
  • I can't forget the pain my mother caused me
    I don't like mine very muchmother since childhood. Yes, she bought me a lot of things, and I had everything that a child needed. But at the same time, my mother beat and humiliated me many times. What did I get it for? Mostly for the tears. There was one more incident. When I was in second grade, it...
  • During the divorce, my daughter stayed with her father and doesn’t want to communicate with me.
    I beg you to help me with advice. First, a brief background. I am 31 years old. 4 months ago I lefthusband to another man. Before that, I was married for 13 years, my daughter was 11 years old. Please don’t judge me too much, I had reasons for this:The relationship with my husband had gone wrong for...
  • How can I forget about my wife's office romance?
    I don’t know if there is any point in writing about a problem if it already exists. Probably everyone who writes hisconfession to this site, consoles himself with a certain hope that suddenly there will be someone who has happily survived such a test. Or someone had a similar problem and people surv...
  • There is no love, but there is affection
    I was 23 years old when I met an unusual girl, she was 18 at that time. We talked for about a month, during that time we saw each other 2 times, and then she called me over, we had sex. Sex honestly didn’t work out very well, I couldn’t find the reason, after that everything went downhill and there ...
  • Преданный друг
    Я жительница далëкого сибирского городка. Моя история началась несколько лет назад.С детства меня баловали, и я получала что хотела. Окончив школу, я поступила в колледж, но по факту не училась, а прожигала жизнь. Спиртное, дурная компания. Там я и познакомилась со своим гражданским мужем.Мы вместе ...
  • Forever lost friend
    On that fateful day I was at school. It was already lunch, and I was very upset that mymy friend never came to school. We were told that we would have the Olympics, and I decided to call Anya (friend) and warn her about this. I call her at home, her grandmother answers the phone:“Hello,” I say. - He...
  • Married to spite the guy I loved
    I have notlife , but a complete pun.I lived with a man for about three years. At that moment everything was uncertain. I wantedmarried , but he didn’t marry. I wanted money, but there was none. There were only feelings, care and attention.I nagged him constantly. Everything was wrong. Didn't do much...
  • Forgave the betrayal, but I don’t have the same feelings for my wife
    I have been married to my wife for 10 years, my son is 8. For the first six years we lived simply in perfect harmony, for each other and for the child. Then the routine began, everyday life, reproaches from her that there was not enough money, that I could not find a normal job.When I changed my job...
  • I'm lonely and I can't figure myself out
    Меня зовут Д. и на сегодняшний момент мне 19 лет. Однако историю я начну за долго до этого дня. На тот момент мне 13 лет и я был ярым сторонником здорового образа жизни (на самом деле мне так только казалось). Истинная причина крылась в том, что мою маму искренне волновало, чтобы я не связался с пло...
  • I want to forget about what my beloved husband did, but I can’t
    I don’t know what to do anymore, and what to do? The desire is such that you want to hit the wall and lose your memory.I love very muchI have always loved my husband . We have a wonderfuldaughter , first grader. My husband really wanted a second child, I became pregnant with my son. And then he brok...
  • I can't forget my cat
    I am 13 years old and my cat died about a year ago. She lived with me for almost 7 years. For me, she became more than just a pet. I didn't feel lonely with her. I love her madly.But last spring she left this world. The thing is, on the weekend two days before she died, we went to the vet to get her...
  • The feeling of guilt does not go away
    I met her back in my student years and fell in love almost immediately. We had non-binding conversations and mutual sympathy, but soon I had to leave for a while.When he returned, he found out that she and her roommate were “having fun.” Moreoverthe neighbor described in vivid colors how where, etc....
  • Failures in love have made my heart cold and closed
    A long time ago I was a very good and obedient boy. I had long eyelashes and many girls noticed this and asked me to give them to them.So I grew up, surrounded by attention from the weaker sex. Childhood passed very quickly, and finally adolescence arrived. I fell in love for the first time for real...
  • My mother-in-law and sister-in-law are stealing money from our family
    I leftI’m married , I have my own apartment, a car, I make good money. My husband and I live in my apartment (he doesn’t have his own), he works and also makes good money.There are practically no quarrels in the family, except for one topic: more than half of your salaryThe husband gives it to his m...
  • Don't listen to talk about the happiness of motherhood
    I am 23 years old. I was not happy when I found out I was pregnant. And I have mineMy husband also had mixed feelings about the unexpected news, because this was not part of our plans. But then I was happy.When I was 7-8 weeks pregnant, I had an accident. I was admitted to the hospital for conservat...
  • Even after my wife cheated, I don't want a divorce
    I'm 21 years old, 5 days ago, I learned something I can'tforget . No one can give me answers to all my questions.The essencethe problem is: 5 days ago it arrivesmy wife is home, her phone rang, she doesn’t pick up, I ask you to give me the phone so I can look at it (in all 5 years of my life togethe...
  • I was hurt by the girl's deception
    Three years ago, one woman got a job at the company where I worked.a girl who fell into my soul on the very first day. We communicated well, there was mutual sympathy. I fell into the so-called friend zone. She constantly complained to me about her boyfriend, with whom she lived at that time.This we...
  • How not to lose touch with adult children?
    I have a story of communication with my son that is similar to yours and I decided to share it too. My adult, marriedmy son also began to move away from me and the situation is very similar to the one described above. He received a higher education, works, and so on according to the list, everything...
  • What was it: love or habit?
    People, I would like to talk to you about such a concept asLove . Or rather, ask if you had this feeling, and if so, how did you understand it? Many people told me that love is something that you will definitely understand everything yourself, that there is no need to explain anything. But as the pr...
  • У меня идеальная жена, но мне с ней скучно
    Много лет назад мне сильно нравилась одна девчонка на работе. Я долго пытался обратить на себя её внимание, но она была прочно, как мне казалось, влюблена в нашего начальника. Со мной она обращалась дерзко и презрительно. Наконец, мне это надоело, и я решил больше с ней не общаться.Сначала у меня эт...