
  • My girlfriend dresses all in black
    I don’t want to state categorically that female friendship does not exist, but I am sure that over the years it either changes or moves into a completely different stage of communication. At school I hadfriend Yana, everyone envied our friendship, we were inseparable, together everywhere. After scho...
  • Feelings of pity and gloating towards your ex-boyfriend
    I had a better opinion of my friend until she admitted to me that she had startedaffair with your employee. The main thing is herThe husband has absolutely no idea that he is being cheated on. And what difference does it make to me, you ask? The whole point is that shemy husband is a very good perso...
  • Emotional stress over work and personal life
    After reading many of your stories on the site, I decided that it was worth confessing myself. I am fully 24 years old. By profession I am a doctor. I work in one specific medical institution, in the children's department. Lately I’ve started to feel like I don’t have the strength to endure my job. ...
  • These are my friends
    At the institute I was friends with two girls, and thisThe friendship continued after graduation.It so happened that my friends found a job in their specialty, but I didn’t. Although I studied well. At some point I was just unlucky, I didn’t come across anything worthwhile, and then my friends offer...
  • Не хочу терять подругу, но и терпеть ее поведение уже не могу
    С подругой дружим 7 лет. Раньше я была в розовых очках, наивная, сейчас последний год у меня будто озарение (не в плане нее, а вообще, такой этап в жизни, духовный рост, пересмотр взглядов, осознание). И вот как раз в это время чувствую, что дружба не та, я переоцениваю ее. Не хочу, чтобы сейчас каз...
  • I don't need this kind of friendship
    My friend avoids our friendship and befriends those whom she used to condemn. A friend is my co-worker at work. When she came to us, she was new, and I was the first person she became friends with. Since then, we have become very good friends: at lunch we went out together,drinking coffee - together...
  • I'm afraid of losing my husband, whom I have been waiting for so long
    Once I fell in love very much with a young man (let's call him A.), it was in 2005, I was 15 years old, he was 16. He was wonderful, interesting, sociable, the soul of the company, but did not enjoy success with girls. I was pretty humble too. In general, I fell in love with him unrequitedly. Out of...
  • Teen love story
    Everyone in life has moments that you remember either with a smile or with sadness, or simply with warmth. I would like to tell one such story today, let it be a kind of small confession too. This story began in the last summer of my childhood, when I was 15 years old, and this was my last trip to t...
  • I don't believe in friendship and good relations
    The opinion that there is no friendship between a man and a woman does not always correspond to the truth, but I had just the opposite. I had a friend since my school years, we lived not far from each other, studied in the same class, in the morning he came for me and we went to school together, al....