Басов Виталий

  • A friend's advice helped save the marriage
    I am 37 years old, my husband is 32. When I met him, I already haddaughter from her first marriage.I didn’t live long with my first husband. Tired of constant betrayal and lies, I got divorced and decided that I would raise my daughter myself. But over time, everything was forgotten, and I met Oleg....
  • 122nd passenger
    This happened in the first days of 1994. My family and I lived in Irkutsk at that time. We celebrated the New Year cheerfully , and on the third of January I had a business trip to St. Petersburg with a stop in Moscow. At the end of December I bought a plane ticket.The main thing is that there shoul...
  • I can’t decide to take a responsible step
    I am actually 19 years old, but my loved ones call me a 60-year-old old lady, because they consider me too serious for my age and wise beyond my years. I myself, of course, don’t consider myself super-smart, but I have no interest in what my peers are into, and I’m also not interested in guys my age...
  • I don't like children, especially ill-mannered ones
    Many people will judge me, especially mothers. But I can't tolerate ill-mannered children.I don'tMarried , no children of her own, but has nieces. I can't say that I enjoy communicating with them. This annoys my parents, sister and herhusband . They are touched by all their pranks, but I am not. Thi...
  • After my divorce from my husband, my son stopped listening to me
    After the divorce, I am raising my son alone, now he is 10 years old, at the time of the divorce he was three. Denis communicates with his father regularly, but I see that he is not an authority for his son. I thought it was because he doesn’t live with us, although beforetheir relationship was more...
  • From the heart
    I'm glad you were in my life. Even if it was not something light, bright, correct, but it was something real. Relationships without deception, warmth without guile. You were my outlet, my support, although you didn’t even know it.It's so nice to accept, love, without cloggingrelationships with stupi...
  • Four years of obsession
    I read a lot of stories about witches and all sorts of mysticism, but I never believed in this until I encountered it myself. This happened 8 years ago, then I was living in a civil marriage with my boyfriend (now ex) Alexander. At first we lived in the city, and when his grandmother fell ill, we ha...
  • How to react to such an act of your husband?
    Married for two years. UThis is my husband 's secondmarriage . My parents were against such a marriage, butMom said he was divorcedthe man is unreliable. She believes that no woman will divorce a good husband, especially if there ischild .I was 29 and I didn't want to wait for someone else,I liked m...
  • After my girlfriend cheated, I can’t find my love
    I am 29 years old. At 25, I met a beautiful girl 9 years older than me. There was passionlove , I don’t even know how to describe these feelings, when she was next to me, her smell alone drove me crazy, or I simply fell in love without memory.After some time, I often began to catch her texting on th...
  • I separated my husband from his mistress, but I can’t forgive him
    Myconfession is not original, thousands of women face betrayalhusband and somehow continue to live with it. But I’ll try to talk it out, maybe it will help dull mypain .Imarried for 25 years. We have an adultson , lives separately with his girlfriend, comes home 2 times a month.My husband and I live...
  • I realized my mistake in time
    This story happened to me six months ago. At that time, I had been dating my boyfriend for a year and a half, he was wonderful, very good, cheerful, and generally smart.But you see, I often had doubts: do I love him?Is this love , but what if it’s not? There was no intimate connection; I was still y...
  • My husband regrets marrying me
    My husband doesn't like minefamily . He believes that fate is not fair to him. Getting into my family is like a punishment for him.We moved to live with my parents a year after our wedding. At that time, we were not financially ready to buy our own home. The choice was eithermy husband goes to his p...
  • Odd man
    I worked together with a fairly old and intelligent man. We had good onesrelationship . Everything was nice.But one day he abruptly quit, and I was on the verge of dismissal (according to management, one employee in a department is not a good thing). He promised to help me, wrote that he would conta...
  • I am a married virgin
    I'm 23 years old, II'm married and I'm a virgin. Yes, I'm afraid of sex and I can't lose my virginity.It all started when I was youngmy mother kept intimidating me with the fact thatsex is painful, dirty and bad for my teenage years. The first wedding night for a woman is hard labor, she said that I...
  • My husband hasn't spoken to me for two months
    We lived with my husband for 26 years. Throughout our life with him, many times he went into deaf silence and completely ignored me.Looking back, I feel really sorry for myself. Young, beautiful, who humiliated herself from the intolerability of the situation in order to bring him out of this state ...
  • I want to find my love, but girls don't pay attention to me
    I have been tormented by one problem for a very long time, the solution to which I would like to find here. This problem -loneliness , and more specifically, some kind of incomprehensible to me, my complete unpopularity with girls.I’m 23 years old, I’m finishing my master’s degree in IT, I have a no...
  • Is it necessary to forgive betrayal in order to save the family?
    WhatMy husband is cheating on me, I guessed before I knew it. I noticed how he changedattitude towards me and even the children. I began to irritate him just with my presence, I found fault with every word and action, I began to stay late after work, and on weekends he suddenly had important things ...
  • Husband does not pay attention to family and child
    Our child is four years old. From the birth of my child, I took upon myself all the responsibilities for caring for him. It seemed right to me, I didn’t work,The husband was the main breadwinner in the family. I wanted him to rest when he came home.Whenmy daughter was small, an infant, I bathed her ...
  • I regret that I live with my stepfather and mother, and not with my father
    Everything was fine before. ByeMom was pregnant, I helped her, but when mine was bornbrother , things have gotten very bad. She began to often take it out on me and constantly forces me to sit with him. Of course, I help her, but she is crossing the line. This is not my child. And I'm around him so ...
  • Childhood resentment never goes away
    I grew up in a single-parent family. My father died in 1995, when I was 3 years old. I was raised by my grandparents.Mom arranged her personallife . She already had a civilianhusband . She lived with him separately in her apartment. When she took me in, I saw constant fights, insults and scandals. H...