
  • Life's difficulties couldn't break me
    I have always been an optimist in life, and no matter what happened, I tried to look for the positive in any situation. I remember very well how one of the teachers at the university said about me, they say, the smile never leaves your face and everyone would have the same attitude as me. And, indee...
  • How I lost my head from love
    I have been married for 18 years, we havedaughter (10 years old). Came outmarried not for love, but simply because of the betrayal of her boyfriend. He married someone else, and in revenge, I also took advantage of the opportunity.I met a man and got married. We have been living here for 18 years. A...
  • You are always with me...
    Sometimes it seems thatlife is very fleeting. There are too many moments in it that you want to skip quickly, play through like a film, and sometimes completely delete from your memory. Now I’m 23 years old, I work, I do what I love. I grew up in an orphanage, under the “sensitive” education of teac...
  • I didn't appreciate the happiness that fate gave me
    Sometimes it seems to you that everything has already been destroyed and there is nothing anymore, and at that moment you take another rash step - you step into the very heart of darkness. And falling into this black infinity, you suddenly look up and realize that the pastthe problems were just smal...
  • I feel unhappy and empty
    My name is Maria. Age 27 years. Married. Eatdaughter , she is 7 years old. I spent my entire childhood in an orphanage, dreaming of a family, of my children. After graduating from school, I rushed to the city, entered a technical school and in my last year met a guy, he was 21, and I was 17 years ol...
  • Common problems brought us closer together and led to happiness
    This story began with great grief. I was married. Everything started well, changes began after I was bornson . The son was born sick, with cerebral palsy and Down syndrome, diseased kidneys and heart disease, in general, terriblepain , both for him and for us parents.I don't know why but probablymy ...
  • I can no longer live with my unloved wife
    He got married because he was afraid to be alone. My mother was already old (she gave birth to me at 39 years old), my father was gone, and neither were my sisters or brothers.I didn't love my future wife, but I was sure that I would be a good husband and father. She and I grew up together, went to ...
  • I read the girl's diary
    I have a problem in my relationship and I can't figure it out.My girlfriend and I dated for 5 years. We moved in together two years ago, six months after that she told me that she had fallen in love with someone else. It was a shock for me then, but this was not the first call. Even before we moved ...
  • The war never ends
    I read a story about a girl, Anna, who was forced to live with relatives who did not appreciate the fact that she was fleeing the war.Anna, I strongly advise you to see a psychologist, because you are not healthy. No, this is not an insult or an attempt to infringe on you. Just understand, the war n...
  • Should an unfaithful wife be handed over to her husband?
    It so happened that I was the lover of a young married woman. Their marriage was only a few months old, sheHer husband still lives abroad, visiting her several times a year. I was naive and thought that she would leave him, get divorced and be with me. She has said more than once that she no longer ...
  • How I fought for my love
    This story began more than 5 years ago, when I moved from my hometown and entereduniversity​ Literally at the very beginning of my first year, I fell in love with my physical education teacher, let's call him M. Every day I became more and more imbued with sympathy and irresistible interest for him....
  • I wish death to an old friend
    I’m a little ashamed to admit my weakness, like everyone who writes their confessions on this site. But I really want to speak out. Or perhaps I would like someone to draw some conclusions from my story.The trouble is that I want to kill the person I love and dearest to me.So, there is a person in t...
  • I can't find my place in life
    A year has passed since I had to choose which college to go to. Now I am studying at a college at a university, doing distance learning. The university where I study is located in another city.After finishing 9th grade and passing the OGE (passed with one B, the rest were C), I reached a dead end. I...
  • I'm a bad mother and wife
    All around meProblems . Came out at age 20got married and gave birth to an older oneThe daughter didn’t really live with her husband, his priority was friends, and they separated.I raised my daughter as best I could, worked, lived mostly with friends,my daughter is either with my mother, or with me,...
  • My principles of communication
    I am 21 years old. I have parents, mybrother (this is almost my best friend), I love my family and work incredibly hard. Everything is based on the fact that my dad once told me that any problem can be solved if you are busy and work. It was thanks to his words that I quickly found a good position. ...
  • I regret that I used to constantly listen to my mother
    I am 34 years old, I havehusband . AllI lived my life in a complete family, plus I also have a younger oneBrother .My mother , as it has now dawned on me, lived by the principle that my opinion is also wrong. Since childhood, I considered my mother an authority and everything she does is undoubtedly...
  • I started a new life, but the past won't let me go
    I am writing a continuation of my story so that no one repeats my mistakes. In May it will be a year since I ran away from myhusband of a tyrant. My grandmother was sick and bedridden for 8 months. On May 9, he did not allow me to stay with my grandmother for even 5 minutes, and on May 11, 2015, she...
  • I want to leave my disabled husband
    I read many stories about how people who became disabled after an accident recover and live happily with their spouses, and some even findlove already, for example, after an accident and injuries received in the service. I can only admire such news. Women play a special role in such stories, because...
  • Without friends and loved ones or the onset of depression
    It all started six months ago. I'm not a particularly sociable person and I had one bettergirlfriend . Why was? One day we had a very big quarrel (it was her fault and she doesn’t deny it). I was offended by her and waited for an apology, but since then I have not received a single message or call f...
  • My husband regrets marrying me
    My husband doesn't like minefamily . He believes that fate is not fair to him. Getting into my family is like a punishment for him.We moved to live with my parents a year after our wedding. At that time, we were not financially ready to buy our own home. The choice was eithermy husband goes to his p...