
  • I don't want a husband like my father
    In my family it so happened that the main breadwinnermother . She cared more about material stability, was more concerned about my sister and I’s financial well-being, and did a lot for us in this regard, even going so far as to buy each of us an apartment. And by nature she is more lively, active, ...
  • My hard and hopeless life with a child
    It all started with moving to another city. I lived with a man, and as expected by the law of meanness, an unplanned incident happened.pregnancy . I returned home to have an abortion, but remorse andThe fear that I would no longer be able to have children still took over the mountain. Besidesthe chi...
  • My husband left and I cry every day
    I am 25 years old. My husband and I have been together for 3 years, 1.5 of which have been married. I wanted a familyMy husband , one might say, did me a favor. But at the beginning of the relationship he was very caring, responsible, affectionate and kind. He hadhabit of breaking up with ex-girlfri...
  • I was left alone with the child, but I don’t regret anything
    In January 2015 I met HIM. I was almost 17 at the time. I had been out of a relationship for a year, so it was easy for him to pick me up. Ourrelations developed rapidly. After 2 days we already started dating, and after another 4 I spent the night with him for the first time. Then we slept with him...
  • Friend's parents
    I have two bestgirlfriends . We have been friends since school, and now we are finishing college. We see each other every month and take turns visiting each other.We recently visited one of our friends. Washoliday , her parents were at home (Mom doesn’t work, and Dad had a day off). They set a small...
  • Always alone and see no way out
    I studied in Moscow and after finishing my studies I stayed here. I provide for myself: I pay for the apartment, I put on clothes and shoes. My mother never helped me; she was sure that I could somehow cope on my own. But it was really hard for me, this terrible responsibility for myself alone. Eter...
  • Our gratitude for saving our brother is enormous, but there is a limit to everything
    A couple of years ago a woman appeared in our lives. Well, as a woman, she is 33 years old, but she looks at most 25. Or rather, she appeared in my brother’s life. He is a widower who madly loved his late wife and could not come to terms with her death. A man who could not even get close to alcohol ...
  • I love not only my husband, but also my mother-in-law
    I read different life stories and wanted to confess myself. When I met my future husband Alexey, I immediately realized thatMom comes first for him, and then everyone else. During our dates, he always called home to say that he was okay. It seemed strange to me.When Lesha proposed to me, I immediate...
  • I wish I had a father
    I grew up in an ordinary family. So it seemed to me. I had no friends at school, and therefore had no idea about society. I thought that living with my mother was the norm, because my father was at work. I didn't think about my grandparents, why I don't know their names. But at the age of 10 everyth...
  • I'm worried that the guy has no plans to start a family
    My boyfriend and I have been together for two years, our mothers introduced us, they have been friends for a long time. to mythe guy is 28 years old, I'm 22, we have goodrelationship with his parents. As soon as we started dating, the mothers stopped seeing each other, they communicate so-so,the guy...
  • Mom, thank you for everything
    My mother has been gone for 2 years. Today is my stepfather’s birthday , and today I dreamed about her. Mom hugged and kissed me endlessly, as if she was afraid that I would wake up and disappear again!During her life, my mother and I were not justmother anddaughter , we were united and still are un...
  • Should I leave or stay?
    I already wrote my story here about how to changethe guy’s attitude towards me, now I’m writing a sequel.As I wrote, we still communicate with that young man, we met several times, he gives me flowers. I feel like a woman, a girl with him. There is no such relationship with my current boyfriend, and...
  • My friend's gratitude
    This summer I spent my entire vacation with my mother at the dacha. She came to visit mea friend with two children, five and seven years old. The children were very ill-mannered, they behaved as if everything was allowed to them, but their friend never did anything to themremark , but just laughed a...
  • Mom said I was an unwanted child
    I'm 15 years old, and lately God knows what's going on in my life.My parents divorced a long time ago, and I haven’t seen my dad for many years, since he lives abroad, and with his motherThe relationship doesn't work out, we fight all the time.I know that she is not completely mentally stable and ta...
  • I regret that I left my family because of a passing hobby
    I saw howmy sister reads this site, became interested and also decided to write her ownconfession _ There is no one to tell about the stone lying on the soul, but you need to talk it out.After divorcing my wife, I still felt guilty before her and my son for a long time. After all, it was I who left ...
  • How can I open my sister's eyes?
    Six years ago mymy sister gave birth to a daughter, and when she was 7 months old, my sister, leaving us the child, went to work. Thatthe man from whom she haschild , abandoned her and did not participate in raising her niece in any way. My parents were with the girl and raised her. My sister sentmo...
  • I want to be better than my ex-girlfriend in everything
    I don’t know how to describe the feelings I have for my ex-girlfriend. She is 22, I am 21. I don’t want to call it envy, because I’m sure that I don’t envy her.Imarried , while she constantly changes boyfriends. I’m getting a higher education, she works (having received a specialty as a pastry chef)...
  • I'm tired of my husband's constant presence
    I have always loved to have personal space and the opportunity to be alone. While the honeymoon lasted and for some time after the wedding, I, one might say, endured too intrusiveattitude husband .We are together everywhere (except for work). We do grocery shopping, walk in the park, and when we com...
  • My aunt
    Oncemy mother took me to my grandmother and aunt, and my cousin was also theresister andbrother (brother is 1 year old, sister is 5 years old). I was 9 years old at that time.We went for a walk, my aunt walked with a stroller, and we walked with our grandmother and sister. Aunt was walking to the si...
  • It's very difficult to be a single mother
    I'm 34 years old andsingle mother . My parents are pensioners, there is no one to help financially, but morally they are my only support. At first, when they found out that I was going to give birth to a child withouthusband , there was a terrible scandal, but I survived everything and now I don’t r...