
  • Even after my wife cheated, I don't want a divorce
    I'm 21 years old, 5 days ago, I learned something I can'tforget . No one can give me answers to all my questions.The essencethe problem is: 5 days ago it arrivesmy wife is home, her phone rang, she doesn’t pick up, I ask you to give me the phone so I can look at it (in all 5 years of my life togethe...
  • There has never been love in my life
    There was no love in my life. That is, I have never felt these feelings towards myself. Neither from my mother, nor from my ex nowhusband .ButMom is Mom, you don’t choose your parents, and I still love Mom. I never loved my husband . Although they lived together for a very long time - 16 years. Afte...
  • Forbidden love with a gypsy
    27 числа у меня случилась беда, за решеткой оказался мой любимый человек.Все началось в 2015 году. На работе мне в след кричал молодой человек, с целью познакомится, лица я не увидела, но видела, что сидели два парня, а я вся такая гордая прошла мимо. Дальше он по всему автосалону (это место, где я ...
  • Mom is against my relationship with my boyfriend because of his parents
    I am already 22 years old, I work, I live with my mother, sister and brothers. I met a young man, and we have been together for 7 months. At first everything was fine, myMom was glad that I had found a good young man and even sometimes fantasized about how she would babysit our future children and h...
  • Nobody wants to be my friend
    I am 17 years old and since childhood I have been a loser, everywhere and always last, be it games or a queue to see a psychologist. They don't want to be friends with me. It’s a very rare occurrence for someone to take initiative, even in companies I’m the last one, I’m always oppressed, they don’t...
  • Why do we owe adult children all the time?
    I read a story about my daughter's grievancesmother for not wanting to sit with her grandchildren. It’s the same for me.I’m 61 years old, but I have to work because I can’t live on my pension. The daughter gave birth to three children and the whole world owes her for that reason. I helped for 7 year...
  • I didn't break down and started my life from scratch
    The story I want to tell is minepain and joy, my tears and my sadness, in general, mylife .It all started quite prosaically, my dad left my mom when I was 13 years old, besides me she also had my 3-year-oldbrother Sashka. Before the divorce, my mom and dad argued a lot, and in order to escape from t...
  • Native strangers
    My eldest hates mesister . She is several years older than me, we grew up separately, she was given to her grandparents, and I was given to my mother and father. As a child, I remember how my dad constantly scolded her and was strict with her, but he loved me. As a child, I was a daddy's girl. But w...
  • Ненавижу себя за такой выбор
    После скоропостижной смерти мужа мы остались с сыном одни. Хорошая квартира в престижном районе города, отличная работа, замечательный коллектив, руководящая должность, хорошая зарплата. Жили тихо и спокойно. Я с головой была погружена в работу, она занимала практически все мое время, о личной жизни...
  • Mother-in-law's hatred led to divorce
    My first mother-in-law placed chicken feathers under my doormat. She did it to my death. She hated me because shemy son married me without her consent.Mymy husband studied to become a military man in my city, where we met. He has an older onesister , who moved to Moscow and works there as a waitress...
  • Parents love older sister more
    My sister and I have a big age difference. I hardly know her; we have never communicated closely. She moved out when I was still 6 years old. I started living with my boyfriend in my grandmother’s apartment, and after my grandmother’s deathMom signed the apartment over to her.Although we made attemp...
  • Mom believes that household appliances are not needed in the house
    Now there is an opportunity for all housewives to make it easier for themselveslife and save time on homework with the help of household appliances. But mineMom doesn’t think so and constantly scolds me for what I (in her understanding) wastemoney instead of saving it for a rainy day. I’m trying to ...
  • I hate cleaning and live in a constant mess
    I hate cleaning. I understand that this is bad, but I can’t help it.I have all my things scattered around my apartment, unwashed dishes, cups near the computer, on the balcony and even under the sofa. I'm not even talking about unwashed windows, unironed linen and clothes. Even in the summer I wear ...
  • I can't come to terms with my parents' divorce
    I was 10 years old when my parents divorced, and my brother was only 8. They divorced because my dad came home drunk and raised his hand to my mother (he didn’t hit, he just raised him). It seemsMom got very angry about this and decided to file fordivorce . I think this is a stupid decision, and my ...
  • What to do if the mother-in-law interferes in raising children?
    I don’t know what to do, my mother-in-law is very meddlingraising children (2 and 3 years old). We live together, there is no opportunity to live separately, salaries are small, plus my mother-in-law periodically helps financially. But given all this, she doesn’t understand that we are parents and s...
  • I can't live with my husband's parents
    I'm only 18 years old. A year ago I moved toguy because of family problems. We then lived with my parents in a rented apartment, and we did not have money for rent. My parents had to go to another city to work part-time, and I went to my boyfriend.Kazakhs have such a tradition, ifWhen a girl crosses...
  • Why do people ignore me?
    С детства я была интровертом. У меня была пара подружек, и мне этого хватало с головой. А свое свободное время я проводила в компании игрушек или книг.В школе меня не любили. Я была серой мышкой, которую порой не стеснялись колотить. В университете же меня просто игнорировали. Я долгое время пыталас...
  • How to improve your relationship with your daughter?
    Surely many have found themselves in difficult family situations and somehow dealt with them. Tell me if you can. I am 39 years old and work as a nurse. 20 yearsMarried . I have a daughter, Margarita, 16 years old. At one time, I probably did something very stupid when I dropped out of medical schoo...
  • Relationships with mother-in-law: what should they be like?
    Imarried 3 years. Everything is fine with my husband, except for one “but” - hisMother . For some reason, she thinks that I should be a friend to her, share my experiences, ask for advice, discuss everythingproblems , talking on the phone with her for hours... In general, she is trying to become my ...
  • An inheritance that brings more negativity than benefit
    There is a house in the village that I inherited from my uncle. The house is neglected and requires constant investments and repairs. It's a shame to sell. Mom and aunt live there in the summer and love it very much.I also love going there, but so far there are no clear plans to move there. I can’t ...