
  • Relationships with mother-in-law: what should they be like?
    Imarried 3 years. Everything is fine with my husband, except for one “but” - hisMother . For some reason, she thinks that I should be a friend to her, share my experiences, ask for advice, discuss everythingproblems , talking on the phone with her for hours... In general, she is trying to become my ...
  • An unexpected meeting with your first love
    I had my first schoollove , with which the most tender memories are associated. Unfortunately, in the tenth grade she moved with her parents to another city and lost contact.After college, I got married and had two children, but I still remembered her often. I even tried to find her through social n...
  • The husband is even ready for divorce because of greed
    First year of relationship, then first year of marriagemy husband was generous, attentive, we went on dates, he provided for us. I also worked, butI spent money on myself and, of course, of my own free will on my family,products . Then the financial situation worsened,husbands wereproblems at work, ...
  • It's better to live out old age together
    I love my cousin very much, probably also because he embodied my childhood dream of a strong and smart older brother, which I, alas, did not have. And when Lenka, returning from the army, quickly got married, I was even offended, my new relative seemed so homely to me.But, firstly, it was noticeable...
  • My sad experience of family life after betrayal
    It was not because of a good life that I was looking for answers to my questions about life after betrayal. I often came across people like me who were trying to save their family after betrayal and the return of a once loved one.I read a lot of stories, heard them from real people in real life, and...
  • My husband's ex-wife is still jealous of me
    We are very strangerelationship with ex-wifehusband . She left him with the child and said: “I don’t need anything from you, no alimony, no attention.” The husband gave themmoney whenever possible, since salaries vary, sometimes in a month I could earn 50 thousand rubles, sometimes 70, sometimes 30....
  • Divorce is worse than death
    I just want to share my pain.No wonder they say thatdivorce is like the death of a loved one. Yes, he is alive, and he is somewhere, but not with you, you have lost him irretrievably. And even if you sometimes cross paths, even exchange routine phrases, smile at each other, it will no longer be the ...
  • My wife gave me a difficult choice
    After my wife and I divorced, we maintained normalrelationship for the sake of her daughter, then she was five years old. Two years ago I got married again. My wife was fine with what I havea child from a previous marriage, she even communicated well with her daughter.Now Masha is pregnant, we are e...
  • I regret that I left my family because of a passing hobby
    I saw howmy sister reads this site, became interested and also decided to write her ownconfession _ There is no one to tell about the stone lying on the soul, but you need to talk it out.After divorcing my wife, I still felt guilty before her and my son for a long time. After all, it was I who left ...
  • How can I open my sister's eyes?
    Six years ago mymy sister gave birth to a daughter, and when she was 7 months old, my sister, leaving us the child, went to work. Thatthe man from whom she haschild , abandoned her and did not participate in raising her niece in any way. My parents were with the girl and raised her. My sister sentmo...
  • Obsession or still love?
    Now I am 37 years old, two children,daughter andson , I am completely independent and self-sufficient.I’ll start the story with the fact that my daughter’s father and I separated when she was 3 years old (now 13), but we maintained wonderful, friendly friendships.relationship . I was 27 years old th...
  • I can't decide to cheat
    I married for great love, but now I feel a cooling in my relationship with my wife. Especially after the birth of her second child, in the care of which she was completely immersed. If before we spent a lot of time together, went to visit, planned our finances and purchases, now she has no time for ...
  • I'm tired of my husband's constant presence
    I have always loved to have personal space and the opportunity to be alone. While the honeymoon lasted and for some time after the wedding, I, one might say, endured too intrusiveattitude husband .We are together everywhere (except for work). We do grocery shopping, walk in the park, and when we com...
  • I'm not like others
    I am 30 years old. I'm young and strong. Good position and good salary. Eatfamily . In general, everything is like everyone else. But for many years I have been tormented by the thought that I live in vain. No goals, no desires.Since childhood, I was only interested in books; I did not like to play ...
  • My friend's love story
    I have a childhood friend. While he and I were single, we saw a lot of things, but one day he “put on rose-colored glasses” when he met a girl named Yulia. For some reason I didn't like her right away. At first I couldn’t even understand why - she seemed kind, sociable...They met beautifully, always...
  • Meeting a former classmate changed my life
    My firstLove's name was Andrey and we studied in the same class. Histhe family moved to live in our area, and he came to our school in the seventh grade. I liked him immediately, and not only me. All my classmates, each in their own way, tried to attract his attention.But he treated everyone the sam...
  • I couldn't save my love
    We met 10 years ago, I was already married then, andthere was a child , she was divorced, she also had a child from her first marriage.We met all this time, she was crazy about me (the first years that’s for sure), I also loved her, though not as much as she did. The family stopped me, I should have...
  • Осталась одна с тремя детьми
    Я в 18 лет вышла замуж, родились сын и дочь погодки. Муж был старше на 12 лет, прожили 5 лет и развелись. После этого 3 года были суды, он хотел отнять у меня детей, на тот момент я уже начала встречаться, как оказалось потом, с женатым мужчиной тоже старше меня на 12 лет. Все суды я выиграла, и быв...
  • My wife didn't appreciate my love
    I have been living in such a nightmare for more than 2 years now. I met my wife 15 years ago. I was 23 then, and my wife was 20. I fell madly in love. I wanted to move mountains for her, to get stars from the sky. This was the case for 12.5 years, until the limit came. But everything is in order. My...
  • Confessed to her beloved that she had cheated on her and paid for it
    I haveson , he is now 4 years old. Ex hasdaughter , she will be 8 years old. My ex (we've known each other since 2014, we started living together in 2015). The age difference is 15 years, he is older. He was afraid to let me get close and when he felt that he was getting attached, he walked to the l...