
Love is what makes our life full and happy. It gives us warmth and comfort, makes us feel needed and important for someone. Love can be different - for family and friends, for friends, for your work or hobby. But the strongest and most irresistible love is the love between two people. It can turn our life upside down, make us feel easy and free, gives us strength and energy to overcome any difficulties. Love knows no boundaries and limitations, it can arise at the most unexpected moment and lead to incredible changes in our lives.

  • The daughter I lost
    Since childhood, my parents and theirlove for alllife , and based on the example of their relationship, I also wanted to build my family, so that with one for life, I never strived to have many girls. In my first year at the institute, I met Marina, a modest girl from a small village. It was with he...
  • Relationships with mother-in-law: what should they be like?
    Imarried 3 years. Everything is fine with my husband, except for one “but” - hisMother . For some reason, she thinks that I should be a friend to her, share my experiences, ask for advice, discuss everythingproblems , talking on the phone with her for hours... In general, she is trying to become my ...
  • My parents ruined not only my childhood, but my whole life.
    Mymother alllife took offense at my grandmother because she lived with her stepfather. According to her, her stepfather treated her badly when she was little, called her names and even tried to hit her. He was a front-line soldier.At the age of 16, her mother left home and began renting a room and g...
  • An unexpected meeting with your first love
    I had my first schoollove , with which the most tender memories are associated. Unfortunately, in the tenth grade she moved with her parents to another city and lost contact.After college, I got married and had two children, but I still remembered her often. I even tried to find her through social n...
  • I don’t know how the man I love will react to the fact that I’m pregnant from someone else.
    A confusing situation has occurred in my life. Less than a year had passed since I broke up with a man whom I loved madly, just as he loved me. The reason for the separation was hisfamily that stood against me.I was very hurt. At first I thought that I would be alone, that I would not be able to lov...
  • It's better to live out old age together
    I love my cousin very much, probably also because he embodied my childhood dream of a strong and smart older brother, which I, alas, did not have. And when Lenka, returning from the army, quickly got married, I was even offended, my new relative seemed so homely to me.But, firstly, it was noticeable...
  • I was left alone with the child, but I don’t regret anything
    In January 2015 I met HIM. I was almost 17 at the time. I had been out of a relationship for a year, so it was easy for him to pick me up. Ourrelations developed rapidly. After 2 days we already started dating, and after another 4 I spent the night with him for the first time. Then we slept with him...
  • The person closest to me
    My goal was originallyfamily . Which one, I didn’t really understandI’m a plain girl , I didn’t enjoy success with guys, so at the age of 18, the first person who paid attention to me became my husband. I gave birth to himdaughter . For 2.5 years of marriage with this man, I had no joy, his frequent...
  • First love was unsuccessful
    It all started with friendship, we were good friends and went to the same school, played volleyball together. At that moment, I treated him as a friend, and he simply had sympathy for me.At that time he hadgirl , they dated for a long time, but as a friend he told me that it was morehabit no longer ...
  • My sad experience of family life after betrayal
    It was not because of a good life that I was looking for answers to my questions about life after betrayal. I often came across people like me who were trying to save their family after betrayal and the return of a once loved one.I read a lot of stories, heard them from real people in real life, and...
  • How I lost myself
    My story is banal, there are many similar stories here, but I wanted to share mine.Now I’m 30 years old, 2 children, I have my own home, a job, I look great, my figure is almost perfect, I have true friends,friends , but there is one BUT: I spent 5 years of my life onrelationships that broke me, tur...
  • Reflections on love
    A person always comes up with some kind of standard for himself, which he eagerly achieves. Alove is generally some kind of crippled misunderstanding of nature: man was originally an animal and still remains one. The nicotine sun smiled at him and his lungs, as if saying: “Don’t be afraid, dude, bec...
  • I'm afraid to be a single mother
    My familylife is currently collapsing like a house of cards. I have known my husband since school, started dating two years ago, and had a beautiful wedding last summer. Everything started out great, we couldn’t live without each other until we started living together. I couldn't put up with his con...
  • I wanted a family, but my loved one decided to live for himself
    In my life, as in the life of the author of the confession, who does not lovehusband , but remembers the firstlove , there are two men -husband and him.We haven't seen him since I left.got married 6 years ago. But I love both him and my husband. This man and I know each other completelylife . There ...
  • I became unhappy after 11 years of marriage
    I met my husband while being a student. I met him and he immediately liked me. And he, despite his beauty, seemed to me spoiled, but then he opened his soul and seemed to me just a good person. But I just wanted a good guy.At the same time, we are very different in our upbringing, I was raised to be...
  • The common-law husband is not ready for responsibility
    I've known this guy for five years, and we've been in a civil marriage for two years. Everything is fine with us, we haveHe has an apartment , although sometimes we quarrel, but we quickly make up.I really want a child, but he says that he is not ready for fatherhood yet, he does not want to limit h...
  • Meeting a former classmate changed my life
    My firstLove's name was Andrey and we studied in the same class. Histhe family moved to live in our area, and he came to our school in the seventh grade. I liked him immediately, and not only me. All my classmates, each in their own way, tried to attract his attention.But he treated everyone the sam...
  • I couldn't save my love
    We met 10 years ago, I was already married then, andthere was a child , she was divorced, she also had a child from her first marriage.We met all this time, she was crazy about me (the first years that’s for sure), I also loved her, though not as much as she did. The family stopped me, I should have...
  • Love or emotional dependence?
    I am 22 years old. He's also 22. Let's finishuniversity this year.The relationship with the guy lasted almost 4.5 years. Yesterday we broke up. He suggested it himself. Unexpected for me. This is my first seriousLove .It was periodically (often) difficult for me in relationships. It was very difficu...
  • Dreams of a nulliparous woman
    First dreamI’m standing in some lonely room: no doors, no windows, just dark, damp, moldy walls. There is semi-darkness all around. In the middle of the room there is a small iron table, and next to it there is an iron chair. A dim lamp is burning on the table. There is nothing else. Empty room. Sud...