
  • Tired of sadness and loneliness
    Since childhood, I dreamed of a big family, so that I would have a family member besides my mother.brother orsister _ Dad died early, when I was 6 years old. I don't remember him at all.Four years latermom came outmarried _ How I wanted my mother to have a child. But my dream did not come true, and ...
  • Mom got cats and ruined the apartment
    I found the site by accident and decided to share my sore point too. The point is that myMom brings cats into the house. As a result, our fully comfortable two-roomthe apartment has turned into a natural homeless shelter. Everything is torn, gnawed, and spoiled by animals.A couple of years ago, my h...
  • Mom controls my every move and gets offended for any reason.
    I live with a constant feeling of guilt before my mother, although I didn’t do anything wrong. Mom was already in her early thirties, and she married my dad just togive birth to a child and leave her parents, who constantly blamed her for not being able to arrange her personallife _ ButWithout love,...
  • I realized my mistake too late
    It happened a long time ago, in the summer of 2000. I was 13 years old then. A new one moved into our next doorfamily with two daughters. The eldest of them was 12 years old.There were a lot of us of about the same age in our high-rise building, and we spent days together: we played, sang, walked, h...
  • My ex-wife ruined my life
    My wife and I divorced after 10 years of marriage. We have a child. Over the years we have had quarrels and scandals, and in recent years they have only intensified. I loved her very much and tried in every possible way to save ourmarriage , persuaded her to go to a psychologist, try to make concess...
  • A childhood you don't want to remember
    I don’t want to complain, because I consider myself a happy woman who has a wonderfulhusband and four children I love dearly. But I simply have to share my secrets with you.My mom came outShe got married at 19 and gave birth to me at 20. First timemother and father lived in perfect harmony, but over...
  • Я убил Вашу дочь
    -Я убил Вашу дочь, — спокойным голосов в 7 утра оповестил мой зять. Но обо всем по порядку.Настенька – моя старшая дочка, в этом году ей бы исполнилось 22. Так получилось, что отца Настеньки я толком не знала, мы были знакомы пару дней, потом провели вместе 14 дне в пансионате в Крыму и разъехались....
  • A child from his first marriage is the meaning of my husband’s life
    a story about a woman who doesn't want to raise a childhusband from his first marriage, I decided to write my own.My husband and I dated for a very long time (about 6-8 years) before entering intomarriage _ I love him and value him, but there is a problem - his exwife _ My man is a little over 40 an...
  • I don’t want to limit myself only to family
    I am twenty three years old,married , child is three years old, goes to kindergarten. I can’t go back to my previous place of work, a person has already been hired there, I started looking for a new job, but I started getting sick oftenson _ Many friends said that it is better to stay at home with a...
  • My parents kicked me out of the house
    I am 36 years old. At 28 (2008) she gave birth to a child withouthusband , as they say for themselves. I always lived with my parents,the mother helped with the baby, although she first suggested an abortion. Ever since I found out that Ipregnant , didn’t have relationships with men until 2015. Didn...
  • Native people
    I'm 35 years old, noI am married , I work and rent a house. This takes half of my earnings, so I can’t even dream of saving for my own apartment.There are three children in our family. My father died early, I, as the eldest, helped my mother raise my brothers. Then she went to study in the capital, ...
  • Hello from the past
    It seems like nothing special. At least at first glance. In any case, it quite scared me when it happened, and, remembering this story after the past three years, I became somewhat worried.I was dating a guy, I was fifteen at the time, he was eighteen. We had been dating for a little over a year at ...
  • My wife did not appreciate my love and cheated
    I read the stories of people on this site, read the comments, and somehow I felt sad. The one who cheated is an innocent victim, and the one who was cheated on is simply a monster and is to blame for everything in the world. I am silent about gender and the priorities associated with it.The topic of...
  • My daughter annoys his mom
    I divorced my husband several years ago and have a five-year-olddaughter Lisa, and a year ago I met a man, I love him and I know that he loves me too. They also got along with Lisa right away, but we haven’t been able to live together yet, hemom doesn't like minedaughter _ I often visit their home a...
  • I always had to wear my sister's clothes
    My sister and Imy mother raised me alonemy father left the family when we were still little, I hardly even remember him anymore. He went to live in another city and only occasionally sent usmoney , but he never came. It was hard for my mother to earn money on her own, so I had to wear my sister’s cl...
  • Mom's pet
    I'm disgusting, angry, ill-mannered. Say whatever you want, I don’t care. My life is still completely useless and I should probably end it. I hate minemother . I am 36 years old, she is 61. I have no prospect of waiting for her death and starting to live.Alllife from early childhood: she forced me t...
  • My early and unsuccessful marriage
    My name is Elena. I am 27 years old. Imarried _ I have two children. I am constantly in a state of tension. I can't just enjoy life.At school I was an excellent student, I sincerely believed in my successfuture _ After school I entereduniversity _ My studies were going well, but I was more intereste...
  • The guy doesn't introduce me to his family
    I’ve been together with my boyfriend for a year now, I’m 29, he’s 31, but he doesn’t want to introduce me to his mother and other relatives. He met my mother after two months of dating me. Although mineAt first, my mother was a little dissatisfied, saying that I invited him to visit early, but then ...
  • Gave birth to a child in a civil marriage
    My man and I have been together for five years, and have been “friends” all this time. During this time he called me several timesget married and move in together. But every time something stops me.Two years ago I decided to break up with him, but I found out that Ipregnant by him. So we stayed toge...