
  • Insensitive and passive husband's parents
    Meeting the parentsMy husband passed away like in a fairy tale, I had extremely positive emotions. HisMom is a very open, sociable person, we almost started talking on the phoneevery day I came to visit. Everything was great until the moment of marriage and pregnancy came...Let's start with the fact...
  • How not to scare off a guy by talking about marriage?
    I am 28 years old, myThe guy is 25. We have been dating for 5 months, we work together. These are my first seriousrelationships , before that all acquaintances turned out to be non-reciprocal. But I met a man with whom, as it turned out, we had a lot in common - a sense of humor, views onlife , narr...
  • Life after wife's betrayal
    Married for 11 years, butthe marriage ended with the wife’s betrayal of her boss and our divorce,the lover also lost his family. My wife and I divorced, but never separated; at first I wanted to and was looking for options. Didn't leave because of my daughter. This is where my other one beganlife .A...
  • Unexpected visit from mother-in-law
    I am 37 years old and for the first time in 8 years of marriage I learned that I have a mother-in-law with the purest and unclouded consciousness.No, of course not, I assumed thatthe husband did not emerge independently and somehow immediately become an adult. But! I have never seen it, heard it or ...
  • Don't believe in friendship between a man and a woman
    Whenmy husband told me that he had found his childhood friend Irina on Odnoklassniki, I didn’t even suspect how it would end. He often began to communicate with her, saying that they remembered mutual acquaintances and friends. It seemed natural to me then.I even invited my husband to invite her and...
  • The downside of family life
    I am sure thatlove doesn't last foreverlife , even ifthe man and woman lived together until old age. They are connectedhabit , children, acquired property that you don’t want to share, or maybe some common interests and hobbies. But love doesn't last long.I made this conclusion not only from my own ...
  • Conversation on the train
    Have you thought that when you travel on a train, there is a big difference in feelings or emotions depending on where you sit in the direction of travel?I sit down in the direction of travel, and then look out the window. What I see? No, I don’t mean houses, trees, platforms and people standing on ...
  • The price of betrayal
    My sister's husband loved her. He loved her very much, and this was obvious to both close people and casual acquaintances. There could be no mistake here. And how she loved him! From school. Adultson , but they looked like newlyweds.They are always there, eye to eye, you can describe for a long time...
  • There are no real friends or I was just unlucky to meet them
    This story has no specific message. Just thoughts.They say that every person who comes to ourlife means something. Hundreds, thousands of people have passed through my life. I was always told that you need to learn lessons from any relationship or situation. I analyzed each one in vain, looking for ...
  • Controversial issue
    I met a friend and told me thatthe marriage is bursting at the seams. And all because they don’t have children. Not reallythe husband loved children so much, it’s just that all their friends have two or even three children, but he has no heir. Parents on both sides also “pressure”.Details atI didn’t...
  • Disgust towards husband's parents
    I'm very angry with my parentshusband . They twist and manipulate him as they want, and especially himmother . When they came to match me, they promised to buy a house, I believed it, because I thought that they had this opportunity, because you couldn’t call them poor.Then we got married, and these...
  • The husband said he no longer wants reconciliation
    I didn't want another onewrite a confession , but couldn’t restrain myself. I thought that there would be no continuation of my story about regret for not divorcing my husband earlier, but how naive I was for taking everything at face value.The husband said: “Okay, let's try to fix everything.” I be...
  • I really hope that my son will not grow up like his father and grandfather.
    I’ll start with a story from childhood; it has something in common with my adult life.Mythe father is a terrible abuser, or as they used to call it, a domestic tyrant. He humiliated and insulted my mother and my brother and me. He drank a lot and was not involved in our upbringing. We were very afra...
  • История про измену и ее забавные последствия
    Моя история очень длинная и, возможно, мало кто захочет её прочесть. Зато она откровенная и на 100% правдивая. Может быть, кому-то он даст пищу для размышления. Начнем-с.Ох и нравится мне самой себе трепать нервы… Все натыкаюсь на шипы и зачем-то ищу и изучаю свою вину в этих попаданиях. Но вот сейч...
  • How to resolve a conflict with your daughter
    My daughter is 18 years old, I am raising her withouthusband , the three of us live with our grandmother. My daughter got into good schooluniversity , at your own request, on a budget. I learned about problems with my studies from a call from the dean. This was before the first session. It turned ou...
  • My beloved woman cannot leave her husband because of children
    Three years ago I met a married girl. And from that time we fell in love with each other. I am already 32 years old, she is 35 and she has two daughters (6 and 10 years old).During all this time, we talked with her on any topic, made plans forlife . I've been calling her to me for a long time. She w...
  • Mom takes advantage of my plight
    I don't know how to live further. MyMom seems to want me to be unhappy, for me to be a failure and revels in it.I found myself in a position dependent on her because I have a small child.child . My husband and I divorced six months ago.The marriage was over, I wanted to have an abortion, but I didn’...
  • How I fought for my love
    This story began more than 5 years ago, when I moved from my hometown and entereduniversity​ Literally at the very beginning of my first year, I fell in love with my physical education teacher, let's call him M. Every day I became more and more imbued with sympathy and irresistible interest for him....
  • I wish death to an old friend
    I’m a little ashamed to admit my weakness, like everyone who writes their confessions on this site. But I really want to speak out. Or perhaps I would like someone to draw some conclusions from my story.The trouble is that I want to kill the person I love and dearest to me.So, there is a person in t...
  • Ready to forgive my wife for cheating to save the family
    My wife and I lived together for 17 years. We have a commonson (6 years old). House, car,apartment . Two years ago she broke her leg and almost all the responsibilities fell on me.She was bored lying around doing nothing in the hospital, and against my opinion, she installed a mobile phoneInternet ....