
  • Cheating wife
    My life story is similar to many other stories about betrayal.I am 40 years old, two children, married for 20 years. I have always been a very ambitious person, I have achieved a lot in business, I constantly come up with something and work hard. My wife, on the contrary, is quiet, has no special in...
  • How to bring love back into a relationship after cheating?
    I read a story here thatmy husband forgave the betrayal, but there are no old feelings, or rather, my husband gave it to me to read, it just made my hair stand on end.I’ll say right away that I’m not justifying myself in any way, I know that I acted terribly, you won’t tell me more and dirtier words...
  • The guy took revenge on me for cheating
    When I was 17 years old, I met two guys - Seryozha and Tima. Initially, I didn’t care whether they were there or not, we walked together in the evenings, I was alone among the guys.I began to like Seryozha, but we had nothing except kisses, then I realized what he wanted from me, naturally I did not...
  • Six years of deception
    I'm 50wife is 11 years younger. I have known my wife for 10 years. For the first year they were just friends, then after a year of living together they got married. Born three years agodaughter _They lived not badly, sometimes they quarreled, but quickly made up, and after the birth of their daughte...
  • Sex without love
    When already exthe guy confessed his love to me, he wasn’t attracted to me at all then, and I said that I didn’t like him and that I didn’t want a relationship now. But he said that he would still pursue me.And somehow we became friends. He didn’t put any pressure on me, everything was gradual, he l...
  • Jokes of fate
    A year and a half ago, I moved away from a previous difficult relationship. I was experiencing a breakup, both psychologically and physically. I gained 20 kg in a year due to hormonal imbalance. After collecting myself for several years, I went to a dating site.Returning to my old page, I plunged in...
  • I found out that my husband has a second family and two children
    I am 37 years old, my husband is 40, my son is 10. I have 13 years in the tank. Eatapartment , country house, everyone has their own car, no financial problems. In 2021, due to Covid, I lost my child in the first trimester. For six months they said I need to take protection. For my husband and I, of...
  • Why is everyone ignoring me?
    Why doesn’t anything help, no matter what I read or do? I am sincere, open, sympathetic, amorous and emotional. Sociable and active. I love myself. I don’t save on myself. I take out loans and spend child benefits. But what have I not heard of such manifestations of mine - stupid, hyste....
  • Is sex necessary in the family?
    Sex is not only a pleasant pastime, but also an important aspect of healthy family relationships. Although many people are embarrassed to talk about it openly,sex is an integral part of every person's life. Why is it so important to have sex in the family? Firstly, it helps maintain closeness an...
  • humiliating relationship
    Last November, I started dating a married man. At that time, my intuition told me that this was a bad idea, but I did it anyway. We work together, a kind of “office romance”. First, innocent requests for work, after communication on the network. Easy flirting, unpretentious and cute.I did not notice...
  • Man can make himself happy
    My name is Nikita, and exactly 10 years ago my beloved left megirl . She left me at a difficult time in my life when my parents left and I lost a well-paid job.Debts accumulated, I had to work on a shift for a relatively non-competitive rate, and the work, let's say, was far from prestigious. At nig...
  • I have no remorse for my husband
    Married for three years, no children in common, this is the secondmarriage , from my first marriage I have the 17thdaughter . We live well with my husband.The first time I cheated on him was after three months of marriage. In the park I met a man six years younger than myself - tall, handsome, intel...
  • My weird date with a guy
    I met a guy on the Internet, met only a few times. Everything was very good, no harassment, no hints, at the end of the second date, he kissed me, but very carefully, as if it was his first kiss, but we are already old enough (I'm 28 years old, he's 36). After that, we couldn’t meet in any way, then...
  • The wife has become completely different after the wedding
    Married a few years ago to a sweet, pretty girl. We worked at the same enterprise, she herself began to show signs of attention, she herself came up to meet, even broke up with another guy from the same company, who was much higher than me in position.We talked a lot, walked, had a lot of common int...
  • Is it worth hoping for happiness or living in a cocoon?
    I have been living with my girlfriend for over 8 years. During this time, we did not get married and did not have children. She said that there is nowhere to raise a child, because there is no housing of her own. And I didn't really want to, to be honest. They almost completed the house, which ....
  • A sober husband is not at all interested in me as a woman
    I am 32 years old, I have been married for eight years, I have a son. Everything seems to be fine, butHusband drinks a lot. He works in a garage as an auto mechanic, after work he drinks with the guys. I can’t say that he comes completely drunk, but, to be honest, he’s already tired. He is a good sp...
  • My husband does not even hide that he is cheating on me
    My name is Sasha, I am 28 years old. We have been married for 6 years and we have three wonderful children. With my husband, everything started to spin somehow quickly, after a couple of months after we met, we got married, a year later the first child was born, then the second and third. To be hone...
  • I have no idea about family
    Мне 34 года. Начну с того, что представлений о семье у меня никогда не было. Меня воспитывала одна мама и та время от времени уходила в загулы. Она меня любила, но какой-то материнской теплоты и заботы я не чувствовала. С отцом она развелась, когда я только родилась, и он уехал в Украину, где до сих...
  • After so many years of a failed marriage, I decided to start life from scratch.
    This year I will be retired. I'm scared. I never thought that I would come to this phase of my life in complete mental discord. Came out at 22marry an older guy than me. Without special emotions and love. It was believed that if you didn’t get married at the institute, then it would be worse and by ...