
A husband is not just a man with whom a woman creates a family. He is her support, friend, beloved and reliable partner for life. A man who takes care of his family, protects it and supports it in difficult moments. He is the head of the family, who makes important decisions and is responsible for the well-being of all his loved ones. However, a man must also respect and appreciate his wife, support her in her hobbies and interests, and be willing to compromise in the relationship. Husband is not just a word, but a role that must be fulfilled with love and responsibility.

  • My husband provides, but does not pay attention to me
    I am a young and attractive person who grew up in a middle-income family. I received an education, defended my PhD thesis, got a position with a good salary, met a man, fell head over heels in love, mutually. Everything was in the best traditions of melodramas: he is young, rich, unmarried, in love,...
  • My husband says I don't love my daughter
    I am youngmom , yesdaughter , she is one year old. My husband reproached me from the moment we left the hospital. Said I don't love minedaughter , who will take her from me and raise her himself. There were many such requests addressed to me.There was a reason to say so, little attention was paid to...
  • For the sake of the children I overcame my pride
    When I divorced my husband, the children were still small. At first, he did not pay any attention to them at all, he lived only for his own pleasure. By the way, that's why we got divorced. I didn’t want to tolerate his constant absence from home, his lack of attention to me and the children.At firs...
  • Fear for children
    I was 20 years old and he was 19. We dated for 2 years, then got married. We had 2 daughters - Yulia and Irina, and 6 years later he dieshusband . Yulia was 3 years old, and Irina was 5 years old.A year later, my mother-in-law kicks me out of the house along with the children. I rented a house, the ...
  • Stepfather left mom homeless
    My mother is retired and has been with her husband for over 30 years. He is not our familyfather ,his mother came to live with him with her small children. My brother and I have already grown up and have our own families. We spent our entire childhood with our stepfather and considered him our fathe...
  • I'm faced with a choice
    I love children and thought that I would have three or four of my own. But the reality is that my husband and I have oneWe cannot financially afford a son and a second one. We barely have enough money to support ourselves, and a small child needs a lot of things, and I will have to be at home on mat...
  • Independence Day from you, my love
    Today is my holiday: I collected all my things, loaded them into the car and left for a new apartment. Amy friend stayed in the old one.Well, no, I’m not a monster, I paid for six months in advance. And then – on her own. Do as you wish, you’re smart. And hard-working, you'll think of something. And...
  • I believe that a husband should come home from work on time
    My husband and I have not been married for long. I am a very hot-tempered and emotional person, so I don’t know if I have the rightreaction to what is happening, or I take over the stick.My husband and I always give each other freedom, that is, we don’t have such a thing that one can forbid the othe...
  • How to make amends to your daughter?
    My daughter is seven years old, she has been asking for a kitten for a year now, even atbirthday asked for such a gift or no gift at all. I love animals, but I don’t have time to take care and fuss with them, I knew that Alena only promised to do everything herself, but then in a day or two she woul...
  • Why couldn't I find a common language with the children?
    My eldest son is 42 years old, he was also raised by his stepfather. I have almost the same situation as in the confession thatmy son doesn't want to communicate. But I don't blame my son. It's all her own fault. When I was little, I probably didn’t love you enough, didn’t caress you enough! And whe...
  • My husband got me into huge debts by taking out loans
    I met a guy who later became my husband; he was from a wealthy family at that time. He insisted on me leaving work, motivating that I should take care of my family and children in the future.I was 100% confident in him, he carried me in his arms. But as soon as we got married, strange situations beg...
  • What to do to avoid losing your husband?
    My husband is twelve years older than me. He once left his family for me, but now ourthe relationship has reached a dead end. He almost stopped giving me gifts, he is constantly dissatisfied with everything: dinner is not prepared well, and the cleaning is poorly done, although I try to have everyth...
  • I had to pay dearly for my mistake
    It all started when my youngestsister came outmarried ​After the wedding we sat in company andMy sister’s husband suggested going to the table for a snack, moving away he began to pester me and my feminine feelings took over (he was my first man). After this incident, everything started to turn arou...
  • The husband left for a barren girl
    We started dating my husband while still in college. We lived together for 10 years and gave birth to a long-awaited daughter. He didn’t let her go, he got up at night, walked, and at home he could play with her for hours. I was treated for a long time before I was able to get pregnant, and that’s w...
  • The older child annoys me
    Not long ago I began to catch myself thinking that my older child was annoying me. This makes me very ashamed. I try not to show irritation, but sometimes I feel like I’m boiling inside. I have 2 sons. One is 4 years old, the second is 4 months old.When I gave birth to my first child, the birth was ...
  • I don't want to give in to my wife
    I’ll say right away that I’m not addicted to computer games, butmy wife gives me no rest. She is on maternity leave with her three-month-old daughter. Every evening he insists that the computer be turned off by 10 pm. I don’t disturb their sleep at all, since I play in a separate room. But the wife ...
  • Should you reconcile with your ex-girlfriend?
    Several years ago I stopped communicating with some of my friends. There were several reasons for this - a difference in worldview and a difference in financial situation.I felt bad thatfriends do not respect those who are poorer than them. Does not have a job that is prestigious in their understand...
  • Mother-in-law violated the will of her late daughter-in-law
    I leftmarry a man who has 2 marriages behind him, the first, as usual, broke up due to his youth, the second ended in great misfortune -wife died of cancer.From this marriage there was a little girl left, whom I later adopted. There are two children from his first marriage, whom theyMom kicked them ...
  • My childhood grievances
    Now I'm 31 years oldI’m married and I have two children, my son is 8 years old and my daughter is four. I love my children very much, I always find time to communicate with them, even if I am very tired, I never take it out on them, but my mood varies, I almost never refuse them anything. Whenmy son...