
  • Confessions of a complex girl
    I am 23 years old. I have a completely normal weight: 55 kg for a height of 175. It seems pretty, but I don’t like a lot about myself. I have some kind of incomprehensible addiction to food and I can not control myself. At first, I really want to eat something (and in abnormally large quantities), a...
  • Why do I need such a family
    In our young family, at first the phrase “I will divorce you!” sounded like something terrible, like an extreme, like a threat. And later it became commonplace. Probably, many people remember the story about the boy and the wolves? The guy created a false alarm, and when the wolves really came, onno...
  • Is it possible to resurrect our relationship with a guy?
    I haverelationship with a guy has been going on for 7 years. At first he stubbornly looked after me, for about a year. At that time I was going through a turning point, since my dearest dad died, there was bitterness in my soul, it was lonely. And somehow he became like family to me. And everything....
  • I have no idea about family
    Мне 34 года. Начну с того, что представлений о семье у меня никогда не было. Меня воспитывала одна мама и та время от времени уходила в загулы. Она меня любила, но какой-то материнской теплоты и заботы я не чувствовала. С отцом она развелась, когда я только родилась, и он уехал в Украину, где до сих...
  • For the money set aside for our wedding, the guy decided to buy a car
    We have been living with a guy for three years, we are 26 years old. Many times they planned a wedding, evenWe were saving money , since Kirill's parents cannot help us, they are building a dacha. I have only onemom and babysister , whose mother pays for education, so we have no one to rely on. Last...
  • I was worried about my boyfriend's attitude to his mother
    I'm catchygirl , and I have a lot of fans, but I just can’t create a normal relationship with any guy. Either I am harmful or picky, I find some flaws in everyone. I myself wonder why I am like this, really I won’t love anyone like that and I’ll be left alone. Mythe guy I'm dating now seems to like ...
  • First love lives quietly in my heart
    It all started 15 years ago. Then I was 14 years old, and for the first time in my life I fell in love! One of the May evenings, he invited me and my sister to visita guy who later became her sister's husband. We arrived at the appointed time. In addition to us, three more guys and two girls also ca...
  • My hopes for a happy family life did not come true
    Three days ago I turned 30 and I raised that I was all alone. The first bell of change came at the age of 20. I fell in love, but a week before the weddingthe guy went to the girl for 16 years, I practically died, it was unrealistically painful, for 4.5 years I existed, and did not live, waiting for...
  • Не могу пережить расставание
    Мне 24 года и совсем недавно у меня была жизнь, которая делала меня счастливой. С моим бывшим парнем мы жили два года, до этого были лучшими друзьями. Жили в его квартире, поэтому большую часть техники купила я. Мы всегда поддерживали друг друга и часто устраивали «дружеские вечера», где делали вид,...
  • Я между двух огней по своей вине
    Мне 21 год. Вчера у меня появился второй молодой человек. Чувствую себя ужасно. Омерзительно. Но ничего не могу с этим поделать. Я социально активный человек, обожаю находиться в центре внимания, чувствую себя в крупных компаниях, как рыба в воде. У меня хорошо подвешен язык, и почти с каждым челове...
  • How can I trust my boyfriend now?
    Mythe guy told my mom that I was sick like a woman (vaginal candidiasis). I didn’t tell him not to tell anyone, I thought it was so clear. She didn’t write to me, but she wrote to him, outraged, and told me to get checked for everything.infection , apparently, she thought that I had something, that ...
  • Two identical scenarios of my love
    I am 20 years old. I have had two long term relationships. Some lasted 3 years, and the second - six months. The first relationship was quite difficult, because both I and the guy were the first. Therefore, they made many mistakes in behavior. They often quarreled, but somehow smoothed out the corne...
  • I want to go home, but I'm afraid to upset my parents
    From a small town, I went to conquer the capital. For those who were born in Moscow, the city is more or less suitable for life, but for the rest it is very harsh. This affects, first of all, when hiring. The employer understands that you did not then come to the capital in order to return home as a...
  • Зачем только я так поступила?
    Дело было еще в школе, года два тому назад. Был там один мальчик, на несколько лет младше меня. Привязался ко мне как банный лист, если честно, не давал проходу, постоянно навязывал мне свое общество. Считал меня своим другом, доверял все свои секреты. Да и я ему кое-что о себе рассказывала. Но, нес...
  • My boyfriend likes loose girls
    I have been talking with a guy for two months, we saw each other 5 times in total during this period. We are 24 years old. All meetings were held at his house watching movies, we eat, play consoles and communicate. I am very shy, I need support in communication so that the conversation is led by th....
  • Tired of being ugly
    My story will not resemble most of the others, there will not be many facts and twists of fate in it, I'm just tired, I just want to throw off this burden from myself. I did not have a father, he left me and my brother when we were 2 and 3 years old (I am older), so it is not surprising that after s...
  • West is here
    A hefty negro called out to me as I was taking the lacquered door from the kitchen cabinet out into the yard to dry. We dried them in a separate drying room, with infrared heating and an extractor, but there was a large order, there was not enough space in the dryer, and a sunny and warm September d...
  • The guy is very quick-tempered and irritable and I want to part with him
    I am 25 years old, I have a young man who is 29. We love each other and want to have children, but we do not live together yet (although there is where). The problem is that we are afraid of not getting along. He is very irritable. Often gets upset because of trifles: spilled tea can make him scream...
  • My experience of life with Alphonse
    I had a situation similar to the one described in this story. And it also seemed that the whole snag was in the proposal. I make good money and I gladly invest a fair amount in my house, which I built myself, so that it is beautiful and bright. Yes, and household "little things" in the form of utili...
  • I'm afraid of losing my husband, whom I have been waiting for so long
    Once I fell in love very much with a young man (let's call him A.), it was in 2005, I was 15 years old, he was 16. He was wonderful, interesting, sociable, the soul of the company, but did not enjoy success with girls. I was pretty humble too. In general, I fell in love with him unrequitedly. Out of...