
  • Alien but beloved child
    I’ll tell you one real story from life, so to speak, from the other side of the barricades than the author of this confession. Perhaps the author, who hates his wife and her spoiled child, will rethinkhis wife’s action and will be able to understand her. Or maybe not. The story is true, it happened ...
  • I live the way my parents lived
    It is generally accepted that children inherit the fate of their parents; if the mother is unlucky in her personal life, thenthe daughter will live the same way. This happened to me too, but I think that this is not fate, but simply a person transfers everything from childhood to adulthoodlife and y...
  • The husband said he no longer wants reconciliation
    I didn't want another onewrite a confession , but couldn’t restrain myself. I thought that there would be no continuation of my story about regret for not divorcing my husband earlier, but how naive I was for taking everything at face value.The husband said: “Okay, let's try to fix everything.” I be...
  • Mom left and I don't know how to move on
    I diedMom , I don’t know how to continue to live, I don’t know how to come to my senses. On September 28, she died of covid-19. Mom spent 32 days in intensive care and I knew that she would come home and live, but unfortunately on September 29 I buried her.I have a dad, I have two older sisters andb...
  • We are not happy with such a son-in-law
    My daughter grew up so quickly that she didn’t even have time to look back. I recently celebrated my 18th birthday. OnBirthday brought gorgeous bouquets and gifts, she said it was from a guy. They didn’t ask in detail about the boy, and is it even possible to get any information out of teenagers? As...
  • My life after civil marriage
    I have already written my story about the fact that civilmy husband said that he doesn’t need me. Now I have a new onelife without him. What I feel? She probably was kind to him. She cared and worried. Only if a person is initially like this, nothing will change him. A person cannot be good if evil ...
  • История про измену и ее забавные последствия
    Моя история очень длинная и, возможно, мало кто захочет её прочесть. Зато она откровенная и на 100% правдивая. Может быть, кому-то он даст пищу для размышления. Начнем-с.Ох и нравится мне самой себе трепать нервы… Все натыкаюсь на шипы и зачем-то ищу и изучаю свою вину в этих попаданиях. Но вот сейч...
  • I've loved my husband's friend all my life, but I never decided to leave
    Such a banal, sad life story - I fell in love with a friendhusband .It was a long time ago. FutureMy husband proposed and she agreed. Thought it wasLove . We submitted an application and set a wedding day. Everything is fine. Then trips began to visit his and my relatives and friends, we are now a c...
  • I can never forgive my husband even for the sake of the children
    My husband and I have been together since our university days. There was a lot of good and bad too, but we survived everything, gave birth to a child, I decided thatlife got better and was happy in its own way.I often remember the first flowers my now ex-husband gave me, because it was a modest bouq...
  • Return to your ex-husband or go to jail?
    I want to tell you my life story and the situation in which I found myself. I just don’t know where to turn, who to ask for advice. I hope many have watched Eldar Ryazanov’s film “Station for Two.” So, the plot is very similar to minelife , only everything is much scarier and sadder.I got married at...
  • My beloved woman cannot leave her husband because of children
    Three years ago I met a married girl. And from that time we fell in love with each other. I am already 32 years old, she is 35 and she has two daughters (6 and 10 years old).During all this time, we talked with her on any topic, made plans forlife . I've been calling her to me for a long time. She w...
  • I love strong men
    A little about myself: height 160 cm, weight 73 kg, 28 years old, I consider myself very attractive. I am very sociable, I feel confident in any company, I can find a common language with anyone. I never get discouraged, I always try to cheer everyone up (and it works) mycolleagues , friends, acquai...
  • There were no white stripes in my life
    I want to tell you a real, true story about my difficult life, because I can’t keep it to myself anymore, and I can’t tell my loved ones. The story will be long, excuse me, I will write about everything that torments me.I was born into a low-income family. Mythe father did not want to have children ...
  • How to love your ex-husband?
    I am writing my story in order to getadvice and put your thoughts in order. I met my ex-husband when I was 14 years old. He is 9 years older. I never loved him, I still don’t understand why I was with him. Maybe he was flattered by the attention of an adult guy, his girlfriends were wildly jealous, ...
  • I love a guy and... a girl
    My name is Milana, I'm 21 years old. Just a year ago something happened to me that I thought could not happen. A year and a half ago I met a guy, he was 24 years old. We immediately liked each other and started datingrelationship . By the way, he's my firstguy in every sense.Within six months, conve...
  • How to extend your childhood?
    I am 14 years old and I realized that everyone reminds me of my age. I feel very hurt and scared when they say, in 2 years I’ll be done, I’m already an adult, I’m 14...I really don't want to grow up, and I can't anymorereturn everything back. I don't feel like an adult, and when I look at older teen...
  • My parents' friend
    We met in the winter of 2013-2014, when I got a job with my mother at a factory. She is in the personnel department, and I am in the repair department, since I graduated from Polytechnic. Worked wellthe team is predominantly male - well, the education is specific. There are seven specialists in the ...
  • My friend's story
    I'll tell you a real life story about difficult family relationships. Irina lived with her husband Victor for 11 years. He's quite uniqueman . With unusual viewslife , onhealth . His firstwife lost a child during childbirth, suchmisfortune ​She, as I understand it, has some kind of serious illness, ...
  • I don’t love and don’t want my child
    Ipregnant , six months pregnant. It was impossible to have an abortion, I had to leave it. The child's father is a complete drug addict. Throughout the entire relationship, I observed only cheating, drugs and drinking. Left him. But after a certain amount of time, she discovered that she was pregnan...
  • My husband wants everything to be the same as before
    Came outI got married at the age of 20, so I ran away from my tyrant son-in-law, living with my sister, then from my father’s unbearable character, living with him. AboutI won’t tell you about the mother of a tyrant and despot, with whom I lived until I was 13, there is nothing good there.Then rejec...