
  • A boring life with an unloved husband
    I read a story about an unloved onehusband . I’m probably as ungrateful as the author of that confession. And wandering in the dark.Of course, now they will say that it is her own fault. I don't argue thatthere is my fault , but what can I do with the stamps forever hammered in by my parents, a stra...
  • No one has ever loved me
    Just as I was born at an unhappy moment, I still suffer. Not loved in childhood, not caressed, did not know what good people werefamily relationships . There was constant pressure at school due to health problems, and there was no support at home. My mother thought that since I was watered and fed, ...
  • I hate this life
    I hate the whole world lately:husband for hisbetrayal and betrayal, children - for disobedience and constant hysterics, myself for becoming so embittered and grumpy, my mother - for constant control of my life.I no longer have any feelings left except anger and irritability, I don’t enjoy life, I’m ...
  • My failed marriage
    I'm 29 years old, I got out 6 years agomarried a young man, met at work, he was a driver. There wasn’t much romance, we met, were friends, we wanted to live separately from our parents. And since it was more profitablerent an apartment together, that’s what we did. Three months later we got married,...
  • Overweight people, problems and solutions
    People who are overweight, or obese, face a number of physical and psychological problems that can seriously affect their quality of life. Obesity is one of the most common health problems worldwide, and its prevalence continues to rise. Obesity can be caused by various factors, including poor diet,...
  • Tired of being a mistress
    I am the same woman who fell in love without memory. Which is still ashamed of what it was and ismistress _ Who gave birth from a madly loved, but strangerhusband .He did not go to join us with our daughter. Although he promised. But it helps financially. Not a lot of money , but still. I understand...
  • Even after my wife cheated, I don't want a divorce
    I'm 21 years old, 5 days ago, I learned something I can'tforget . No one can give me answers to all my questions.The essencethe problem is: 5 days ago it arrivesmy wife is home, her phone rang, she doesn’t pick up, I ask you to give me the phone so I can look at it (in all 5 years of my life togethe...
  • Having learned my decision, the groom stopped talking to me
    I'm 23 years old, yesterday I found out thatpregnant (this is my thirdI already had two pregnancies and abortions). The groom wants a child, we have been together for 6 years. I have my ownapartment , the groom has a more or less normal income, but he likes to drink. I do not know what to do? I don’...
  • Я в тупике и не вижу из него выхода
    Мне 33 года, жене 28, две дочки-близняшки с вьющимися белокурыми волосами, как у мамы. Позавчера им исполнилось по 8 лет. Мы их назвали Таня и Оля. Жену тоже зовут Оля. Ещё до позавчерашнего дня я считал, что у меня самая идеальная семья, дочери нас обожают, мы их тоже.Жену я всегда считал символом ...
  • My parents' ban led me to depression
    I met a young man on a social network. The parents didn't know. I deceived them, saying that I was talking to my friend.Then she continued to see each other and communicate in secret again. They said that they meet people online mainly not for a serious relationship. This is not the case here, based...
  • Husband left family for son
    This is the life story of my Aunt Vera. She is 44 years old and left herhusband . They lived together for 21 years.We met in the first year of college, studied in the same group. With his attention and perseverance, he was able to win her heart, as it turned out, forever. After the army , Vera and A...
  • Я не осуждаю свекровь, а просто не могу ее понять
    Я автор истории, в которой свекровь любит только внука, а на внучку не обращает внимания.Всем спасибо за мнения. Я очень внимательно отнеслась к каждому комментарию. Некоторые прямо удивили, признаюсь честно. Наверно легко судить тогда, когда это не касается своих родных, близких и детей. А ещё прощ...
  • Sometimes a relationship is worth fighting for
    I’ve been dating a girl for 1.5 years, almost immediately (about a month later) we moved in together and still live together. For the first six months everything was just perfect, then it became a little boring, we got used to each other, the household appliances began to jam and so we startedswear ...
  • How not to lose touch with adult children?
    I have a story of communication with my son that is similar to yours and I decided to share it too. My adult, marriedmy son also began to move away from me and the situation is very similar to the one described above. He received a higher education, works, and so on according to the list, everything...
  • I hate my father and hope I never see him again
    I am now 26 years old, I have not worked for 6 months.I was born in a remote village as the third child in my family, and then we moved to the city. My parents had no money at all, they left my older sister and brother with my grandmother, and I lived with them in the city and we rented someone’s ba...
  • How I changed my attitude towards life
    At the moment I am 20 years old. There were ups and downs in life. It so happened that I even fought for mylife . I used to think, why do I need all this? Why does fate drill me like this? The fact is that I survived a terrible accident, fortunately I remained unharmed, then they found a tumor, and ...
  • Confessions of a Confused Woman
    I understand perfectly well that there will be many moralists who will condemn me. But what's done is done, I'm not afraid to admit it. At least for myself.My husband and I have only been married for a year. Before that we dated for about 3 years, there was no love for a long time, maybe there never...
  • Forbidden love with a gypsy
    27 числа у меня случилась беда, за решеткой оказался мой любимый человек.Все началось в 2015 году. На работе мне в след кричал молодой человек, с целью познакомится, лица я не увидела, но видела, что сидели два парня, а я вся такая гордая прошла мимо. Дальше он по всему автосалону (это место, где я ...
  • I am very angry with my parents
    I have a similar situation as in this story. Since childhood, I grew up in a complete family in a provincial village, where I had no peers with whom I could communicate, except perhaps at school in a neighboring village.MyFather is essentially a good person, but when he drank, he went on binges for ...
  • Nobody wants to be my friend
    I am 17 years old and since childhood I have been a loser, everywhere and always last, be it games or a queue to see a psychologist. They don't want to be friends with me. It’s a very rare occurrence for someone to take initiative, even in companies I’m the last one, I’m always oppressed, they don’t...