
  • I believed in my man when even my own mother abandoned him
    Been twiceMarried . Now the third tank. I met my man a little later than I wanted. But the whole journey was worth it. Now I know for sure that it’s familyhappiness must be earned.MyWhen we first met, my husband had a whole range of psychological problems - lack of self-confidence (he has an incurab...
  • The price of betrayal
    My sister's husband loved her. He loved her very much, and this was obvious to both close people and casual acquaintances. There could be no mistake here. And how she loved him! From school. Adultson , but they looked like newlyweds.They are always there, eye to eye, you can describe for a long time...
  • Black and white
    I often read this forum, and I noticed that many stories are extremely categorical, but not everything in our life is divided into black and white, a person does not always have a choice according to the rule, this is good and this is bad.For example, my mother-in-law is very offended that we no lon...
  • Sorry for the happiness, mom!
    My name is Natalia, I am 36 years old and I decided to confess, pour out all thatthe pain and bitterness that have haunted me all these long and difficult 20 years. This is how long I have not communicated with my dearest person, my mom. On March 22, my mother will turn 60 years old, and not only wi...
  • I'm ashamed that I never learned to understand people
    My real life story is not naive, it reminds me more that I never learned to understand people. It will soon be 3 years since I met a young man. He’s from Russia, I’m not, I’ve lived abroad for many years, but I’m a Siberian, just like him. Initially, everything was fine, simple and went on its own, ...
  • How to react to such an act of your husband?
    Married for two years. UThis is my husband 's secondmarriage . My parents were against such a marriage, butMom said he was divorcedthe man is unreliable. She believes that no woman will divorce a good husband, especially if there ischild .I was 29 and I didn't want to wait for someone else,I liked m...
  • From hatred to love and betrayal
    I lived with my dad and mom. I graduated from school and entered college. And a year later myDarling father died. Mom became a widow at the age of 39. She endured a year of mourning, was alone for another year, then she met a man 7 years younger than her and brought him into the house. I now have a ...
  • Disgust towards husband's parents
    I'm very angry with my parentshusband . They twist and manipulate him as they want, and especially himmother . When they came to match me, they promised to buy a house, I believed it, because I thought that they had this opportunity, because you couldn’t call them poor.Then we got married, and these...
  • My husband hit me during an argument
    My husband hit me during an argument. Broke my lip.We quarreled with his aunt (he is an orphan). She was again the first to start a scandal. She climbs everywhere. I'm already tired of it.He always protected me before. He really told me not to snap back. There were times when I was silent. But she s...
  • История про измену и ее забавные последствия
    Моя история очень длинная и, возможно, мало кто захочет её прочесть. Зато она откровенная и на 100% правдивая. Может быть, кому-то он даст пищу для размышления. Начнем-с.Ох и нравится мне самой себе трепать нервы… Все натыкаюсь на шипы и зачем-то ищу и изучаю свою вину в этих попаданиях. Но вот сейч...
  • I'm worried about my husband's past
    My name is Karina, I'm 24 years old. I’ve been married for a year; before that I dated my husband for a year. When we met, thenmy husband did not immediately tell me that he was married, and that in that marriage he hadchild . I was not happy about this news, because I did not want and do not want t...
  • With three children, I am completely financially dependent on my husband.
    Imother of three children. I have two daughters (9 and 8 years old) and a little son who is 4 months old.Lately it has been very difficult to communicate with my husband. He changed very much, became angry and aggressive, and I began to answer him the same. I no longer have the strength to endure co...
  • Confession of a random witness to a crime
    This happened on March 7th of this year. After a corporate party dedicated to International Women's Day, I returned home with a small bouquet of tulips and a cake. The journey from work to home is about 15 minutes, but you have to walk along a small path through a park, which is well lit and calm. O...
  • Mother understands that I have not forgiven her
    I've always heard thatMom is sacred and must be loved. I love minemother , but I can'tforget the hurt she caused me.When I was six years old, I decided that I wanted to become an artist. While my mother was at work and my grandmother was minding her own business, I put on my mother’s makeup and tied...
  • My husband wants everything to be the same as before
    Came outI got married at the age of 20, so I ran away from my tyrant son-in-law, living with my sister, then from my father’s unbearable character, living with him. AboutI won’t tell you about the mother of a tyrant and despot, with whom I lived until I was 13, there is nothing good there.Then rejec...
  • Life's difficulties couldn't break me
    I have always been an optimist in life, and no matter what happened, I tried to look for the positive in any situation. I remember very well how one of the teachers at the university said about me, they say, the smile never leaves your face and everyone would have the same attitude as me. And, indee...
  • I can't find a common language with my mother
    I’ve been reading life stories from this site for a long time and now it’s time to tell my own.I am an ordinary young woman, married for several years. We live on rent, we both work, we are happy with everything, we have no children.Now to the point. I havemother 55+, widowed for almost three years....
  • I can no longer live with my unloved wife
    He got married because he was afraid to be alone. My mother was already old (she gave birth to me at 39 years old), my father was gone, and neither were my sisters or brothers.I didn't love my future wife, but I was sure that I would be a good husband and father. She and I grew up together, went to ...
  • The war never ends
    I read a story about a girl, Anna, who was forced to live with relatives who did not appreciate the fact that she was fleeing the war.Anna, I strongly advise you to see a psychologist, because you are not healthy. No, this is not an insult or an attempt to infringe on you. Just understand, the war n...
  • Eternal Sacrifice
    I just want to speak out; I’m embarrassed to talk to my parents and friends. Since childhood I have been a victim. At school, I was humiliated and insulted by boys from my classmates, one of whom was especially cruel. He and his friends mocked me right during the lesson, when I stood at the blackboa...