
  • My husband hid from me that he has a child from his first marriage
    My future husband and I met not very romantically - on a dating site. Handsome, smart, fitman , 32 years old. We immediately found a common language, and after the first meeting I fell madly in love.I tried not to rush things, to find out more about him, to talk more. There were dates, bouquets of f...
  • Black and white
    I often read this forum, and I noticed that many stories are extremely categorical, but not everything in our life is divided into black and white, a person does not always have a choice according to the rule, this is good and this is bad.For example, my mother-in-law is very offended that we no lon...
  • I couldn't do otherwise
    My husband and I have been together for a long time and love each other. I have always believed that we have a strong and happyfamily . At first we were friends for a long time, and then we started dating. We had many difficulties in our lives, but we overcame everything, walking hand in hand. We ha...
  • I'm completely confused in my relationship
    I want to share my life story with you. II’ve been married for almost 8 years, I’m 27, my husband is 35. Yeschild . My husband is a family man and a good dad, but he stopped paying attention to me as a woman. When I was stillpregnant , he went to sleep in another room, he was afraid of accidentally ...
  • Men don't understand hints
    I am 31 years old, my son is 9 years old, I have been divorced for 6 years. Wererelationship , but it's not the same. I come across men who generally don’t want a serious relationship, or with the attitude that anything can happen. But there was one who proposed marriage, but turned out to be a tyra...
  • I don't like children
    I don’t like children, I haven’t since I was 22, right after I gave birth to my child. These terrible 9 months seem to have been the worst in my life.Then another hell began - the round-the-clock howling of a child. Life has changed, and it seems to me, not for the better: my personal time has disap...
  • My dearest and beloved grandmother
    My mother was five years old when she diedMother . She was taken to her grandmother, but a year later, when her grandfather married again, her mother was taken back to the family and soon they had another one.child , motherBrother . The grandmother did not want to give her back, she was afraid that ...
  • Husband named his daughter after his ex-girlfriend
    I've been married for 10 years. Strong happy friendlyfamily . The husband is reliable, smart, handsome, well-mannered, he doesn’t earn much money, but he tries. Three children - a boy and two girls.I don't work, if we don't have enough money, then myMother . She has her own business, her parentsyour...
  • How to react to such an act of your husband?
    Married for two years. UThis is my husband 's secondmarriage . My parents were against such a marriage, butMom said he was divorcedthe man is unreliable. She believes that no woman will divorce a good husband, especially if there ischild .I was 29 and I didn't want to wait for someone else,I liked m...
  • I don't want to live like my sister
    My eldestMy sister has been restless since childhood. In addition, he is the ringleader and authority figure in any company. Everyone predicted great things for herfuture careerist. But she chose a rather strange profession for herself - a pastry chef. Instead of going to university, I just went to ...
  • My husband made demands to change my appearance
    Married for six years, there ischild . My husband tried to woo me for a long time, but at that time I couldn’tforget your ex-boyfriend. When I calledmarried , agreed.After giving birth, I gained five extra pounds, but within a month I completely regained my previous figure. Over time, I gained a lit...
  • Well, where we do not
    My name is Elena, I am now 38 years old. I live in Germany permanently, and now I’m visiting my family. To be honest, I don’t know why I decided to write thisconfession ​I don't even know what I want to write. Probably just about myselflife .I left for Germany 10 years ago. I left our terrible life,...
  • Love and betrayal
    It all started out banal. Treason . There is a story on this site about howlover decidedreturn the wife to her husband. Everything was the same with my wife and I. Its shorta romance that ended in nothing. And then the fight for the family is one-sided.In the end, I gave up; it’s impossible to fight...
  • Alien but beloved child
    I’ll tell you one real story from life, so to speak, from the other side of the barricades than the author of this confession. Perhaps the author, who hates his wife and her spoiled child, will rethinkhis wife’s action and will be able to understand her. Or maybe not. The story is true, it happened ...
  • I really hope that my son will not grow up like his father and grandfather.
    I’ll start with a story from childhood; it has something in common with my adult life.Mythe father is a terrible abuser, or as they used to call it, a domestic tyrant. He humiliated and insulted my mother and my brother and me. He drank a lot and was not involved in our upbringing. We were very afra...
  • История про измену и ее забавные последствия
    Моя история очень длинная и, возможно, мало кто захочет её прочесть. Зато она откровенная и на 100% правдивая. Может быть, кому-то он даст пищу для размышления. Начнем-с.Ох и нравится мне самой себе трепать нервы… Все натыкаюсь на шипы и зачем-то ищу и изучаю свою вину в этих попаданиях. Но вот сейч...
  • My boyfriend's first marriage haunts me
    My boyfriend and I live together. Before me he hadmarriage and now his daughter is 2 years old. His firstthe wife does not allow either him or his parents to see the child and has cut off all ties with them. Only photos on social networks.Of course, he doesn’t talk about this to me or his parents in...
  • I've loved my husband's friend all my life, but I never decided to leave
    Such a banal, sad life story - I fell in love with a friendhusband .It was a long time ago. FutureMy husband proposed and she agreed. Thought it wasLove . We submitted an application and set a wedding day. Everything is fine. Then trips began to visit his and my relatives and friends, we are now a c...
  • I'm worried about my husband's past
    My name is Karina, I'm 24 years old. I’ve been married for a year; before that I dated my husband for a year. When we met, thenmy husband did not immediately tell me that he was married, and that in that marriage he hadchild . I was not happy about this news, because I did not want and do not want t...
  • I can never forgive my husband even for the sake of the children
    My husband and I have been together since our university days. There was a lot of good and bad too, but we survived everything, gave birth to a child, I decided thatlife got better and was happy in its own way.I often remember the first flowers my now ex-husband gave me, because it was a modest bouq...