a year later everything changed. Here is the first case with my wife’s son, he was 22 years old.I did renovations in the apartment with my own hands. It was already eveningson was sitting on the sofa, sitting next to himdaug...
  • Love and trust
    Now I'm 18 years old. He is much older. I don't care, I don't needadviсe . We meet regularly, he talks to me about children. What are they like? He's interested in what I think about it. I don’t think, especially about children. I think about him. I fell in love. After class, I meet a friend, she sa...
  • The son made peace with his wife, but stopped communicating with us
    I am almost 60 years old, my eldest son is almost 40 years old. He didn’t marry for a long time, he lived with us, and at the age of 28 he met a woman with a child, they got together, butlife somehow didn’t work out right away. They lived together, then separated. He came to us, complained about her...