
  • How to make amends to your daughter?
    My daughter is seven years old, she has been asking for a kitten for a year now, even atbirthday asked for such a gift or no gift at all. I love animals, but I don’t have time to take care and fuss with them, I knew that Alena only promised to do everything herself, but then in a day or two she woul...
  • Bad sign
    This story is from real life, it happened to me. Several years ago I dated a guy, everything was heading towards marriage, but unexpectedly for ourselves, we ran away in different directions. After some time, we met in a company, a spark ran between us, and the fruit of love was not slow to appear i...
  • A friend's advice helped save the marriage
    I am 37 years old, my husband is 32. When I met him, I already haddaughter from her first marriage.I didn’t live long with my first husband. Tired of constant betrayal and lies, I got divorced and decided that I would raise my daughter myself. But over time, everything was forgotten, and I met Oleg....
  • I can't work in such a team anymore
    I work in a store as an administrator,Our team is young. I came at the request of the director to help the store open. I worked for three months, and it was time to register. Accounting is carried out at night and is not paid for. We have a two by two schedule.To carry out accounting, you need to pr...
  • My wife hid the truth from me about buying a new car
    Our family has a car. Not luxurious, but a decent foreign car. I always take my wife to work and pick her up from there. She has a license and takes the car whenever she needs it. Butmy wife decided that she needed her own car.I tried to explain to her that this was not necessary, but she stood her ...
  • Nobody wants to talk to me
    I am from Moscow. I don't understand why people don't want to communicate with me. I study at an institution where all (okay, not all, but many) students have similar interests.No, I'm not being ignored. I communicate with some people who are happy to see me. But they don't consider me friends. They...
  • I still remember my birthday with horror and resentment.
    I am 25 years old, I recently became a mother. Not that it mattersrelation to my story, which I would like to share, but perhaps this became the catalyst for what I write here, since the memories relate to childhood andrelationships with parents.In general, I had a normal childhood, I had enough of ...
  • Should you reconcile with your ex-girlfriend?
    Several years ago I stopped communicating with some of my friends. There were several reasons for this - a difference in worldview and a difference in financial situation.I felt bad thatfriends do not respect those who are poorer than them. Does not have a job that is prestigious in their understand...
  • I don’t understand those women who don’t want to go to work after maternity leave.
    Many of minefriends are in no hurry to go back to work after maternity leave. Some say thatraising a child is more important than earning money, others simply give birth to a second or third child. But it's not for me to beghusband money for everything.I was on maternity leave for 5.5 years with two...
  • Forgive us, Lena
    I want to share with you a story that has been haunting me for years. This happened when I was in my third year at university. The teachers tried to train us into qualified criminologists, and we, in turn, tried hard to pretend that they were succeeding. As expected, we lived in a dormitory. Life wa...
  • Eternal lover
    I am 45 years old and my husband is 60. And I hate him. It's not even a matter of age. But I can’t leave him, there are too many things that bind me. Both the material side and purely humanly. We live together and get along. The former love and passion are long gone. As well as the money and opportu...
  • My daughter hates me
    Daughter is 15 years old. For the last six months I’ve completely gotten out of hand, and have dropped to a bad grade. Hergirlfriends , most often, lead an immoral lifestyle, onthe question where it goes, the answer is: “what should I do at home, it’s boring.” And he just leaves. She doesn’t spend t...
  • My husband's friend turns him against his family
    I have been married for 9 years, before marriage and before my friend met me.the husband was his “best friend,” a kind of married bachelor. All the birthdays of friends, where everyone is with their wives or other halves, he is alone, on vacation - alone, on weekends with friends, despite the presen...
  • I'm not ashamed that I had such a childhood
    It's my time to tell my life story, which many are shocked when I tell it. But it was thanks to her that I learned to sew and have now become the owner of an atelier.While I was little, about seven years old, IMom sent us to wash other people’s dishes from our neighbors and friends. She was still af...
  • Pregnant from a married but beloved man
    I met him at work when I was in my early twenties. He did not hide the fact that he was married and had a child, but at the same time he always told me that he and his wife had not slept for a long time, but lived only by inertia. I was getting good regularsex and attention that I needed at that mom...
  • Do husbands have the right to do this?
    My friend and I have been friends for eight years. We met by chance near the entrance to a supermarket located not far from our house. Satisfied and happy, covered in shopping, I dropped my phone, and she picked it up. It turned out that she and I live in the same yard. I was very glad to meet you. ...
  • Why are people like my friend always lucky?
    My friend Nadya and I sat at the same desk for 11 years. They quarreled, made peace, and overcame difficulties together. We shared our thoughts and girlish secrets.After school, our paths diverged, but contact was not lost. I have always been energetic, combative, with an active lifestyle. I chose a...
  • Psychological moments of childhood led me to such a sad result
    I'm terribly unsure of myself. I'm depressed, I'm overwhelmed by society, I'm lost. I'm childish, I'm naive and too romantic. Perhaps it all started in my childhood, in my first grade.I was an outcast and a black sheep. Not a day went by without me, a relatively weak girl, coming home with bruises o...
  • Not everything can be forgiven
    This happened when I was 11 years old, and my younger brother was 10. As a child, I did not understand and simply could not, due to my age, know some things. For me we had a happyfamily , everything is as it should be, loving dad,mother , grandparents. Both then and now I cannot understand why every...
  • How to survive alone with a child in this country?
    I want to tell a story not my own, butFriends , maybe someone who has been in a similar situation knows a way out.Mymy friend is a single mother, it just so happened. Herher mother helped her a lot with the child. They lived in an apartment, they needed to get by somehow, and so the mother quit and ...