Басов Виталий

  • Tired of stupid jokes of colleagues
    I got a job in a newteam . I do not know what to do. I am a very open person, so I immediately made contact. We are adults, but they gave me nicknames. They began to mock me. And all men do it, can you imagine? invited me to work there.girlfriend . But she also supports this theme. To my requests to...
  • Because of my mother's betrayal, my father abandoned me.
    There are a huge number of stories when men who have been raising children for years are not natural fathers. Of course, no one justifies mothers, but few people think about the other side - children. I want to tell you how this DNA test has affected my life. I was then 10 years old, I lived with my...
  • I feel like I don't need anyone
    I am writing because I myself can no longer cope with this state and open up to no one in particular. I stopped enjoying life, although from the outside everything is fine, lovinghusband ,pregnant , home, but I feel that people do not need me, as if I am not from this world. I have not been working ...
  • Жена по расчёту
    Мне 37 лет и я верю в любовь. Всё в этой жизни ради этого светлого чувства. Я никогда не была замужем, и детей у меня нет. Не люблю это неромантичное слово, но я сожительствовала с мужчиной 9 долгих лет и наши пути разошлись. Сейчас у меня есть любимый мужчина, знакомы мы всего полтора года. И вот о...
  • Lustful Saint
    I am 22 years old, I live with my mother and brother. A few days ago we had guests. An old friend of my uncle arrived with his wife and children, he is 43 years old, and she is 30, they have been married for more than 15 years. It seemed strange to me, because then she was only 15. They are Jehovah'...
  • Вот такое гостеприимство оказали нам сын с невесткой
    С мужем мы живем в своем доме на окраине маленького города. Мы всегда рады гостям. У нас даже есть специальная гостевая комната. А если приезжает много народа в наш дом на какой-нибудь праздник, мы можем и свою спальню уступить. Летом постелить себе на веранде на раскладушках, зимой – на просторном ...
  • I explain the lack of maternal instinct by the fact that I grew up in a large family
    I would like to discuss with you my confused feelings about the children around me. I am 27 years old, I have a dream job, two higher educations, a degree and a car. I am married to a loved one, with whom we have been together for 5 years. I grew up in a large family (there are five of us, I am the ...
  • My frivolous marriage
    My husband and I are 20 years old. We got married at 18, after a year of relationship. When we met, he was also aggressive,love was, but rather leftmarried because of her frivolity, she wanted a reliable rear. Mymom and dad are divorced, and I lived on my own, my mother, of course, supported and sup...
  • My adult son does not want to communicate with me
    Do not judge me strictly for myconfession . Maybe I'm badmother , once raised a son who does not want to communicate with me. But I still want to hear good advice from those who have the same problems with adult children. I am 61 years old, and my only son is 30. I am married for the second time, th...
  • Jealous of my boyfriend for his sisters
    My story may seem silly, but for me this is a real problem that I myself can not cope with. We have been together with my boyfriend Misha for almost a year, I love him very much, he seems to like me too. He has a sister and a cousin (we are peers, we are all 15-16 years old). And that's the who....
  • Why is the girl silent?
    We have been with her for almost a year and were both happy in a relationship. Before me, she only had a bad experience in a relationship, where guys humiliated me and could even raise their hand, and I show her that this is unacceptable in a relationship. She still cannot get used to it and makes a...
  • How Oleg started to stop drinking
    Oleg was an ordinary guy who liked to spend time with friends and relax after work in the company of alcohol. He did not think that his habit of alcohol could adversely affect his health and life in general. However, after several years of such a life, Oleg began to notice that his health was deteri...
  • Who Invented Antibiotics?
    Antibiotics are one of the greatest inventions in the history of medicine, saving millions of lives around the world. However, who and when invented the first antibiotic? The first antibiotic to be discovered was penicillin, which was discovered in 1928 by the British bacteriologist Alexander Flemin...
  • 10 Interesting Facts About Salmon
    Salmon is one of the most popular fish species in the world due to its unique taste and many useful properties. Here are 10 interesting facts about salmon that you may not have known. 1. Salmon are migratory fish that spend most of their lives in the ocean and then return to their native river to sp...
  • Antibiotics in pink salmon
    Pink salmon is one of the most popular fish in the world and is high in protein and healthy fatty acids. However, like any other product, pink salmon may contain residues of antibiotics that have been used to treat fish or prevent disease. Antibiotics are widely used in industrial aquaculture to tre...