
  • Или подруга, или враг
    Со своим парнем я прожила более полугода. Не стану скрывать: у нас было многое. В том числе и измены. С его стороны, правда. Однако это было поначалу, и сейчас он вроде как не изменяет мне.И все же основная проблема не только в нем. Основная проблема — это наша общая подруга (не знаю, могу ли я так ...
  • Husband's family
    We got married 2 years ago. My husband said that we would live with his family for some time, and I, naive, believed it, although myMom said that he would leave me there forever. And now it’s been three years since we’ve been living with his mother, father and his sisters.He saves mefather , he love...
  • How I realized that I was beautiful
    From early childhood, I was known as the “ugly duckling” among my peers. The boys teased me with a malicious grin, calling me different names, and the girls treated me completely evenly, since they did not see me as a potential threat.Our school had its own standard of beauty, and I didn’t fit into ...
  • I fear and hate my father
    MyThe family lives in the city in a cottage. We earn decent money, both parents work. My brother and I go to all sorts of clubs and sections, they buy us branded, high-quality items and clothes. In general, financially we have nothing to complain about. But my dad has a very difficult character. He ...
  • I hate my mother-in-law and sister-in-law
    I am 27 years old,married and havedaughter _ Before I was pregnant, my sister and I were at oddshusband and her mother. From the very beginning, as soon asMy husband brought me to meet his parents, they didn’t love me, they put a spoke in my wheels. It came to fights with his sister, she was very je...
  • What's my mistake?
    I have this situation: I need your advice. I never thought that I would write on websites and post my personal story, but I had to.My husband and I have been together for 2 years, while we live with my parents, we have a child,daughter , she is 2 years old. Ever since our wedding we have been arguin...
  • I don't feel love for my newborn baby
    The child is planned and very long-awaited. The pregnancy went well, the baby’s father and I are wonderfulrelationship _ While still pregnant, I did not feel love for the new person inside me. I didn’t talk to my belly, like many expectant mothers. I thought that whenthe child will be born - then he...
  • It's a shame that my parents do this to me.
    Those were good times. All 11 years, my parents simply adored me, I was the only child in the family. They always allowed me everything, bought toys, candy, clothes. Everything was perfect. For the time being, for the time being.When I was 11 years old, my youngest was bornsister _ All my childhood ...
  • I live with an unloved husband
    It's one o'clock in the morningmy husband is not at home. We had a fight. My head is in turmoil. I want to get a divorce. For a long time. With every quarrel, and they have become frequent, I see only this way out. I understand that people don't change. You can't trust anyone, not even the father of...
  • Mom says I'm setting a bad example for my daughter
    I'm 31 years old, I have a six year olddaughter _ Divorced for 5 years. I live in my parents’ apartment, and my parents live in the village. I work in a hospital, and sometimes I have night shifts (since there’s not enough money to work just one day a day, so I take night shifts 4-5 times a month) a...
  • I don't blame my father, but I'm very sorry for my mother
    I accidentally found out that my father has a woman on his side. Now I'm afraid that he will find out about this andmother .I have been living separately from my parents for a couple of years now. I inherited from my grandmother a small apartment in the city center. One day, while walking home from ...
  • I refused to look after my mother-in-law
    My name is Alesya. Not Olesya, but Alesya. This is the name he gave mefather _ He served in Belarus and there he fell in love with a girl with that name. But she got cancer and died. Dad married mom after 30 years, but couldn’tforget your Alesya. And when was she born?daughter , he immediately said ...
  • Problems communicating with old mother
    My mother is 74 years old. At one time she worked as a teacher, then in a management position until retirement. We started having problems in our relationship with her a long time ago.There were two of us in the family. The older brother and I are the younger onedaughter _ As a child, my brother suf...
  • I never could understand my mother
    I don’t know why I’m writing all this. All the people involved in this story have long been dead, but it still haunts me when I remember it.This is the story of my mother's life. My mother’s childhood was not easy (my grandfather gave in a lot, and when he drank, he became simply uncontrollable). Bu...
  • Why does a son need such grandparents?
    When my son was 7 months old, I warned mymy parents’ husband that I’m not going to tell my child about wonderful grandparents. Let them take part in his upbringing, and he himself will understand that they are his best.Myfather andmy mother lives in the same city as us, my husband’s parents live in ...
  • What's the point of living for yourself?
    I am 34 years old and have never been in a relationship. I haven’t dated any guys, let alone even kissed. Every morning begins with sadness that I am still alone and as time passes, I am increasingly deprived of the opportunity to meet my soul mate.Sometimes I try to start searching, and I frantical...
  • When I found my brother and sister, I realized that they didn’t need me
    I don’t remember my father at all; he left my mother seven months after the wedding, and I was already born without him. Now I am fifty-two years old and in all this time I have never seen him. Mom suffered a lot after he left, and all of herlife didn't work out because of him. This year she will tu...
  • How to attract parents' attention?
    I am the youngest child in the family. Parents do not live together. There is an older onesister and brother. My sister and brother now live separately. I haven't yet. I was never a problem child. I study well enough. I never had a close relationship with my parents, I never shared my experiences wi...
  • I'm afraid that if I leave my husband, he won't accept me back.
    I have a difficult situation in a relationship, I need to make a decision, but I am constantly mentally tossed from side to side out of fear that the decision will be wrong and I will regret it.II’ve been married for 7 years, I’m 29. Yesson 6 years old. The child is hyperactive from birth with an im...