
Love is what makes our life full and happy. It gives us warmth and comfort, makes us feel needed and important for someone. Love can be different - for family and friends, for friends, for your work or hobby. But the strongest and most irresistible love is the love between two people. It can turn our life upside down, make us feel easy and free, gives us strength and energy to overcome any difficulties. Love knows no boundaries and limitations, it can arise at the most unexpected moment and lead to incredible changes in our lives.

  • My wife didn't appreciate my love
    I have been living in such a nightmare for more than 2 years now. I met my wife 15 years ago. I was 23 then, and my wife was 20. I fell madly in love. I wanted to move mountains for her, to get stars from the sky. This was the case for 12.5 years, until the limit came. But everything is in order. My...
  • My husband and mother-in-law devastated me mentally.
    I want to write my story, but it is more of a psychological nature. I want you to listen to me and give me advice.I already wrote here once about my feelings about the unfair actions of my mother-in-law. Frequent scandals, worrieshusband . But the grievances seemed to have gone away, I communicated ...
  • The virtual groom turned out to be a gigolo
    In the winter I broke up with a guy with whom I had lived for several years in a civil marriage, as they call it beautifully. We broke up because of his addiction to alcohol.Actually, that’s why I never decided to registerrelationship officially, doubted this trait of his, which was increasingly man...
  • I cheated on my boyfriend, now I regret it
    I’m not looking for excuses, I know who I am after this, but I still want to speak out.I dated a guy, broke up six months ago. I ran after him for a long time, suffered, and was humiliated, but in September, it seemed to me, I had forgotten him. At this time I met a new guy, I have been dating him f...
  • How to get rid of a crush on a teenager?
    Surely many will think I'm stupid. That's why I can't share this only on an anonymous site. I really went crazy in love with a neighbor boy who looked about 14 years old. I’m 25 myself. I didn’t pay attention to him before - he was very small. And for the last year, when I started to grow up, I just...
  • I betrayed my husband by giving birth to my lover, but now I want to return
    My name is Anastasia, I am now 33 years old. I want to tell my sad life story. Please don’t judge me harshly, even though I deserve all your reproaches. Even though I betrayed myhusband , but I want to improve and return to him.I got married for the first time at the age of 18, for love. He was 2 ye...
  • I could lose my friend because of my behavior.
    I am 19 years old, now I have a very difficult situation related to my relationship with my girlfriend. I have known her for more than 1.5 years; I met her in my 1st year at the institute, and she became a very close person to me. The fact is that my school friends entered another university, and I ...
  • Husband can't let go of the past
    My husband and I started dating as teenagers and have been together for over 7 years. At the beginning of our relationship we broke up, and it so happened that I hadsex with another.This was a mistake. Later he tried to get together with me, but I told him what happened, and he still got together wi...
  • Memories from my childhood
    I read a story here about how a woman lives with her tyrant husband for the sake of the children, and I want to say that thinking that it’s better for the children, you are doing exactly the opposite. It is better for children when they can develop calmly, and not when they sit intimidated and are a...
  • Love and trust
    Now I'm 18 years old. He is much older. I don't care, I don't needadviсe . We meet regularly, he talks to me about children. What are they like? He's interested in what I think about it. I don’t think, especially about children. I think about him. I fell in love. After class, I meet a friend, she sa...
  • Fell in love with my sister's husband
    I'm one of those people wholife says that true love does not exist. But everything happens for the first time. I only happened to fall in love with a man when I was 37 years old. And, to be honest, it would be better if I never knew what a realLove .The object of my love ismy younger sister's husban...
  • Любовь и социофобия
    Я очень долго не могу ни с кем поделиться своим состоянием. У меня ужасная социофобия, проявляется это в том, что я не могу контактировать ни с одним человеком взглядом, особенно с противоположным полом. Сразу ощущение, что перехватывает дух, замирает все внутри и начинает дрожать голова, еще дрожит...
  • Hopeless loneliness
    I buried myself alive andlife is over. I ruined my own life. Waslove , weremoney , it washappiness , but a few years ago everything collapsed.I was abandoned by mymy husband is alone without a home, without money. I can'tforgive myself that I didn’t know how to handle money, always helped everyone, ...
  • Люблю парня со всеми его недостатками
    Четыре месяца назад я встретила человека, который способен заменить мне всех. Наверное, это и есть любовь. С ним я чувствую себя в безопасности и как я понимаю у него те же чувства ко мне.Да кстати, мне 16. Живу в маленьком городе под Москвой. Молодой человек приехал сюда на заработки из другой стра...
  • Грустная Love story
    Долго не решалась написать. Наверное, у меня не совсем исповедь, у меня просто история, которой хотелось с кем то поделиться. Если кто-то так любил и справился? Пишите, буду рада какими-то советам.Это было конец 9 класса. Экзамены затянулись до конца июня. Потом я так подумала: зачем сидеть в школе?...
  • Обманщица
    Я – обманщица. Пользуюсь чужим счастьем вот уже 3 года. И что-то меня начинает мучить совесть.А случилось так. Моя подруга Галина больше года встречалась с Алексеем. Все у них было хорошо, все ладилось, как говорится, совет да любовь. К тому же Алексей – парень не бедный, ни в чем Галке не отказывал...
  • Влюбилась в учителя и не знаю, как себя вести
    Мне 17 лет, учусь в 11 классе. Никогда не думала, что со мной произойдёт такая банальная и глупая история.Я влюбилась в своего учителя. Именно влюбилась. Я полностью осознаю то, что это не любовь. У меня мало жизненного опыта. Но симпатия по отношению к этому человеку меня убивает. Он не красавец, к...
  • Не воспользовался своим шансом
    Хотелось бы рассказать историю, которая приключилась в моей жизни недавно. Ночью мне снился ласковый сон, причем он был необычайно прекрасен. Мне привиделась девушка неземной красоты. Она была очень красива, но как только я начал к ней приближаться – она тут же исчезла и я, к сожалению, проснулся, к...