
  • My mom's behavior is annoying
    My mother's intemperance irritates me. It's ingrained in our familyhabit of watching movies together on weekends. And every time it arisesquarrel between parents whenMom begins to comment on this or that scene. Her exclamations like “I don’t like him”, “doesn’t she see that he’s deceiving her” and s...
  • How to convince your wife not to leave for her lover?
    Let's say my situation is not simple. My wife and I have been officially married for 18 years. The eldest son is the same age. He is now in the army - it was purely his decision. Although there was an opportunity to go to law school, I have connections there.But he promised that he would go anywhere...
  • The downside of family life
    I am sure thatlove doesn't last foreverlife , even ifthe man and woman lived together until old age. They are connectedhabit , children, acquired property that you don’t want to share, or maybe some common interests and hobbies. But love doesn't last long.I made this conclusion not only from my own ...
  • My friend's story
    I'll tell you a real life story about difficult family relationships. Irina lived with her husband Victor for 11 years. He's quite uniqueman . With unusual viewslife , onhealth . His firstwife lost a child during childbirth, suchmisfortune ​She, as I understand it, has some kind of serious illness, ...
  • Will he fall in love?
    Three months ago I broke up with my man. No one was to blame, it was the circumstances. He was rude, impudent, but I may have loved him, maybe I’m sickit was a habit . But now I don't need anyone anymore. I understand that there would be no future with him anyway. When I got to the hospital, he didn...
  • Habit of loneliness
    I am 21 years old, I have no experience of relationships with the opposite sex, and now the result of all this is not knowing what to do. How to understand yourself? Is it about me? Perhaps I know the reason why alone, but how to fix it? Is it fear ? Or am I that kind of person? The one who doesn't ...
  • I want to find my love, but girls don't pay attention to me
    I have been tormented by one problem for a very long time, the solution to which I would like to find here. This problem -loneliness , and more specifically, some kind of incomprehensible to me, my complete unpopularity with girls.I’m 23 years old, I’m finishing my master’s degree in IT, I have a no...
  • Husband insists on getting married
    My husband and I have been married for 24 years. Next year we will celebrate our silver wedding. We have two children - 22 and 15 years old. We live a normal, stable life, a small common business, but there has been no spark in the relationship for a long time. Quickerhabit , respect,friendship . Al...
  • I feel like a black sheep
    I am a second-year student, and I lead a fairly active lifestyle, I am not afraid to make first acquaintances and communicate.But I have a problem with maintaining communication, moving to the level of trust. I don't know how to structure this part of communication. Most likely, the subconscious kno...
  • The world of my fantasies
    Since my school years, I have been inventing a reality where I have excellent grades and a sea of ​​friends. In real life, of course, everything was exactly the opposite. But worryProblems were helped by going into my inner world, where I successfully dealt with them. Of course, there was no practic...
  • My husband left and I cry every day
    I am 25 years old. My husband and I have been together for 3 years, 1.5 of which have been married. I wanted a familyMy husband , one might say, did me a favor. But at the beginning of the relationship he was very caring, responsible, affectionate and kind. He hadhabit of breaking up with ex-girlfri...
  • First love was unsuccessful
    It all started with friendship, we were good friends and went to the same school, played volleyball together. At that moment, I treated him as a friend, and he simply had sympathy for me.At that time he hadgirl , they dated for a long time, but as a friend he told me that it was morehabit no longer ...
  • Помолвка с парнем закончилась ссорой и расставанием
    Я не знаю, что мне делать в сложившейся ситуации. Плакать каждый вечер на протяжении недели — уже привычка, в горле комок, на душе боль, поговорить особо не с кем.Мы встречались 5 лет. Ссорились, мирились, расставались пару раз, но последний год все было стабильно, мы искали компромиссы, притирались...
  • Love is gone, only habit remains
    I have been in a relationship with my husband for about 6 years, married for about 4 years. At the moment I have not been working for several months.I will note that there was no difference in the relationship between the time I worked and when I stopped doing it. My husband and I have a complete mi...
  • My father ruined my whole life
    I’m 35. And I still haven’t realized myself in life, although I have 2 higher educations, evenGetting married and having children somehow didn’t work out. When I was in my early 20s, it seemed that everything was still ahead, although, as now, I could only rely on myself. For your momI am a late chi...
  • How to deal with your husband's drunkenness?
    We have been living with my husband for five years, we have a smallchild ,son 2.5 years old. What worries me is thatThe husband drinks and may lose his job. He loved to drink even when we were still dating, and he always had a bottle of beer in his hands. Then he told me that it’s not scary, he can ...
  • Annoying tracking
    I've gotman _ He is very jealous. We don't live together for a number of reasons, but we live nearby geographically and can always meet whenever we want. He has one like thishabit , when he is at work or we are not together, he often asks me: “Are you at home?” If not, then he asks when I’ll come or...
  • My husband kicks me out of the house after every quarrel.
    My husband is 9 years older. I've only been married for two years, but I'm already thinking about divorce. Tired of playing the silent game - that's meThis is how my husband punishes me if I’m guilty of something. And he considers any trifle such a crime. I met a friend and was late from work for an...
  • I am unhappy in marriage
    When I first met my husband, I won’t say that I loved him to the point of unconsciousness. He loved me, gave me a lot, and I was so imbued with his sincerity that I wanted to give in return.So 3, 5, 7 years passed and then in the 10th year of his life his attitude towards me completely changed. Once...
  • My dear neighbors, mind your own business!
    All people come home to take a break from work, and I, in order to listen to what my housemates say about me, who constantly complain about me to my mother, a 70-year-old pensioner. I have never seen such people as in our house anywhere, neither in the city where I studied as a technologist at the i...