
  • My friend accused me of being greedy
    I have known my best friend since kindergarten. Afterwards there was school, one institute. We have always been together.She is very sociable, she has many friends and acquaintances. I was jealous of her, it was a shame when you invite her tobirthday , but someone invited earlier, and she goes to hi...
  • Confession of Greed
    Mythe confession will be about greed.Write prompted by behaviorgirlfriends . Her mother has been living and working abroad for a long time, regularly sending hermoney . And these are not small amounts!This timethe mother transferred 5 thousand dollars to her friend, asking her to give a thousand to ...
  • The examples of my friends taught me to choose a worthy husband
    I read itconfession about greed and I can’t understand how it wasn’t clear before thatIs your husband stingy?I've dated several guys in my time. Those of them who were trying to save money on a cafe were invited to the park for a walk, and after the first date I put them on the “black list”. IfThe g...
  • I don't dare tell my friend the truth
    My friend Vika and I have been working together (we became friends here) for five years. Two years ago a new girl came to us,The girl is beautiful and sociable. Marina also dressed fashionably and expensively, and we all immediately thought thatHer husband is a businessman, because you can’t afford ...
  • I myself gave my friend my happiness
    I know that I deserve the most terrible words addressed to me. I know that I made a huge mistake, betrayed a loved one, did not appreciate herthe love that was given to me. I know thatit is impossible to return all this, but I still dream of rewinding that time back, if it were possible.We lived wit...
  • The girl is tired of forgiving me
    We have been dating a girl for more than two years,There was love until the grave, they could not live a day without each other. Since I understand a little about people, I saw that this love was sincere. But no matter how good everything was, after half a year of relationship I began to make huge m...
  • This is my friend
    There was a shock in my life, I felt very bad and I was waiting for support fromfriend , but she simply began to avoid me and ignore me, and also exchanged me for another.This made me feel terrible and hurt, after a while she stopped ignoring me and even began to take the initiative in communication...
  • I want to be happy too
    I stolemy friend's husband ! Everyone judges me, but it's not mineguilt , he would have left her anyway. And it's not that she's a gray mouse, it's justman walking. Are you saying that he will leave me too? But I don’t need him for good, and since I’ve liked him for a long time, why not be with the ...
  • I'm not at all glad that my wife returned to me
    I met my future wife through mutual friends, first became best friends, and thenthe relationship started by itself, everything is like everyone else, handsomethe novel was a beautiful wedding surrounded by family and friends, and then everything didn’t go as desired.My wife got new onesfriends , and...
  • My sad thoughts about lost love
    I am 25 years old. I am beautiful (I hear about this from others all the time), slim, have a sense of style, and know how to behave in society. For two years I lived with a guy who is three years younger than me. I had never loved him before, I played with men as I wanted, I looked for benefits in e...
  • Why are people so ungrateful?
    Brother's wifeMy husband broke his ankle while on vacation. The husband and child flew home because the child had to go to school and she had to undergo surgery.She asked me to cook something for dinner, I prepared everything, took off the bed linen, washed, ironed and made it, bought food for break...
  • How I met my mother-in-law
    I was married for only three years, but that was enough for me to become disappointed in people. After the wedding, my husband and I lived with his parents. From the very beginning, my mother-in-law was constantly dissatisfied with everything. No matter what I did, everything was wrong. When I compl...
  • All that's left is to live
    It sometimes happens that you seem to live in a whirlwind rhythm and suddenly some kind of melancholy comes upon you, so heavy, dreary, you begin to look back at the past. Like today, for example.This happened 9 years ago. I was a schoolgirl then, an 11th grader, and he was a grade lower. What was i...
  • There is no peace even in retirement
    Recently, my husband and I have become pensioners. It always seemed to me that at this time the spouses should have complete mutual understanding. After all, behind everythinglife lived together. Do what you like and enjoy life. No worries, no extra hassle.But how wrong I was. I never would have tho...
  • Independence Day from you, my love
    Today is my holiday: I collected all my things, loaded them into the car and left for a new apartment. Amy friend stayed in the old one.Well, no, I’m not a monster, I paid for six months in advance. And then – on her own. Do as you wish, you’re smart. And hard-working, you'll think of something. And...
  • Strange female friendship
    I'll start my story with the fact that my friends throughout my entire lifeI had three life : twofriends from school days with whom we still communicate, and one with whom we have known each other not so long ago, but have become so close that we miss them if we don’t see each other for at least one...
  • I was erased from life
    Most likely, they will consider me just a whiner. After all, there isthe problems are much worse. But I have this situation, and I have no one to talk to.I 've been married for 4 years. I always considered myself a good wife. At first everything was fine, thenthe relationship went downhill sharply, ...
  • Confession of a girl living with a domestic tyrant
    I am 21 years old, I live with a guy who is very unstable and lacks self-confidence. I work as a florist and this is probably the only joy in my life. I work alone, because... mythe guy can't find a job and constantly says thatlife is unfair to him and everything around him is against him. I feel ve...
  • My loneliness and emptiness in my soul
    I don’t remember a time when I could call my family prosperous in terms of the psychological climate at home, but until that year, at least we maintained the level of strong, needy “middle peasants” financially.Living together was not comfortable, even though each family member was assigned a room. ...