
A daughter is one of the most precious gifts a family can give. She brings warmth and light, joy and happiness into the home. A daughter is a little princess who needs to be protected and cherished. She teaches us to be more caring and attentive, improves our communication and helps us to understand each other better. A daughter is also our future, our hope and our pride. We should try to give her everything she needs to grow into a strong and confident woman. After all, the future of our family and society as a whole depends on her.

  • Jealous wife of her ex-husband
    My wife and I have been living together for a year now. She is Russian, I am Tatar. Just three months ago they officially registeredrelationship , we dated for a year before this. At that time, she had been married for seven years. Her daughter is 6 years old. But as soon as I met her, this fact did...
  • My friend's story
    I'll tell you a real life story about difficult family relationships. Irina lived with her husband Victor for 11 years. He's quite uniqueman . With unusual viewslife , onhealth . His firstwife lost a child during childbirth, suchmisfortune ​She, as I understand it, has some kind of serious illness, ...
  • Mother understands that I have not forgiven her
    I've always heard thatMom is sacred and must be loved. I love minemother , but I can'tforget the hurt she caused me.When I was six years old, I decided that I wanted to become an artist. While my mother was at work and my grandmother was minding her own business, I put on my mother’s makeup and tied...
  • Other people's grandchildren
    My sister was 48 years old when shemy daughter went abroad with her husband. For ten years she lived in the hope that the children would get on their feet and that she and her husband would take them with her. And the long-awaited event finally happened.Buthappiness did not come. The sister discover...
  • Will this go away with age? Don't think
    I am almost 16 years old - one of the most critical ages, the very apogee of various conflicts, youthful maximalism, etc. I am no exception, although this is trivial, so I often haveproblems with relationships with parents and peers.If we talk about my parents, they are extremely conservative people...
  • How I lost my head from love
    I have been married for 18 years, we havedaughter (10 years old). Came outmarried not for love, but simply because of the betrayal of her boyfriend. He married someone else, and in revenge, I also took advantage of the opportunity.I met a man and got married. We have been living here for 18 years. A...
  • I didn't appreciate the happiness that fate gave me
    Sometimes it seems to you that everything has already been destroyed and there is nothing anymore, and at that moment you take another rash step - you step into the very heart of darkness. And falling into this black infinity, you suddenly look up and realize that the pastthe problems were just smal...
  • I feel unhappy and empty
    My name is Maria. Age 27 years. Married. Eatdaughter , she is 7 years old. I spent my entire childhood in an orphanage, dreaming of a family, of my children. After graduating from school, I rushed to the city, entered a technical school and in my last year met a guy, he was 21, and I was 17 years ol...
  • How I fought for my love
    This story began more than 5 years ago, when I moved from my hometown and entereduniversity​ Literally at the very beginning of my first year, I fell in love with my physical education teacher, let's call him M. Every day I became more and more imbued with sympathy and irresistible interest for him....
  • I saw my husband with his mistress
    My life story is very banal -treason husband .I am 44 years old. We lived with my husband for 23 years. I tried to be a good wife, likeMom taught me to always have delicious food in the house and to keep it clean and tidy. His things are neatly folded in his closet, and he wears a fresh shirt to wor...
  • Marriage to my first love did not bring me happiness
    I have been married to my husband for 2 years; before that we dated for a year when we were teenagers. Then he got married, then divorced after 4 years of marriage. Then he had othersrelationship and again we decided to reunite.All of himthe family communicates with the family of his ex-wife and dau...
  • My strange woman
    After divorcing his wife (she met her firstlove ), I met a woman 12 years younger than me. She's also divorced, she has a ten-year-olddaughter .After the divorce, she had men, but they didn’t stay long, she told me about it herself, it alarmed me a little, I thought maybe she was a difficult person....
  • I'm a bad mother and wife
    All around meProblems . Came out at age 20got married and gave birth to an older oneThe daughter didn’t really live with her husband, his priority was friends, and they separated.I raised my daughter as best I could, worked, lived mostly with friends,my daughter is either with my mother, or with me,...
  • How to forgive your daughter?
    My daughter is 10 years old. It seems that she should already understand what can be done and what cannot be done.Yesterday my mother-in-law called and said that she wanted to talk to us seriously. At first I didn’t understand what was the matter, becauseI have an excellent relationship with her. Sh...
  • My husband regrets marrying me
    My husband doesn't like minefamily . He believes that fate is not fair to him. Getting into my family is like a punishment for him.We moved to live with my parents a year after our wedding. At that time, we were not financially ready to buy our own home. The choice was eithermy husband goes to his p...
  • I want to save my daughter from her father
    I also want to share my life story.I've been married for ten years. Two wonderful children - a boy and a girl. Everything is fine with my son, but with my daughter everything is greatProblems . She is developmentally delayed and does not study well. Has difficulty making contact. We went to doctors,...
  • My wife doesn't appreciate what I do for her during such a difficult time.
    I really wanted a son and the fact that there would bedaughter , I was a little upset. At first my wife didn’t want to say that there would be a daughter, but I understood it myself. There was a quarantine and I lost my job. We lived on our wives' holidays. She didn't say a bad word then. I am grate...
  • Everything was decided by the name of the daughter
    My husband and I have been renting an apartment for 8 years. We can’t buy our own, we were counting on his grandmother’s apartment, but after the birth of our daughter, we quarreled.The mother-in-law was not very pleased that her granddaughter was born. I wasn’t offended, I thought that everyone wan...
  • I don't see a way out of my life's impasse
    I am 35 years old. I am currently on maternity leave with my baby; before that I worked as a manager. The work is quite responsible and required maximum effort, so when I came home, all I had time to do was cook, wash and clean.I have always tried to pay attention to my eldest daughter, but apparent...
  • Agreed to give birth to please her husband
    I have a difficult timeattitude towards children. I like to tinker with them and play, but if it doesn’t last long. I have it myselfdaughter from her first marriage, gave birth at 17 years old. She defended the child, raised her with the help of her mother, in general, it was difficult financially. ...