
  • How not to lose touch with adult children?
    I have a story of communication with my son that is similar to yours and I decided to share it too. My adult, marriedmy son also began to move away from me and the situation is very similar to the one described above. He received a higher education, works, and so on according to the list, everything...
  • Запретная любовь с цыганом
    27 числа у меня случилась беда, за решеткой оказался мой любимый человек.Все началось в 2015 году. На работе мне в след кричал молодой человек, с целью познакомится, лица я не увидела, но видела, что сидели два парня, а я вся такая гордая прошла мимо. Дальше он по всему автосалону (это место, где я ...
  • What was it: love or habit?
    People, I would like to talk to you about such a concept asLove . Or rather, ask if you had this feeling, and if so, how did you understand it? Many people told me that love is something that you will definitely understand everything yourself, that there is no need to explain anything. But as the pr...
  • Mom is against my relationship with my boyfriend because of his parents
    I am already 22 years old, I work, I live with my mother, sister and brothers. I met a young man, and we have been together for 7 months. At first everything was fine, myMom was glad that I had found a good young man and even sometimes fantasized about how she would babysit our future children and h...
  • I am very angry with my parents
    I have a similar situation as in this story. Since childhood, I grew up in a complete family in a provincial village, where I had no peers with whom I could communicate, except perhaps at school in a neighboring village.MyFather is essentially a good person, but when he drank, he went on binges for ...
  • How to forgive and let go of your ex-husband?
    I never thought that I could have such crazy feelings for a person. We met 9 years ago, and ourThe relationship began to develop quite quickly. He was very proud of me, introduced me to his parents and we were very happy. At a certain point, a miracle happened and I became pregnant. He was happy and...
  • We were made for each other
    Then I was 21. Young, perky, with a good, albeit slightly plump, figure of very seductive shape. She enjoyed success with men of all ages and was never deprived of attention. Unlike most of my peers, I believed that I didn’t need marriage now, and therefore fans and lovers were permanently present i...
  • Personal life on social networks
    It's not so muchConfession , how much please help with advice. I am 23 years old, I love my girlfriend, we have been dating for 8 months. But we have one problem: I really don’t like her increased activity on social networks. The point is not that it takes a lot of time, which could be spent more us...
  • I am very saddened by my son's loneliness
    I worry about my son all the time; he has been very uncommunicative since early childhood. This was especially evident at school, where he had no friends at all, and his classmates often teased and offended him. I talked to the teachers several times, but what could they do. When he was beaten after...
  • The guy said he could only offer friendship
    I am 23 years old. I was friends with a young man for two years, went to theaters, dined in restaurants, walked until the morning, talked a lot. It even seemed to me that he was in love with me, periodically touched me, hugged me, but everything was within the bounds of decency. He’s never had anyon...
  • Native strangers
    My eldest hates mesister . She is several years older than me, we grew up separately, she was given to her grandparents, and I was given to my mother and father. As a child, I remember how my dad constantly scolded her and was strict with her, but he loved me. As a child, I was a daddy's girl. But w...
  • Жизнь без любви
    Мне 38 лет. Я живу в Азербайджане. Пишу впервые здесь и вообще в пространстве интернета, поскольку больше некому сказать о том, что наболело и что до сих пор не отпускает меня.Я поздний и единственный ребенок в семье. Возможно, из-за возраста и статуса родителей, росла очень серьезным, рассудительны...
  • My husband left me and married for the fourth time
    Life is like everyone else's. I met a man older than myself 7 years ago. At that time I had been divorced for 10 years.I met him at work. We dated for 5 years. He and I got married, I accepted his child from his first marriage. After I leftwhen I got married , I found out that he had a second onewif...
  • Mother-in-law's hatred led to divorce
    My first mother-in-law placed chicken feathers under my doormat. She did it to my death. She hated me because shemy son married me without her consent.Mymy husband studied to become a military man in my city, where we met. He has an older onesister , who moved to Moscow and works there as a waitress...
  • I can't live with my husband's parents
    I'm only 18 years old. A year ago I moved toguy because of family problems. We then lived with my parents in a rented apartment, and we did not have money for rent. My parents had to go to another city to work part-time, and I went to my boyfriend.Kazakhs have such a tradition, ifWhen a girl crosses...
  • The daughter I lost
    Since childhood, my parents and theirlove for alllife , and based on the example of their relationship, I also wanted to build my family, so that with one for life, I never strived to have many girls. In my first year at the institute, I met Marina, a modest girl from a small village. It was with he...
  • How to improve your relationship with your daughter?
    Surely many have found themselves in difficult family situations and somehow dealt with them. Tell me if you can. I am 39 years old and work as a nurse. 20 yearsMarried . I have a daughter, Margarita, 16 years old. At one time, I probably did something very stupid when I dropped out of medical schoo...
  • Relationships with mother-in-law: what should they be like?
    Imarried 3 years. Everything is fine with my husband, except for one “but” - hisMother . For some reason, she thinks that I should be a friend to her, share my experiences, ask for advice, discuss everythingproblems , talking on the phone with her for hours... In general, she is trying to become my ...
  • I cheated on my husband because I want to be happy
    We have been living in a civil marriage for seven years. We have two kids. Firstthe child is mineson from his first marriage, and our second together.We had perfectrelationship , but at some point he began to find fault with me over all sorts of trifles. Either the soup was cold, or the towel was no...
  • My parents ruined not only my childhood, but my whole life.
    Mymother alllife took offense at my grandmother because she lived with her stepfather. According to her, her stepfather treated her badly when she was little, called her names and even tried to hit her. He was a front-line soldier.At the age of 16, her mother left home and began renting a room and g...