
  • I lost weight so that nothing would remind me of my ex-husband.
    Five years ago I divorced my husband. Before this, he had hinted to me more than once, and then directly told me that I needed to lose a little weight. To my insults, he replied: “I’m still flattering you about the ‘slightly’ thing, I’m ashamed that you’re so fat.” I realized that he stopped loving ...
  • I'm losing faith in my husband
    Married to my husband for 4 years, together for 7 years, have a 3 year oldchild, who has already gone to kindergarten. He gets sick 2 times a month, so I can’t go to work. I’m terribly tired of everything, I just sit in the evening and sob from powerlessness. My husband is always on business trips, ...
  • My sister wants to get a divorce, but she is afraid that her husband will kill her
    With my future husband my youngestsister went to the same class. They got married early, at the age of 20. “Out of great love,” as she said, but in reality it was just in the air. 7 months after the wedding, they had a childson, who is now 4 years old.To meMy sister never liked her husband: he was c...
  • Uninteresting games with my husband
    Two years ago myhusband started playing a popular online game. I played for a couple of months, then I noticed that he always had ICQ open. And after checking our computer, I found files with messages to a certain Tatiana in the city of Odessa: congratulations on her birthday, all sorts of postcards...
  • На волоске от смерти
    Развод не дал мне облегчения. Единственное, что меня теперь не задевало то, что мне передавали про бывшего мужа. Теперь мне не было больно, ведь теперь он не мой. А проблемы у меня добавились. Бывший муж то не жил в квартире, то через полгода объявлялся и проживал в зале. Был раньше закон такой, кто...
  • I'm trying to open my husband's eyes to his mother
    As I understand the author of the story about the unscrupulous mother-in-law. But whoever has a shameless mother-in-law is me!My mother-in-law inherited two apartments from my parents, she allowed my husband and I to live in one, but she threw in her sick, immobile mother! I looked after her for thr...
  • My husband doesn't want children together
    MyI have a husbanddaughter from her first marriage, she is 9 years old. From the very beginningthe relationship didn't work out. My husband couldn’t arrange them correctly, I was very jealous. And recently I became pregnant by accident, andThe husband was categorically against the child. He insisted...
  • Husband spoils his daughter from his first marriage
    I knew that my futureI have a husbandchild from his first marriage. When we got married, his daughter was 5 years old. But I didn’t expect that the girl would live with us for a week and with her mother for a week. She is capricious and hostile towards me. Apparently he hopes thatMom and dad will st...
  • Strong and lonely woman
    Now I'm 45 years old, I'm sitting in my house and remembering all mylife . All my life I have been a careerist, and I have always put my career above everything else. At first it wassport ,my mother raised me to be an athlete and wanted me to be the best.Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, it’s har...
  • Why are only married men attracted to me?
    Like every woman, I want to be happy. Want to havehusband , children. But now everything is so confused for me that it just happens that it’s so depressing that you think, is this really how life should be?I lived for 10 years with a frigid husband. We didn't have children. And I really wanted to be...
  • After my divorce, all men annoy me
    I am 38 years old, yesson 13 years old, I don'tMarried . All neighbors, parents, friends have been repeating one thing for the last 10 years: “When will youWill you find yourself a husband ?"But I do not wantI got married , I was there once, lived there for three years, got divorced and don’t want t...
  • About our medicine and our doctors
    A wonderful person has passed away - myhusband Andrey Vladimirovich. Calm, modest, always reserved and... very fair. A clean, bright person. I am sure that all residents of our small village would subscribe to these words. There are few people like Andrey. These character traits destroyed him. If he...
  • I can't risk my children for my own happiness.
    Before I start telling my life story, I ask those who read it to give me advice and leave their opinions. I will be very grateful to you.I am 28 years old, I have three sons and I am a widow. My husband died in an accident a year and a half ago. And I was left with three children, I won’t say that I...
  • The only reasonable way out of this situation is divorce.
    A story about betrayalMy husband and I were hooked, because I was in exactly the same situation. The only difference is that we still live together for the sake of the children. I don’t even follow his hobbies anymore; somehow everything has become indifferent to me.The first time I found out about ...
  • She didn’t forgive her husband’s next betrayal, even for the sake of her little son.
    I’ve known my husband since school, dated for three years, got married, and now our family is already 10 years old. It was biglove , we lived wonderfully. Recently we decided that it was timegive birth to a child and now our son is one and a half years old.It would seem that live and be happy, but I...
  • How to return your husband to your family?
    My name is Zarina, I’m writing a continuation of my story “I’m afraid to leave my child without a father,” I need yourshelp and advice. My husband and I have been living separately for three weeks now, and he comes to visit the baby twice a week, but this doesn’t make it any easier for me. I don't k...
  • Mother doesn't love my child
    Today there was a conflict with my mother because she does not love my youngest daughter.I am 32 years old,married for the second time, together for 7 years. We have three children, all girls, the oldest is 11 years old (she is from her first marriage), the middle one is 2 years and 7 months old, th...
  • I hate my husband
    I want to admit that I hate my husband with all my soulhusband .We have been married for almost 7 years. We both work and live in my apartment. But the fact is that he doesn’t care about me at all, but he doesn’t want to get a divorce either. Can easily insult or swear in response to some of mya que...
  • I don't envy my ex-girlfriend
    I hada classmate with whom we were even friends for a bit, but then we quarreled because of her arrogance and gossip. Dasha loved not only to tell our friends our secrets, but also to lie for greater interest in history. After one such incident, I told her that I don’t need onegirlfriend . She was r...
  • Sister's will
    I have two sisters - one is 4 years older than me, and the other is 2 years younger. Once upon a time there were 5 sisters, but the 2 oldest died. We are all already retired. The sisters live not far from each other, and I am in another city 500 km away.Everything was fine until recently, we communi...