
  • Why do men raise their hands to their wives?
    Why do husbands raise their hands against their wives? Nobody thought that wives could force us husbands? Or everyone thinks that if he picked him up, then that’s it, he beats him up and everyone’s wife’s girlfriends and all the females talk about it, becausemy wife told me about it. Don't you ever ...
  • I realized my mistake too late
    It happened a long time ago, in the summer of 2000. I was 13 years old then. A new one moved into our next doorfamily with two daughters. The eldest of them was 12 years old.There were a lot of us of about the same age in our high-rise building, and we spent days together: we played, sang, walked, h...
  • Is it necessary to save a marriage just for the sake of children?
    I want to tell you my story to talk it out, because there is no one else.I met the man of my dreams, we met in the forest, somehow unexpectedly, when I was walking with my dog, he told me about his sympathy, that he saw me in the forest in the summer, and he liked me. He took my phone, sent all kind...
  • Я убил Вашу дочь
    -Я убил Вашу дочь, — спокойным голосов в 7 утра оповестил мой зять. Но обо всем по порядку.Настенька – моя старшая дочка, в этом году ей бы исполнилось 22. Так получилось, что отца Настеньки я толком не знала, мы были знакомы пару дней, потом провели вместе 14 дне в пансионате в Крыму и разъехались....
  • A child from his first marriage is the meaning of my husband’s life
    a story about a woman who doesn't want to raise a childhusband from his first marriage, I decided to write my own.My husband and I dated for a very long time (about 6-8 years) before entering intomarriage _ I love him and value him, but there is a problem - his exwife _ My man is a little over 40 an...
  • I don’t want to limit myself only to family
    I am twenty three years old,married , child is three years old, goes to kindergarten. I can’t go back to my previous place of work, a person has already been hired there, I started looking for a new job, but I started getting sick oftenson _ Many friends said that it is better to stay at home with a...
  • I met my love too late
    I recently met a person who touched me very deeply.My backstory is sad. I dated a guy, I was young, stupid, we quarreled, didn’t leave him on time, got pregnant, decided to get married. It was a mistake becausethe marriage did not last long. I was left alone with my daughter. It’s hard, but I’m used...
  • My parents kicked me out of the house
    I am 36 years old. At 28 (2008) she gave birth to a child withouthusband , as they say for themselves. I always lived with my parents,the mother helped with the baby, although she first suggested an abortion. Ever since I found out that Ipregnant , didn’t have relationships with men until 2015. Didn...
  • My daughter wasn't invited to the wedding
    My husband and I alllife tried to give their only daughter the best, but in return they received only her arrogance and discourteousattitude towards us.Since childhood, she had a weakness for beautiful things. We were happy about this, we thought thatmy daughter will grow up and escape from this vil...
  • My wife suddenly fell out of love
    I am 30, my wife is 24, my child is 2.5 years old. We have been in a relationship for 5 years.One day I came home from work, closed myself off, and only answered questions. I asked what happened, she said everything was fine. Then, after a couple of days, she said that she needed to get a divorce, t...
  • I always had to wear my sister's clothes
    My sister and Imy mother raised me alonemy father left the family when we were still little, I hardly even remember him anymore. He went to live in another city and only occasionally sent usmoney , but he never came. It was hard for my mother to earn money on her own, so I had to wear my sister’s cl...
  • Ex-son-in-law abused child
    Whendaughter and son-in-law divorced, they could not agree on who would stay with themson _ My grandson was 5 years old at the time. After much debate, we came to an agreement thatthe child will live with his father, buthis mother will be able to see him every weekend and during the holidays. My dau...
  • The ups and downs of my life
    I had a regular onefamily - me,mom and dad. We lived in a small town. My mother has a nativesister Olya. The age difference between them is several years and Aunt Olya hasdaughter Tanya. She is 2 years younger than me. When we were very young, we were often taken to a village near the city to see ou...
  • The guy kicked me out of the house
    I have the same situation. I am 20 years old, pregnant, 2 months old. I’m not committed to my boyfriend, although I’ve been living with him for 2 years. Only 3 months ago I had a miscarriage, after which I couldn’t recover for a long time, butthe guy was indifferent to both me and the situation itse...
  • My husband's strange hobbies
    Married for a little over three years. A few months after the wedding I sawhusband photo of a young lady, brunette. She asked who she was. He replied that it was from a dating site, which he had already deleted. They just communicate. From simple communication, he learned her height, weight, where s...
  • I don't feel love for my newborn baby
    The child is planned and very long-awaited. The pregnancy went well, the baby’s father and I are wonderfulrelationship _ While still pregnant, I did not feel love for the new person inside me. I didn’t talk to my belly, like many expectant mothers. I thought that whenthe child will be born - then he...
  • I'm afraid to trust my ex-husband again
    I am 30 years old, yeschild from first marriage, met secondhusband four years ago (he is now 35 years old). She fell in love and began to live together, everything was great in the relationship, in bed, and if they quarreled, it was only over trifles.When our marriage was a year old, one weekend I f...
  • Cheating mother-in-law
    The children grew up and could live here for themselves, but the mother-in-law fell ill, andthe husband said that he needed to take her to his place. I proved to my husband that with his mother moving, ourlife will change for the worse. But he insisted, saying that he was the only oneson can't leave...
  • The friend is to blame for not being able to keep her husband
    I didn't have much friends at school, but I had a faithfulfriend , we lived in neighboring buildings, where our parents live to this day. I went through everything with my friend! They even studied at the same institute. Each of us had a party at our wedding; we experienced or celebrated divorces to...
  • Mom says I'm setting a bad example for my daughter
    I'm 31 years old, I have a six year olddaughter _ Divorced for 5 years. I live in my parents’ apartment, and my parents live in the village. I work in a hospital, and sometimes I have night shifts (since there’s not enough money to work just one day a day, so I take night shifts 4-5 times a month) a...