Тестерман Павел

  • My wife calls me names all the time and says it's okay
    It's normal for my wife to talk to me rudely. Call names, even in jest. I told her many times that it was unpleasant for me, insulting. I did not talk to her, even went to sleep in another room. She apologized, said that she would improve, but everything was repeated again and again. It's natural fo...
  • I regret making this decision.
    I just live with a husband whom I do not love and have never loved. I gave birth to two children in marriage, I have been married for 8 years, I generally regret having a second child, I love him, but I cannot accept that I am again on maternity leave, again shackled hand and foot. I got an educatio...
  • I have lived an unhappy life
    I was three years old when my parents separated. From hopelessnessmy mother left me with her parents because she worked late. I went to a rural school, my mother came on weekends. My grandmother, grandfather, their youngest son and his family lived with me. The old people were very nice. Good and de...
  • I lost my beloved, and with it the meaning of life
    My girlfriend and I have been together since we were 17, now we are 27. We met in our first year, fell in love and have been together ever since. During this time there were partings, she went to another, went nowhere, but I found ways to return her. The main reason for parting - I did not give her ...
  • History of a Chronic Loser
    It all started from childhood. Born in the family of a school teacher and engineer, in the Soviet Union, in 1975, by the age of four, this boy (this is the earliest memory from childhood), whenmother gave birth to a sister, he began to take an active interest in politics - they lived in a mother-in-...
  • My interesting acquaintance
    After the second year of the institute, I did an internship at the enterprise. The company was small, no more than twenty employees. The appearance of the trainee aroused interest, both among the male and female part of the team. One man in particular took care of me. At my nineteen years old, he s....
  • Mother is always dissatisfied
    I can't get along with my mom. I am 27 years old, I returned to live with my parents, as I am in a position and will raise my son myself. But instead of supportingmy mom is killing me mentallyevery day . Earlier in our relationship, in childhood, my mother often said the phrases “I wish I had made a...
  • I'm ashamed that I earn less than my husband
    For the wholeI haven’t learned anything in life , I haven’t gained anything, and I’m not going towards it. But I’m already approaching 40. Now, in order. A month ago I turned 36 years old. Imarried , no children and no property. We work regular jobs. My husband doesn’t earn much, but he has enough t...
  • My Husband's Ex Wife Constantly Demands Money
    I have been married for three years. The husband divorced his ex-wife because she found another. From the marriage there was a little son, with whom he is not allowed to see under various pretexts, starting with bad weather and ending with the child's poor health. He left the apartment to her, he re...
  • There are also mothers
    She left me three years agowife , most likely to another or another better life for her. We had a two year old daughter at the time. My communication with my daughter was very rare, the constant reasons for the ex-wife and mother-in-law to create problems in this. I won't say thather daughter's mot....
  • Cucumbers, 10 interesting facts
    Cucumbers are one of the most popular vegetables in the world. They are used both in cooking and in cosmetology and medicine. But beyond that, cucumbers have a lot of interesting facts that many don't know. In this article, we will share 10 of the most interesting facts about cucumbers. 1. Cucumbers...
  • 10 Interesting Facts About Oranges
    Oranges are one of the most popular fruits in the world. They are not only delicious, but also healthy. In this article, we will tell you 10 interesting facts about oranges. 1. Oranges are a source of vitamin C. Oranges are high in vitamin C, which is essential for healthy skin, immune system and te...
  • When can I drink milk from a cow that was injected with antibiotics?
    The question of how long you can drink milk from a cow that has been injected with antibiotics is quite important, as many people are afraid to consume animal products containing traces of antibiotics. In this article we will consider the main aspects of this issue. The first step in understanding w...
  • Antibiotics in milk are nothing but drug residues...
    Antibiotics in milk are nothing more than the remains of drugs that have been used to treat milk-producing animals. While Europe and the US have strict regulations governing the use of antibiotics in animals, some residues can still be passed into milk. This can happen for several reasons. The first...
  • History of antibiotics
    Antibiotics are a group of medicines that are used to fight bacterial infections. They were discovered over a hundred years ago and have since become one of the most important medical discoveries in human history. The history of antibiotics began with the discovery of Penicillin in 1928. Alexander F...