
  • I didn’t expect the guy to agree to break up so easily
    I am now in some kind of abstraction and I need an outside opinion. My boyfriend and I decided to break up; we were together for 2.5 years, of which we lived together for almost a year. We are the couple who overcamelong distance relationship , we were faithful to each other, we really had a good ti...
  • I want to stop thinking about a guy who doesn't care about me
    My name is Masha, I'm 16 years old. Let me start with the fact that last year one of my parents came to our city for the holidays.boy . It is very important that he has a twin brother. Since my friend and I walked all day long, we could have crossed paths with them four times in a couple of hours. T...
  • Парень не может поставить на место свою бывшую девушку
    Три года назад я познакомилась с парнем. Он стал ухаживать, через два месяца мы начали встречаться. Мы оба живем в другой стране.Через два месяца отношений он отправился на родину на две недели. Я его очень ждала, он приехал и все были прекрасно. Еще через два месяца (все даты называю приблизительно...
  • Troubled relationship with younger brother
    Worried about my little brother. He is 24 years old. Ever since his school years, he was not particularly sociable, he had a couple of friends and that’s it. The older I got, the more I closed myself off. After graduating from school, I finally broke ties with my classmates. As a result, he is now 2...
  • Confession of a future programmer
    Summer is coming to an end and very soon I will have to go to school again. I am a 3rd year student at a famous Kyiv university and am studying to become a programmer. More precisely, I thought that I was studying, but in fact... But first things first.I entered this terrible faculty “for company” w...
  • After my wife's betrayal and divorce, I lost the meaning of life
    My wife and I started to deterioraterelationships are out of the blue. She stays at home with the children, doesn't work, I haveproblems at work and this bad mood comes home with me, and if at home something is wrong, then I start up half-turning.We swore without hands, without swearing, we just say...
  • Подруга-ревнивица
    Когда я училась в институте, то подружилась с одной приятной девушкой. Назовем её Аня. Вместе проучились год и продолжили общение. Сложилась компания из Ани, меня, Аниной сестры и еще одной нашей общей подруги из института — Веры.Подруг у меня мало, я ими дорожу. Когда Аня познакомилась и начала вст...
  • I live with my alcoholic husband just for my mother-in-law
    I’m from the provinces, I came to Moscow to study and met a guy. He looked after me beautifully, gave gifts, I realized that he was from a wealthy family, since he himself did not work. He said it was temporary. He dropped out of the university because he didn’t like the specialty chosen by his pare...
  • I didn’t expect such an act from myself
    I almost cheated on my husband, but please don’t judge me right away. I just can’t tell this to anyone else.My husband and I have been together for 10 years, there isson (3 years old). Last 2 yearsThe relationship has deteriorated greatly. It's like there's some kind of crisis. She suggested going t...
  • Why does this guy do this to me?
    I am 19 years old. The guy too. Together for 3 years. Now both are at university. He has always been the kind of person who devotes himself completely to work and his responsibilities, and takes such things very seriously. I have always greatly admired this trait of his character (because I myself l...
  • My husband is acting strange
    Married for about 5 years. My husband behaves strangely in public all the time, as if he is not in a relationship. He frolics in dances with young people at events, runs away from the crowd where I’m dancing, somehow embarrassed for himself. But okay, since he loves dancing, what can you do.Recently...
  • Forgive me, my love!
    I have experienced this story many times in my dreams. She doesn't give me peace. I told it only to those closest to me, expecting not consolation, but support. And I know: mineguilt , my grave sin will remain with me throughoutlife .It all started extremely banal: an ordinary officialnovel . Two yo...
  • I'm ashamed of my sister
    My sister and I have always been very close. The age difference is only 2 years, I'm younger. We always went everywhere together, even had mutual friends. Alena has a very calm character, she always studied well and helped around the house, her parents had high hopes for her.And at the age of 20 she...
  • How I got to boarding school
    I live in Belarus and the main difference between the Belarusian school education system and the Russian one is a 10-point rather than a 5-point rating scale. There are other differences, such as those related to final exams. I won’t lie that I was allegedly taken away from my parents for some small...
  • When everything secret sooner or later becomes clear
    The story is not mine, but that of my very good friend, but told with his permission.Once upon a time there wasfamily , been together for 15 years, two children, two wonderful girls - 17 and 7 years old, both beauties and smart people to look for. My friend works in a large government. corporation, ...
  • What should I do with such love?
    I don't tell anyone anything. My parents understand why, but I don’t have any friends as such, and probably never will. The fact is that 3 years ago I fell in love with a guy. At first I thought it was all for fun, I was kidding, then I realized that I liked it. And in the winter of 2012, somehow in...
  • How I became the fourth wife of the man I love
    It all started so beautifully. We met him through mutual friends. Vlad, adultman , he’s 39 years old, I’m 22, I painfully broke up with my boyfriend a month before we met. And he is married for the second time,my wife cheated and left. Two children remained with him - 4 and 6 years old. Boy and girl...
  • Hopes and illusions
    Been on this site for a long timeEvery day I read confessions and comments on them. I want to share my story.It was 2010. Almost soon New Year 2011, writes on the Interneta guy from the same city as me with the goal of meeting each other and chatting. It started to be casualcorrespondence online, de...
  • Why do parents do this?
    I read a story about a selfish brother and compared him to mine. My parents are also always on my son’s side, both in childhood and now.My brother is 4 years younger than me. He was always right, always the best for him. When he got married, everything was for his child, his grandson. And my daughte...
  • And neither friend nor enemy, but...
    My name is Victoria. I want to write about painful issues and find out your opinion. A few days ago I was admitted to the hospital. There is no dangerous disease, but I need to stay there for ten days.I haveThe guy I've been dating for two years now. And it so happened that he needed to go to anothe...