
  • Confession of a womanizer
    He got married at the age of 20, loved his wife madly, and was crazy about his beloved. After 12 years, I found out that she had changed several times when she cheated with her former boss almost at the very beginning.Cried, screamed, beggedforgive me , I tried to commit suicide. I tried to forgive,...
  • Why should I worry about my lover's wife?
    I am 39 years old. I am beautiful, well-groomed, one might say a successful entrepreneur, I have several fitness clubs and a sports nutrition store. There is an adultson , studies abroad.Mymy husband , with whom we were together since school, creating a business from scratch, died 6 years ago. For t...
  • I can't please my husband no matter how hard I try.
    I am 34, my husband is 29 years old. We look the same, I'm small and fragile.I can't figure out the situation in our family. Married 6 years, yesdaughter 9 years old from her first relationship. My husband always supported me in everything, cared for me, helped me in all situations. He is quite a po...
  • My parents' friend
    We met in the winter of 2013-2014, when I got a job with my mother at a factory. She is in the personnel department, and I am in the repair department, since I graduated from Polytechnic. Worked wellthe team is predominantly male - well, the education is specific. There are seven specialists in the ...
  • My husband wants everything to be the same as before
    Came outI got married at the age of 20, so I ran away from my tyrant son-in-law, living with my sister, then from my father’s unbearable character, living with him. AboutI won’t tell you about the mother of a tyrant and despot, with whom I lived until I was 13, there is nothing good there.Then rejec...
  • Will he fall in love?
    Three months ago I broke up with my man. No one was to blame, it was the circumstances. He was rude, impudent, but I may have loved him, maybe I’m sickit was a habit . But now I don't need anyone anymore. I understand that there would be no future with him anyway. When I got to the hospital, he didn...
  • I read the girl's diary
    I have a problem in my relationship and I can't figure it out.My girlfriend and I dated for 5 years. We moved in together two years ago, six months after that she told me that she had fallen in love with someone else. It was a shock for me then, but this was not the first call. Even before we moved ...
  • Instead of love, the guy offers friendship
    I have been communicating with a young man for about 3 years now. When we first met, we tried to buildrelationship , but nothing worked out, somehow it was decided by itself, and we didn’t discuss it later.Another six months later, when my feelings for him did not go away, I confessed to him about i...
  • Marriage to my first love did not bring me happiness
    I have been married to my husband for 2 years; before that we dated for a year when we were teenagers. Then he got married, then divorced after 4 years of marriage. Then he had othersrelationship and again we decided to reunite.All of himthe family communicates with the family of his ex-wife and dau...
  • My wife's betrayal shocked me
    When I learned about my wife's betrayal, I was shocked. But since I was not the only one who faced such betrayal, I decided to search on the Internet how other men cope with this misfortune.I came across this confession site and decided to write my own story here. Talk out and ask for advice. Becaus...
  • I don't see a future with my boyfriend
    I do not know what to do? My boyfriend and I have been living together for over a year. Everything seemed normal at first, but now we have a crisis. I don't understand him, he doesn't understand me. The problem is that he constantly lies, to everyone and to me. This really pisses me off, and then he...
  • My boyfriend and I have different concepts about love and betrayal
    Mythe guy says that a man can have other women and it will just be "sex"without love , but he will love “his woman.” But at the same time, in his opinion, a woman cannot have other men, because “femalecheating is a completely different matter,” not like ifa man will simply sleep when “his woman” is ...
  • I am a married virgin
    I'm 23 years old, II'm married and I'm a virgin. Yes, I'm afraid of sex and I can't lose my virginity.It all started when I was youngmy mother kept intimidating me with the fact thatsex is painful, dirty and bad for my teenage years. The first wedding night for a woman is hard labor, she said that I...
  • Parting with a loved one
    I dated my ex-boyfriend for a year and a half. At first, in our relationship, only he loved, and I only had sympathy for him. We started dating immediately after he came out of the army, at that time I was 16 years old. We dated for 10 months and only after that I began to feel something for him. An...
  • Сердцу не прикажешь: исповедь о моей любви
    18 лет – очень интересный возраст, влюбленность, «розовые очки» и все такое. Я только закончила школу, поступила на юр. факультет, вроде все как по плану, а тут раз – и задержка. Что это?Сказать, что мы с Олегом встречались… нет, мы виделись, когда ему этого хотелось и когда он действительно это мог...
  • Familiar symptoms
    We have been married for over 20 years. My wife and I are 8 years apart. I have always been 100% confident in my wife. He himself never cheated, unless he flirted verbally, but within the limits of decency.About a year ago, I began to notice changes in my wife’s behavior: she changed her hairstyle, ...
  • I would like to shave my head, but I'm afraid of my husband's reaction
    Of course, I understand that many life situations are much more complex and painful than mine, but my situation weighs heavily on me.I am 37 years old, well educated, wonderfulhusband , with whom we have been married for 7 years. Recently a daughter was born, she is 5 months old. Basically, live and...
  • There is no love, but there is affection
    I was 23 years old when I met an unusual girl, she was 18 at that time. We talked for about a month, during that time we saw each other 2 times, and then she called me over, we had sex. Sex honestly didn’t work out very well, I couldn’t find the reason, after that everything went downhill and there ...
  • I don't like sex with my husband
    She didn't marry for love. Or rather, as it seemed to me, the futuremy husband loved me. He was attentive, caring and kind to me. I did everything I asked. Walked wherever I led. He seemed to be a serious and respectable person, he worked and was passionate about his work, he strived to create a fam...
  • Forgave the betrayal, but I don’t have the same feelings for my wife
    I have been married to my wife for 10 years, my son is 8. For the first six years we lived simply in perfect harmony, for each other and for the child. Then the routine began, everyday life, reproaches from her that there was not enough money, that I could not find a normal job.When I changed my job...