Семейные истории

A strong family begins with communication and support. Parents must be able to listen to their children, understand their problems, and help them solve them. Children, in turn, must respect their parents and be willing to help them in times of need.

  • I want a better life for my son
    My son is 14 years old. It's time to think about your future profession. Today the younger generation has a huge number of opportunities, the main thing is not to make a mistake with the choice. The guy is growing smart, his grades at school are good, and the teachers don’t complain. He plays sports...
  • How to react to such a situation?
    Everyone who communicates with me knows that I react sharply and actively to socialproblems , I am indignant, I write complaints, letters, and participate in social activities. And I couldn’t close my eyes to this problem. But now I really need the advice of caring people so that I can make the righ...
  • Love from boredom and loneliness
    I’ll say right away that I don’t expect any help or relief, since I simply don’t believe that it will get easier. I just wanted to tell my story to at least someone, even strangers. I just don’t have the strength to keep everything to myself, and there’s no one to tell, and the point is not that I d...
  • Neither here nor there
    In 2012, I met a woman who was 10 years older than me (I was 24 at the time). She didn’t have children, we had a great time together and I more than liked everything. Then I thought long and tediously about whether it was worth building with herrelationship , in the end she invited me to live with h...
  • My father brags about my successes, although he abandoned his family when I was three years old
    I live with my mothermy father left us when I was three years old (now 19). Now he lives in another city with a new family and he has anotherson _All these years he practically did not manifest himself at all, only sometimes on holidays. For alimonyHis mother didn’t give, she was proud, but he was h...
  • Native people
    I'm 35 years old, noI am married , I work and rent a house. This takes half of my earnings, so I can’t even dream of saving for my own apartment.There are three children in our family. My father died early, I, as the eldest, helped my mother raise my brothers. Then she went to study in the capital, ...
  • I'm ashamed in front of my parents
    I am 25 years old. I have a feeling of guilt towards my parents because I have not achieved anything. I didn’t build any personal life, I didn’t build any career, I didn’t find myself. I feel ashamed in front of them.Of course, I understand that you can focus on small successes and write them down. ...
  • My husband lives with me only for his own comfort.
    I have been living with my husband for 4 years, I have 2 children from my first marriage,my husband desperately “led” me away from my firsthusband . I would never do this, but my ex no longer loved me, didn’t spend the night at home, and cheated on me. And after they left me a small inheritance, he ...
  • The story of my drunken life
    Everyone says thatThere is no cure for alcoholism - that's true. The truth is because there is no way andmedicine to cure it. Until a person himself wants to get rid of it. And just when he realized that this was ruining himlife , then you need to pull yourself together and give up on it, or seek he...
  • Hello from the past
    It seems like nothing special. At least at first glance. In any case, it quite scared me when it happened, and, remembering this story after the past three years, I became somewhat worried.I was dating a guy, I was fifteen at the time, he was eighteen. We had been dating for a little over a year at ...
  • My wife did not appreciate my love and cheated
    I read the stories of people on this site, read the comments, and somehow I felt sad. The one who cheated is an innocent victim, and the one who was cheated on is simply a monster and is to blame for everything in the world. I am silent about gender and the priorities associated with it.The topic of...
  • My daughter annoys his mom
    I divorced my husband several years ago and have a five-year-olddaughter Lisa, and a year ago I met a man, I love him and I know that he loves me too. They also got along with Lisa right away, but we haven’t been able to live together yet, hemom doesn't like minedaughter _ I often visit their home a...
  • I'm worried about my son's future
    There's a young woman working with megirl who's coming out in a monthmarried _ We all already have families and adult children, maybe that’s why I was so struck by herattitude towards the future husband.We knew that she was dating a guy, she often told us where they went on vacation, what gifts she ...
  • I always had to wear my sister's clothes
    My sister and Imy mother raised me alonemy father left the family when we were still little, I hardly even remember him anymore. He went to live in another city and only occasionally sent usmoney , but he never came. It was hard for my mother to earn money on her own, so I had to wear my sister’s cl...
  • Mom's pet
    I'm disgusting, angry, ill-mannered. Say whatever you want, I don’t care. My life is still completely useless and I should probably end it. I hate minemother . I am 36 years old, she is 61. I have no prospect of waiting for her death and starting to live.Alllife from early childhood: she forced me t...
  • Nobody loves me
    Nobody loves me! Yes, it sounds strange and stupid, but it bothers me. No, I’m not saying that no one loves me at all. It’s just that all my relatives have been asking me more than once when I will introduce them to my soulmate. But I don’t have it, and I’ve never had one in my life. And no matter h...
  • What to do about your wife's cheating
    I am 38, my wife is 32. We have been together for 7 years. There are two children (one from her first marriage, the second from me). Three days ago I discovered text messages that talked about her having an affair outside the family. I won’t describe my emotions... We immediately had a serious, unpl...
  • My adult daughters hate me
    My daughters are 37 and 32 years old. The eldest has a family and a four-year-old son, the youngest is alone. Last year we moved in with them, we have our own separate housing. I rarely visit them, only by invitation and permission.I propose to take care of recreation, development of grandchildren (...
  • I freed myself from my husband’s moral pressure and dream of a divorce
    UMy husband has a difficult character. Often creates a scandal. Makes a lot of comments. Trying to control minelife until bedtime. He gets offended too often when there is no reason to be offended. "We need to talk". And the moral crush begins.This happens when he is very tired, when he has troubles...
  • My husband embarrassed me while visiting mutual friends
    I have no one to speak up and tell my story to. I have no strength to endure anymore. We’ve been living with my husband for 9 years, the first few years, I suppose, there were infidelities, but we somehow got through it. My husband has changed and things seem to be getting better. Today wasIt was th...