
  • Not everything can be forgiven
    This happened when I was 11 years old, and my younger brother was 10. As a child, I did not understand and simply could not, due to my age, know some things. For me we had a happyfamily , everything is as it should be, loving dad,mother , grandparents. Both then and now I cannot understand why every...
  • It's Complicated
    I have a friend. We have been communicating for 4 years now. Already in the first year, he admitted his sympathy for me, but I could not reciprocate. The reason, I think, was not a lack of sympathy for the person, but fear. It wasfear of others, as well as of parents. They kept me strict in terms of...
  • Love came unexpectedly
    I want to tell my sad life story. Maybe someone will understand me and help me with advice.I am 40 years old. I got married at 19 and livedMarried for 21 years, not very happily. You are the one to blame. The saying “If you endure it, you will fall in love” does not work. And that’s pretty much what...
  • Не могу забыть, как мама и сестра со мной поступили
    Я вышла замуж в 22 года, папа тогда уже болел. Сестре было 17 лет, жила она с родителями в двухкомнатной хрущевке. Я с мужем жила у его бабушки в кухне. Муж, бросив любимую работу, на которой не строили жильё, устроился на малооплачиваемую, но со служебным жильём. Нам дали комнату на подселение в че...
  • The past doesn't let me live in peace
    In the past I led a wild lifestyle: clubs, bars,alcohol , men. By the age of 18, I had a not very good reputation, you understand. My family is decent, my parents don’t drink. My entire family fought with me, from my grandmothers to my cousin’s husband. It got to the point that I was locked at home:...
  • My communication with a girl turned into a quarrel and misunderstanding
    Iguy , 20 years old. A year ago we met a girl in an online game. She had a boyfriend and they lived together. We communicated closely and considered each other best friends. We live a thousand kilometers from each other. Four months ago, her boyfriend left her. I sat with her in the voice program fo...
  • Friend didn't wish you happy birthday
    One of my friends did not congratulate me onHappy Birthday . It's upsetting to me. And I don’t know if I should congratulate him on his birthday now.It would seem that everything is simple. Well, the man forgot for some reason. In principle, this is a small thing. Canforgive , don’t hold a grudge fo...
  • My sister's love for a non-existent person
    A year ago my niece hadproblems with a company of very serious young people, various threats against her and much more. We didn’t communicate at that time, there were reasons for that. I really wanted to help her and decided to create a page on a social network. I created a guy’s page and gained her...
  • My sad relationship with Dima
    My name is Alexandra, I'm 17 years old. I will try to briefly tell a story from my life.This Dima and I studied together from the first grade, and from the 5th grade we became best friends. Then he confessed his love to me, but it was childishly stupid - at such and such an age. But he almost came t...
  • Just friend
    IMarried ,wonderful husband , sweetie is growing updaughter . My husband loves me, I feel and see it. He often goes on business trips, I miss him at home. But that's not what I wanted to talk about.My husband and I have been married for a little over 4 years; we dated before that. At that time, when...
  • Fell in love with a married boss
    Really want toforget one unpleasant person. I'll start from the beginning. I'm looking for a job. I decided to play it safe and ask one of the bosses at work to recommend me if necessary.He became interested and asked me to call him back. During the conversation, I realized that he wanted to offer m...
  • How to understand and forgive your husband?
    My name is Inna and I am 29 years old. I havehusband and five year oldson . In principle, our life with my husband is not bad, sometimes we fight, then we make peace, we love our common child very much. Umy husband has two children from his first marriage. Six months ago I had a terrible event that ...
  • My strange attitude towards men
    I'm writing my ownConfession is not the first or even the second time. I still can’t understand myself and mylife .I'm worried about myattitude towards the opposite sex. I'll tell you straight away, I don'tmarried , never been. But we have been living with the father of my children for more than 10 ...
  • I don't want my husband's son to come visit us
    I read a story where the exthe wife is against communication between father and son. Not to say that the situation is the same, but it is very close to me and I act as the wife who forbidscommunication with my son.Why is the situation not like this? The fact is that when we met only my husband, he, ...
  • Pain that burns me from the inside
    I have been suffering from depression for three years now. I managed to stay in a psychiatric hospital, overcome self-harm and much more, now I am in remission, but this diagnosis and the fight against it brought some adjustments in my life - I took off my rose-colored glasses, I stopped expecting t...
  • I can’t come to my senses after the betrayal of the man I love
    At the age of 24 I met myLove . He was married. I knew about this. He was my first and only man.Since I knew the whole truth about him, when I felt that he wanted to disappear from my life, I let him go, did not call him and did not show up at all, although I thought about himevery day . After 9 mon...
  • Resentment gave rise to hatred
    I have been living with my husband for over twenty years. Over the years, everything has happened - quarrels, reconciliations, debts, misunderstandings, laughter, joy. In general, I am a non-conflict person, I can get along with any person and find the key to him in a few minutes. I forgave my husba...
  • My unlucky first love
    It all started with meeting her best friend, three years before the incident. For a long time, he and I were colleagues of sorts. Over time, they even became friends. They discussed almost everything, loved to argue about politics and the situation in the country.But one day he decided to introduce ...
  • The man you love is offended and doesn’t want to communicate
    I recently had a fight with my male friend. We have known each other for ages. Both are adults. Our children are also grown up. Free. And I waited for him for a very, very long time. He is very near and dear to me, butrelationships don't work out. Maybe it's just me. Maybe,He has problems because ab...
  • The guy disappointed me in everything
    I dated a guy for three years. He was always attentive and helpful, gave gifts and called every hour. He always supported me in everything.I was happy and decided that I was lucky to meet my soul mate. But everything changed after we started living together. Kostya decided that he did everything so ...