
  • bear
    Bear, Bear, where is your smile? Full of enthusiasm and fire, You don’t know yet, dear Mishka, how madly I love youThis is what I, paraphrasing a famous song, scrawled on the roof of a Kyiv high-rise building when I was 17 years old. And myMak Xu’s friend laughed at the simple poems and my love.Now ...
  • Feelings of pity and gloating towards your ex-boyfriend
    I had a better opinion of my friend until she admitted to me that she had startedaffair with your employee. The main thing is herThe husband has absolutely no idea that he is being cheated on. And what difference does it make to me, you ask? The whole point is that shemy husband is a very good perso...
  • Mom suddenly changed her attitude towards me
    We were never close to my mother, but in my adolescence, when I was an downtrodden child, embarrassed by my appearance,mom stood next to meevery day , I was likegirlfriend ,sister , we shared everything in the world with each other, there were no secrets. It was the happiest time. The only thing is ...
  • Why did my friend do this?
    An incident happened to me yesterday that radically changed myattitude towards a person.Eata friend at work and someone who tried to seem like her. He calls me in the evening and invites me to visit. At first I denied it, and then I decided to go. I come to visit, and she’s sitting there, her other ...
  • My husband wants a child, but I'm afraid to give birth
    I am 40 years old, my husband is 43 years old. Married for over twenty years, but no children -my husband didn't want to. I dreamedgive birth to at least one child, but my husband said that we need to get back on our feet,a child is very expensive these days. Then we bought an apartment, a car, and ...
  • My parents' drinking led me to long-term depression
    I was born in a normal family, I was a modest and obedient child. When I started going to kindergarten, and then to first grade, there werecommunication problems . I was scared to start a conversation first, and generally interact with the guys, so I was always silent.In 4th grade I gotfriend , than...
  • These are my friends
    At the institute I was friends with two girls, and thisThe friendship continued after graduation.It so happened that my friends found a job in their specialty, but I didn’t. Although I studied well. At some point I was just unlucky, I didn’t come across anything worthwhile, and then my friends offer...
  • About fate and invitations to tea
    I'm 32 and I've been divorced for 4 months. I was married for 8 years. Seven of them were decided ondivorce _ At first I felt sorry for him that he would disappear and all that (ladies will understand). Then I felt sorry for myself. She’s not a beauty, she doesn’t have a great figure - who needs me,...
  • The husband's jealousy has crossed all boundaries
    I am 38 years old, married for 11 years. Husband is two years younger, yesdaughter . My husband is very jealous, I live according to a schedule, I can’t stay anywhere even for ten minutes, it’s immediately a scandal. It was hard at first, evenfiled for divorce , butThe husband vowed to improve. I di...
  • I don't know how to manage money
    I am a passionate shopaholic and a big spender, I don’t know how to handle money, I can easily spend my entire salary on new clothes, and then I sit without money, subsisting on kefir and bread. Every time I promise myself to distributemoney immediately after salary, but on the same day I am drawn t...
  • How to help a friend and her daughter?
    I'm asking for advice for a friend.Girlfriend 37 years old, lives with a guy,relationship is serious. She hasdaughter is 17 years old, daughter has not lived with her mother for 8 years, but lives with her grandmother (friend's mom ). The father of this girl from the very birth did not participate i...
  • How can I change and find myself
    I am twenty-five years old, I have a job, I exercise moderately. My problem is that I was raisedmother , and there was never a male example nearby. I can't stand being alone and I get depressed because of it and there's nothing I can do about it. According to the girls, I'm cute, but it turns out to...
  • Resentment at the mother does not give rest
    I broke up with my son's father 5 months after his birth. He began to drink, go for walks, hardly showed up at home, spent the night with his parents, then with friends, then with another mistress. I really regret leavingmarried a month after they met, without knowing well the person with whom she w...
  • All my friends are married, I'm the only one
    I have never had a serious relationship. I always wished that I had tooguy , like the girlfriends, but he was not. I liked those who I did not like at all and vice versa. I was in love twice, both times the guys were already busy, and I found out about it much later.Since adolescence, I have been re...
  • My girlfriend's prolonged depression
    We have been friends with Masha for a long time, although everyone around us is surprised at this, because we are very different in character. I am cheerful, sociable, easy-going, Masha is constantly dissatisfied with everything, closed, does not like noisy companies. Over time, her melancholy began...
  • My terrible wedding
    I always dreamed of a beautiful wedding and prepared for it very carefully for 8 months. Haute couture dress, best place for offsite check in, decor is fantastic. In general, they arranged a fairy tale, everything was calculated. But the day started withthe groom's mother came and tried to give me p...
  • How to get rid of an inadequate girlfriend?
    Since school, I have a working page in one of the social networks. Then I earnedmoney transfers from German into Russian and vice versa. But in general, my story is about a “girlfriend”.I took on small translations because I had neither the desire nor the time to translate 50 pages of text or more. ...
  • Can't forgive my friend
    A friend acted very badly with me, which offended me very much, but now she changed her mind and asks for forgiveness. I know that she sincerely repents, because we have been friends with her since childhood, but something prevents me from forgiving her. I can’t even see her, let alone talk to her,....
  • I am ashamed and unpleasant that the boss behaves like this
    I had a good job, friendlyteam but low pay. And soa friend lured me to her company, promising that there would be three times more money here. I agreed, who wouldn't? I got used to the new team for a long time, everything was different here, communication between employees was not welcomed by the au...