
  • Between 1st and 2nd
    I'm 20 years old, I've been talking to a guy for a year now. He is very loyal, good, devoted, there are almost no such guys left in the world. Before him I had my firstguy , I talked for 2 years, he cheated on me often, he made me laugh a lot, he was rude and bad. After the first one I couldn’t come...
  • Everywhere I get fired from my job
    I am 27 years old, I am worried about the situation with my work. More precisely, with work. I don’t stay anywhere for long; I always have problems at every job.It turns out that people who seem to accept me normally at first are already dissatisfied after a week or two. Moreover, I try my best, but...
  • My husband betrayed me and now he regrets it
    I'm 29 years old, I have a beautiful little onedaughter . I was in a civil marriage, before the registry office my exmy husband never arrived. We dated for 5 years, I fell in love with him and still love him, he is 10 years older than me. I got pregnant and we decided to get married.During pregnancy...
  • I couldn't do otherwise
    My husband and I have been together for a long time and love each other. I have always believed that we have a strong and happyfamily . At first we were friends for a long time, and then we started dating. We had many difficulties in our lives, but we overcame everything, walking hand in hand. We ha...
  • How to establish a normal relationship with your father?
    I run away from my thoughts because I can’t cope with my emotions. I fill my head with studies, books, looking for new hobbies, putting more pressure on myself than I can handle, just not to think about anything. I have always been an extrovert, now I spend more time with people, feeding off their e...
  • How to react to such an act of your husband?
    Married for two years. UThis is my husband 's secondmarriage . My parents were against such a marriage, butMom said he was divorcedthe man is unreliable. She believes that no woman will divorce a good husband, especially if there ischild .I was 29 and I didn't want to wait for someone else,I liked m...
  • The long and difficult road to happiness
    This story happened to me in my youth. I was 15 years old when I met him. Dear boy, with big ambitions and we started seriousrelationship . A year later, he left to study in another city, and six months later he wrote that he wanted to leave.I cannot describe my feelings in those days, I felt very b...
  • My husband made demands to change my appearance
    Married for six years, there ischild . My husband tried to woo me for a long time, but at that time I couldn’tforget your ex-boyfriend. When I calledmarried , agreed.After giving birth, I gained five extra pounds, but within a month I completely regained my previous figure. Over time, I gained a lit...
  • Love and betrayal
    It all started out banal. Treason . There is a story on this site about howlover decidedreturn the wife to her husband. Everything was the same with my wife and I. Its shorta romance that ended in nothing. And then the fight for the family is one-sided.In the end, I gave up; it’s impossible to fight...
  • The husband said he no longer wants reconciliation
    I didn't want another onewrite a confession , but couldn’t restrain myself. I thought that there would be no continuation of my story about regret for not divorcing my husband earlier, but how naive I was for taking everything at face value.The husband said: “Okay, let's try to fix everything.” I be...
  • Mother understands that I have not forgiven her
    I've always heard thatMom is sacred and must be loved. I love minemother , but I can'tforget the hurt she caused me.When I was six years old, I decided that I wanted to become an artist. While my mother was at work and my grandmother was minding her own business, I put on my mother’s makeup and tied...
  • Will he fall in love?
    Three months ago I broke up with my man. No one was to blame, it was the circumstances. He was rude, impudent, but I may have loved him, maybe I’m sickit was a habit . But now I don't need anyone anymore. I understand that there would be no future with him anyway. When I got to the hospital, he didn...
  • I feel unhappy and empty
    My name is Maria. Age 27 years. Married. Eatdaughter , she is 7 years old. I spent my entire childhood in an orphanage, dreaming of a family, of my children. After graduating from school, I rushed to the city, entered a technical school and in my last year met a guy, he was 21, and I was 17 years ol...
  • I read the girl's diary
    I have a problem in my relationship and I can't figure it out.My girlfriend and I dated for 5 years. We moved in together two years ago, six months after that she told me that she had fallen in love with someone else. It was a shock for me then, but this was not the first call. Even before we moved ...
  • Why is everything so difficult in relationships?
    Why can't people talk in real life? Why is it easier to write a few words on the Internet andforget about all the good things that happened before? And how difficult it is now to live without knowing the truth and wondering what it was.I wrote mine a few months agoconfession​ In the time that has pa...
  • I don’t know what to do right, and there’s no one to ask
    I'm in my third year at university and for the last couple of years I haven't been able to decide what to do next and how to behave. I lostmother while studying in high school.She was my closest person, she always listened to me and helped. After my mother passed away, I live with my older sister. T...
  • Broke up with my boyfriend because of different views on marriage
    I'm 24 years old, exThe guy is 31. We've been together for a year. He works in another country, so we often visited each other and supportedlong-distance relationship , and at the beginning of the relationship he asked if I would move in with him (at that time I was finishinguniversity ). The relati...
  • I can't forgive my father for my unhappy childhood.
    I understand very well the author of the story who hates hermother . Myfather was an alcoholic for almost 20 years. The situation was better except in the sense that he didn’t take women home (although, as I know, he cheated on my mother when I was little) and now, when he stopped drinking a long ti...
  • My mistress didn’t like that I was jealous of her husband
    We met her as classmates. At firstcommunication somehow didn’t work out. We didn't communicate for several days. Then we finally started communicating. Her name is Lena. Married, has an adultson who lives separately. I am also married, my children are adults. At the time we met, she was 42 years old...
  • Сердцу не прикажешь: исповедь о моей любви
    18 лет – очень интересный возраст, влюбленность, «розовые очки» и все такое. Я только закончила школу, поступила на юр. факультет, вроде все как по плану, а тут раз – и задержка. Что это?Сказать, что мы с Олегом встречались… нет, мы виделись, когда ему этого хотелось и когда он действительно это мог...