
  • Mother-in-law abandoned her grandson
    Married to my husband for 4 years, have a little oneson . We lived with his mother for a long time, but recently separated because it was already unbearable to live together. For 4 years of marriage, there were constant quarrels only because of his mother, since every month she was looking for a rea...
  • I don't know what to do with my youngest daughter
    In someone else's story, everything seems obvious what to do, but as far as oneself is concerned, there is complete inhibition. I don’t know what to do.Husband . The relationship is normal. House, full cup. Two adults and beloved daughters. Nowadays it is very popular to hate mothers, we are all ter...
  • The son listens to his daughter-in-law, but ignores my opinion
    I have the same story with my dacha, the children don’t want to go there. I'm not one of those mothers-in-law who gets intothe lives and families of their children. Yes, I am not very happy with my daughter-in-law, but in the 8 years that they have been living, I have never expressed my opinion to m...
  • I don't know how to live further
    Two years ago I met a man. He seemed to me an intelligent and deep person. And I also felt sorry for him. At that time, he had just gotten out of a very difficult situation. He once played hockey professionally, but an injury put an end to what might have been a brilliant career.Then he was engaged ...
  • Holiday romance as a curse
    I can’t help but share with you a story that happened to me in Feodosia. Last year I went on vacation with my mother. I must say that I am already quite an adult woman, but I took my mother with me for one simple reason -Mom can “cover for me.” In fact, everything is as follows.Several years ago, in...
  • I started to notice that I envy my married friends
    I'm 27 years old and I'm notMarried . There were fleeting novels, which, as it turned out later, meant nothing to me, the lastthe relationship ended a year ago. During this time I never met someone who would callgetting married and there is less and less hope for that very meeting.Lately I’ve starte...
  • Childhood resentment never goes away
    I grew up in a single-parent family. My father died in 1995, when I was 3 years old. I was raised by my grandparents.Mom arranged her personallife . She already had a civilianhusband . She lived with him separately in her apartment. When she took me in, I saw constant fights, insults and scandals. H...
  • I'm unlucky with my friend
    Many understand that female friendship does not exist, and those who think differently simply have not yet encountered betrayalgirlfriends .I have one like thisI had a friend , they shared everything, I even gave her my clothes when she had nothing to wear on a date. Mythe family always lived better...
  • My relatives deceived me about my inheritance
    I was deceived by my uncle and aunt. During her lifetime, my grandmother bequeathed her apartment to her three grandchildren - me and my cousins. Grandma has two children, myMom and my uncle, I initially told my grandmother that it would be fairer to bequeath the apartment to my children in half, bu...
  • Mother-in-law should not be the head of the family
    Relationships in my family have reached a dead end. My husband and I met 5 years ago. Two and a half years ago he was born with uschild . Two years flew by like one day in worries and getting used to a new status. Mymother helped, came where to go for a walk, where to sit with the child, somewhere s...
  • Mom cares about me too much
    It’s probably not entirely smart to write about such problems. But I'm 16 years old and he doesn't understand meMother . I know that at this age, which adults call transitional, manyproblems with parents. It just doesn't make it any easier for me.I study normally, think about the future, and prepare...
  • I really wanted to become a mother
    How painful... There is only one question in my head: why? Another month of empty expectations and hopes, but I thought that everything had definitely worked out. But I'll tell you in order.I am 31 years old, married to my husband for 7 years. About 4 years ago we started thinking about becoming par...
  • Meeting after 30 years
    The story that happened to me is simply similar to the story wherewife doesn't want to live out her lifelife with a boring husband. Only I was 55 years old.Once upon a time there wasLove . Without a bed, of course. Romance. We dated for 5 years. They studied, then his army was waiting for him. He ca...
  • Instead of the expected help from parents, I received only problems and complaints
    I envy my sister, who lives a thousand kilometers from her parents. I’m not only in the same city, but also on the same street. When my husband and I bought an apartment, I myself insisted that it be close to my father and mother, who would always help and sit with the grandchildren. But how wrong I...
  • Mother-in-law ruined our New Year's Eve
    My husband and I have been married for two years. The relationship is good, but of course there was some negativity.My mother-in-law doesn't see boundaries. Not only does she think that she has the right to decide where we work, how we dress and what we eat, but she also really loves attention and w...
  • I still have hope that my son will change
    I don’t know how to behave further with my son. He is 16. I found his correspondence with social media. networks with other guys. He asked for advice, he was worried because he considers himself gay, he asked about the army, etc.I cried alone for a long timeShe kept her husband far from her son, oth...
  • I want to find my father, but I'm afraid to offend my mother
    I am 19 years old. From birth I grew up without a father. He and his mother were not married, and when he found out thatMother pregnant , asked for an abortion. But my mother said that she wanted this child, then he left her. My mother carried me and gave birth to me. A few months after I was born, ...
  • Thanks to my mother my childhood was happy
    This happened in my distant childhood, I was 5 years old then. I was sitting in my room on the bed and humming some children's song.And suddenly heavy, scary (as it seemed to me) steps were heard in the hallway. It was minefather , he came from somewhere completely drunk and, falling into my room, p...
  • Help from a former classmate
    Trouble, as they say, does not come alone. I dated my boyfriend for three years, but recently he said that he met another girl and we should break up. I was very hurt and upset, and then I was laid off at work. And I started to feel terribledepression . At twenty-six years old, I believed thatlife d...
  • I can't forget my cat
    I am 13 years old and my cat died about a year ago. She lived with me for almost 7 years. For me, she became more than just a pet. I didn't feel lonely with her. I love her madly.But last spring she left this world. The thing is, on the weekend two days before she died, we went to the vet to get her...