
  • Online dating turned into constant threats and fear
    I want to share one story that I never dared to tell anyone about. I cannot remain silent, it has changed me to some extent.It all started in April 2011, in a frequently usedsocial networks at that time. Sent me a friend requesta guy with a fake name and other people's photos. Not knowing how everyt...
  • Или подруга, или враг
    Со своим парнем я прожила более полугода. Не стану скрывать: у нас было многое. В том числе и измены. С его стороны, правда. Однако это было поначалу, и сейчас он вроде как не изменяет мне.И все же основная проблема не только в нем. Основная проблема — это наша общая подруга (не знаю, могу ли я так ...
  • How to put a work colleague in his place?
    I live in a rural area and have been working in the district administration for 10 years. The place is not bad. I have my own good housing,family , small subsidiary plot.Everything would be fine, but a woman, Lucy, has been working with me in the same office for a year now, and she constantly reproa...
  • In love with a friend
    Don’t think about it, I’m not a lesbian – I deliberately came up with a provocative name. Were in my liferelationships with men, guys I fell in love with, dated, and was jealous of. But I have no one more dear to meSvetochka's friends . Now I am 22, and she is 24 years old, and we have been friends ...
  • The friend is to blame for not being able to keep her husband
    I didn't have much friends at school, but I had a faithfulfriend , we lived in neighboring buildings, where our parents live to this day. I went through everything with my friend! They even studied at the same institute. Each of us had a party at our wedding; we experienced or celebrated divorces to...
  • A friend told the details of my personal life to my father
    Tomorrowit's my birthdayfriends and this is the first time in 11 years of our friendship that I will not congratulate her even with a short SMS.We were 1st year students when we became friendsrelationship _ We graduated from university, but everyone was always friends. After mygirlfriend had a bad e...
  • I wanted to find my happiness, but life had other plans
    I am 27 years old, my baby will be a year old in 2 weeks. I work for myself. New business is picking up every month. I live alone with my child. My husband and I met two years ago. Two months later she became pregnant. We loved each other very much and therefore waited for our happiness to be born. ...
  • Strange women
    I read here that all friendsmarried , only the author of the story is alone and decided to write about her friends.I have a lot of friends who came outmarry the one who first proposed. Eatfriend , her husband is 40, she is 27. He was married, butwife I couldn’t give birth , he deceived my friend, di...
  • My husband surprised me
    Mymy sister drives a car very well. Somehow something happened to her engine. A great master was recommended to us, and my sister and I went to see him. When I saw this master, my heart sank: a tall, handsome man stood in front of me. And I fell in love at first sight. Apparently he liked me too, be...
  • Returns of prodigal love
    My name is Tatyana, I’m 32 years old, I want to tell you a story from my life, I still shudder when I remember it.The story began in a banal way: I, a young 19-year-old girl, fell in love with a handsome, athletic guy named Roman . He was 10 years older than me, but for me at that time it did not ma...
  • My friends understand that I'm not like them
    I want to talk about my friends, although you can’t call them close friends, they are the wives of my husband’s classmates, I’ve known them for almost 6 years, friends, so to speak. I feel like a black sheep in their company. They get along very well with each other, but when they....
  • How my husband's mistress became my relative
    I married for love, and until recently,my marriage was considered happy. My husband loved me and helped me in everything. We lived like this for fifteen years. And then I found out that he had been havingmistress _ How could you pretend like that?The apartment was mine and I, having collected his th...
  • I don't regret getting involved in the relationship between my friend and her boyfriend
    I am 25 years old. Married for 1.5 years. We are not planning children yet. My husband and I have a common social circle (his brothers, their wives, friends from university). We see them often, especially in the summer. We throw parties, play, drink, have fun.We have a friend Nikita. He is simply ma...
  • How my wife quietly worked off her loan
    I am 25 years old. I was born and live in a small town. After school I entereduniversity , met a girl there and started datingrelationship _ Then it seemed to me that I only felt sympathy for her, but she wanted for memarried _ I slacked off, saying that once we finish our studies, I’ll start workin...
  • My girlfriend's friend ruined everything
    My story began a long time ago, I’m not able to figure it out myself, so I’m asking for wise advice.When I was 6 years old, I met girls on the playground - Lisa and Nastya. I liked Lisa very much, over the course of a year she became like family to me, it was probablylove , but due to my age I did n...
  • The husband evened the score
    My friend's story. They got married while still students. We went through a lot together, built our lives together, but it so happened that she stumbled. In the eighth year of married life she cheated, she was smallaffair on the sidelover doctor _ Everything came to light as usual, the lover retreat...
  • I didn't expect this from my friend
    I havegirlfriend _ We have known him for over 14 years. All this long time we communicated, although not very often and mainly by phone, since we live in different cities. We always supported each other morally and knew that we had each other. It was strange sometimes, but they could sense moods fro...
  • My child's father is my friend's husband
    I havefriend , the best. She left university straight awaymarried to a wealthy man 11 years older than her. Butthe marriage turned out to be childless. My friend is very beautiful, smart, apparently that’s whyher husband did not leave her, although he really wanted a child.I don’t know how it happen...
  • My girlfriend dresses all in black
    I don’t want to state categorically that female friendship does not exist, but I am sure that over the years it either changes or moves into a completely different stage of communication. At school I hadfriend Yana, everyone envied our friendship, we were inseparable, together everywhere. After scho...