
  • My husband's parents are turning him against me
    Second yearmarried with husbandThe relationship was good, he always helped me around the house and supported me in everything. but his parents (we lived together) were always unhappy with something. They reprimanded him that I was bad, I didn’t washrefrigerator , didn’t pour them tea, didn’t give th...
  • Unwanted pregnancy
    I am 30 years old. Diagnosed with infertility. To be honest, as a childfree person, I was happy and quietly lived a happy life.Here, like a bolt from the blue, there are 2 stripes. Some will call it a miracle, I will call it a terrible nightmare. For myself, I immediately decided that I would have a...
  • Damage to a deceased friend
    This story began with the fact that about two years ago, in the midst of winter, swarms of huge black flies began to suddenly and without reason appear in my house and just as unexpectedly disappear. Neither the construction nor the sanitary commissions could identify the reasons for such a “nice su...
  • My husband has no conscience at all
    While we were both working, I would get up earlier, cook breakfast for my husband and me, and he would give me a ride to work.Now I'm on maternity leave, the baby is only six months old, so if he sleeps, then I don't get up either. I often go to bed only in the morning. My husband is offended that h...
  • My husband is embarrassed of me
    I have observed this many times among friends and acquaintances, but to think that myMy husband will start to feel shy about me in public, I never could, it’s like a bad dream that you refuse to believe in until the end. And I could understand him if I really let myself go and stopped monitoring my ...
  • My eldest son annoys me
    I have two sons. The eldest is 5 years old, and the youngest is only 1.5 years old. I have terriblerelationship with my eldest son almost from his birth.This is desirablepregnancy and long-awaited child. But sometimes I get the feeling that he was born to torment us all. At first, he screamed nonsto...
  • I don't want to leave my daughter without a father
    I have known my wife for 6 years, 5 of which we have lived together. There were all sorts of things, both good and bad, in some ways I was wrong, and in others she was wrong.In the fifth year of marriageMy wife cheated on me at work. She sacrificed her family to become the mistress of a married man....
  • I don't like sex with my husband
    She didn't marry for love. Or rather, as it seemed to me, the futuremy husband loved me. He was attentive, caring and kind to me. I did everything I asked. Walked wherever I led. He seemed to be a serious and respectable person, he worked and was passionate about his work, he strived to create a fam...
  • Relationship with a married man has reached a dead end
    I’m 24 years old, I recently divorced my husband, who didn’t appreciate me at all, but that’s not the problem. I started dating a man who I liked back when I wasMarried . We met through friends, he had a small request for me, and I agreed to fulfill it. We met only a couple of times then, and then q...
  • I can't forgive my husband's parents
    It's hard for me to live with my parentshusband . I had severe onesrelationship with my mother, when we lived together, she constantly commanded me and reproached me. She said that I wouldn’t succeed in anything in life. She always discussed me with strangers. But in public she always pretended that...
  • My daughter hates and despises me
    It’s scary to write about hating your daughter, but that’s exactly how it is for me. The child was desired and was born in marriage. In two yearshusband left for his mistress because she was alreadypregnant _ He admitted that if not for this, he would not have left his family. What about our daughte...
  • I don't know how to live further
    Two years ago I met a man. He seemed to me an intelligent and deep person. And I also felt sorry for him. At that time, he had just gotten out of a very difficult situation. He once played hockey professionally, but an injury put an end to what might have been a brilliant career.Then he was engaged ...
  • I started to notice that I envy my married friends
    I'm 27 years old and I'm notMarried . There were fleeting novels, which, as it turned out later, meant nothing to me, the lastthe relationship ended a year ago. During this time I never met someone who would callgetting married and there is less and less hope for that very meeting.Lately I’ve starte...
  • The guy's parents are strangers to me
    I am 21 years old. I'm going out soonmarry your loved one. He's great, even wonderfulboy .We have been dating for a long time, we are going to get married, because we don’t want to lose each other, but he wants us to live with his parents. He's the only onechild in the family. His parents are old, b...
  • Mother-in-law should not be the head of the family
    Relationships in my family have reached a dead end. My husband and I met 5 years ago. Two and a half years ago he was born with uschild . Two years flew by like one day in worries and getting used to a new status. Mymother helped, came where to go for a walk, where to sit with the child, somewhere s...
  • I really wanted to become a mother
    How painful... There is only one question in my head: why? Another month of empty expectations and hopes, but I thought that everything had definitely worked out. But I'll tell you in order.I am 31 years old, married to my husband for 7 years. About 4 years ago we started thinking about becoming par...
  • Instead of the expected help from parents, I received only problems and complaints
    I envy my sister, who lives a thousand kilometers from her parents. I’m not only in the same city, but also on the same street. When my husband and I bought an apartment, I myself insisted that it be close to my father and mother, who would always help and sit with the grandchildren. But how wrong I...
  • I hate my mother-in-law and I don’t want her to communicate with her granddaughter
    I am 23 years old. Eathusband the same age and 8 months olddaughter . I'm looking for advice on how to deal with my own mother-in-law. I have a very big grudge against her.Even when my husband and I were dating, I noted that we would not communicate closely with my mother-in-law; I did not understan...
  • Do I need this kind of friendship?
    Myhusband has an elderbrother Maxim. We communicate well with him. He can just take a break between lessons (heteacher ) come visit me for tea. We sit and just talk about this and that.But Maxim is married. He has 3 children at home. And himmy wife started looking at me suspiciously. This is unpleas...
  • My parents didn't love me, now I don't love my son
    I really want to understand why myson Sasha? Everything about him irritates me: the fact that he doesn’t know how to ride a bike, doesn’t know how to skate, the fact that he’s as skinny as a horse, the fact that he constantly repeats some thought of his, that heevery day he waits for hisbirthday , a...