
  • Я убил Вашу дочь
    -Я убил Вашу дочь, — спокойным голосов в 7 утра оповестил мой зять. Но обо всем по порядку.Настенька – моя старшая дочка, в этом году ей бы исполнилось 22. Так получилось, что отца Настеньки я толком не знала, мы были знакомы пару дней, потом провели вместе 14 дне в пансионате в Крыму и разъехались....
  • A child from his first marriage is the meaning of my husband’s life
    a story about a woman who doesn't want to raise a childhusband from his first marriage, I decided to write my own.My husband and I dated for a very long time (about 6-8 years) before entering intomarriage _ I love him and value him, but there is a problem - his exwife _ My man is a little over 40 an...
  • My parents kicked me out of the house
    I am 36 years old. At 28 (2008) she gave birth to a child withouthusband , as they say for themselves. I always lived with my parents,the mother helped with the baby, although she first suggested an abortion. Ever since I found out that Ipregnant , didn’t have relationships with men until 2015. Didn...
  • I started to hate my daughter
    The daughter's father left when she was two months old. My daughter was not an easy child; she began to speak only when she was three years old, but even now she cannot form sentences normally, although she is already 12 years old. After much torment and visits to doctors, she was finally diagnosed ...
  • I can't choose between my two girls
    I've been dating my girlfriend for over three years. It all started when we were in school. I met her on New Year’s Eve and fell in love at first sight and proposed dating her the very next day. She was a very closed person then, but I constantly fought against her complexes and helped her become mo...
  • I can’t understand and forgive my mother-in-law
    I understand with my mind that my mother-in-law treats me normally, but I can’tforgive her words, her rudeness, her neglect.From time to time we quarrel. And at these moments my mother-in-law really offends me. Now it has accumulated so much that I can’t break myself inside. I communicate externally...
  • How to react to such a situation?
    Everyone who communicates with me knows that I react sharply and actively to socialproblems , I am indignant, I write complaints, letters, and participate in social activities. And I couldn’t close my eyes to this problem. But now I really need the advice of caring people so that I can make the righ...
  • My father brags about my successes, although he abandoned his family when I was three years old
    I live with my mothermy father left us when I was three years old (now 19). Now he lives in another city with a new family and he has anotherson _All these years he practically did not manifest himself at all, only sometimes on holidays. For alimonyHis mother didn’t give, she was proud, but he was h...
  • Mom's pet
    I'm disgusting, angry, ill-mannered. Say whatever you want, I don’t care. My life is still completely useless and I should probably end it. I hate minemother . I am 36 years old, she is 61. I have no prospect of waiting for her death and starting to live.Alllife from early childhood: she forced me t...
  • My adult daughters hate me
    My daughters are 37 and 32 years old. The eldest has a family and a four-year-old son, the youngest is alone. Last year we moved in with them, we have our own separate housing. I rarely visit them, only by invitation and permission.I propose to take care of recreation, development of grandchildren (...
  • The guy doesn't introduce me to his family
    I’ve been together with my boyfriend for a year now, I’m 29, he’s 31, but he doesn’t want to introduce me to his mother and other relatives. He met my mother after two months of dating me. Although mineAt first, my mother was a little dissatisfied, saying that I invited him to visit early, but then ...
  • After two divorces, I don't believe in a happy family life
    I don't know what to do in my situation. I am 32 years old and have already been married twice. And both times he got divorced because his wives cheated on him. Both lacked love and it’s not clear why. They both said I was a robot. It's a shame. I have never offended them in any way, I always havemo...
  • Ex-son-in-law abused child
    Whendaughter and son-in-law divorced, they could not agree on who would stay with themson _ My grandson was 5 years old at the time. After much debate, we came to an agreement thatthe child will live with his father, buthis mother will be able to see him every weekend and during the holidays. My dau...
  • What will my husband's envy lead to?
    My husband always earned more than me, and I considered it natural. But on the other hand, all everyday issues were entrusted to me. The husband did not participate in anything, did not help, but only demanded that everything be done on time. God forbid I didn’t have time to clean or cook! Then I li...
  • My husband's unfulfilled dreams
    After the first unsuccessful experience of family relationships, it took me a very long time to come to my senses, work, raisedaughter and spent all her free time with her family. And I never thought about linking my destiny with anyone.And so it happened, our relatives invited us to the wedding, it...
  • The ups and downs of my life
    I had a regular onefamily - me,mom and dad. We lived in a small town. My mother has a nativesister Olya. The age difference between them is several years and Aunt Olya hasdaughter Tanya. She is 2 years younger than me. When we were very young, we were often taken to a village near the city to see ou...
  • Или подруга, или враг
    Со своим парнем я прожила более полугода. Не стану скрывать: у нас было многое. В том числе и измены. С его стороны, правда. Однако это было поначалу, и сейчас он вроде как не изменяет мне.И все же основная проблема не только в нем. Основная проблема — это наша общая подруга (не знаю, могу ли я так ...
  • My boyfriend's father is interfering with our relationship
    I'm divorced and have an eight year oldson _ More than a year ago I met a young man whom I loved with all my soul, my feelings for him are so strong that I cannot imagine my future life without him, he is dear to me in everything, I feel that he is my man.All my family love and respect him. He calls...
  • I don't feel love for my newborn baby
    The child is planned and very long-awaited. The pregnancy went well, the baby’s father and I are wonderfulrelationship _ While still pregnant, I did not feel love for the new person inside me. I didn’t talk to my belly, like many expectant mothers. I thought that whenthe child will be born - then he...
  • I want to give up my child because I can’t support myself
    I tied minelife with the wrong person. Now I really regret this.It all started 3 years ago. We met and almost immediately began to live together. It all started after I got pregnant. She gave birth to a child, his drinking began, he raised his hand three times. After the last time, I went with my ch...