
  • Why do we owe adult children all the time?
    I read a story about my daughter's grievancesmother for not wanting to sit with her grandchildren. It’s the same for me.I’m 61 years old, but I have to work because I can’t live on my pension. The daughter gave birth to three children and the whole world owes her for that reason. I helped for 7 year...
  • We were made for each other
    Then I was 21. Young, perky, with a good, albeit slightly plump, figure of very seductive shape. She enjoyed success with men of all ages and was never deprived of attention. Unlike most of my peers, I believed that I didn’t need marriage now, and therefore fans and lovers were permanently present i...
  • Personal life on social networks
    It's not so muchConfession , how much please help with advice. I am 23 years old, I love my girlfriend, we have been dating for 8 months. But we have one problem: I really don’t like her increased activity on social networks. The point is not that it takes a lot of time, which could be spent more us...
  • I didn't break down and started my life from scratch
    The story I want to tell is minepain and joy, my tears and my sadness, in general, mylife .It all started quite prosaically, my dad left my mom when I was 13 years old, besides me she also had my 3-year-oldbrother Sashka. Before the divorce, my mom and dad argued a lot, and in order to escape from t...
  • Жизнь без любви
    Мне 38 лет. Я живу в Азербайджане. Пишу впервые здесь и вообще в пространстве интернета, поскольку больше некому сказать о том, что наболело и что до сих пор не отпускает меня.Я поздний и единственный ребенок в семье. Возможно, из-за возраста и статуса родителей, росла очень серьезным, рассудительны...
  • Husband can't provide for his family
    In my opinion, I have a global problem: I am 25 years old, I have two sons (3 years and 1 year 3 months) andhusband (not legal, not married). The fact is that I feel constantly depressed, I don’t want anything, I almost always feel bad, I’m angry and irritated almost all the time. I can’t feel any e...
  • Ненавижу себя за такой выбор
    После скоропостижной смерти мужа мы остались с сыном одни. Хорошая квартира в престижном районе города, отличная работа, замечательный коллектив, руководящая должность, хорошая зарплата. Жили тихо и спокойно. Я с головой была погружена в работу, она занимала практически все мое время, о личной жизни...
  • My husband left me and married for the fourth time
    Life is like everyone else's. I met a man older than myself 7 years ago. At that time I had been divorced for 10 years.I met him at work. We dated for 5 years. He and I got married, I accepted his child from his first marriage. After I leftwhen I got married , I found out that he had a second onewif...
  • Mother-in-law's hatred led to divorce
    My first mother-in-law placed chicken feathers under my doormat. She did it to my death. She hated me because shemy son married me without her consent.Mymy husband studied to become a military man in my city, where we met. He has an older onesister , who moved to Moscow and works there as a waitress...
  • Parents love older sister more
    My sister and I have a big age difference. I hardly know her; we have never communicated closely. She moved out when I was still 6 years old. I started living with my boyfriend in my grandmother’s apartment, and after my grandmother’s deathMom signed the apartment over to her.Although we made attemp...
  • Mom believes that household appliances are not needed in the house
    Now there is an opportunity for all housewives to make it easier for themselveslife and save time on homework with the help of household appliances. But mineMom doesn’t think so and constantly scolds me for what I (in her understanding) wastemoney instead of saving it for a rainy day. I’m trying to ...
  • How can I break up with a guy without offending him?
    I never thought that I would have to set myself such a task - to break up with a guy. To be honest,I'm a pretty girl , but very insecure. When all my friends already had boyfriends, I felt somehow lonely and terribly inferior, because at that time I didn’t have a boyfriend yet.Now I understand that ...
  • I can't get over a toxic friendship.
    I can't get over a toxic friendship.I got used to my friend over the years of friendship, but now I understand that thisfriendship is toxic and does not bring me anything positive. On her part there is both passive aggression and veiled devaluation,competition looks at everything through the negativ...
  • The daughter I lost
    Since childhood, my parents and theirlove for alllife , and based on the example of their relationship, I also wanted to build my family, so that with one for life, I never strived to have many girls. In my first year at the institute, I met Marina, a modest girl from a small village. It was with he...
  • How to improve your relationship with your daughter?
    Surely many have found themselves in difficult family situations and somehow dealt with them. Tell me if you can. I am 39 years old and work as a nurse. 20 yearsMarried . I have a daughter, Margarita, 16 years old. At one time, I probably did something very stupid when I dropped out of medical schoo...
  • Relationships with mother-in-law: what should they be like?
    Imarried 3 years. Everything is fine with my husband, except for one “but” - hisMother . For some reason, she thinks that I should be a friend to her, share my experiences, ask for advice, discuss everythingproblems , talking on the phone with her for hours... In general, she is trying to become my ...
  • My parents ruined not only my childhood, but my whole life.
    Mymother alllife took offense at my grandmother because she lived with her stepfather. According to her, her stepfather treated her badly when she was little, called her names and even tried to hit her. He was a front-line soldier.At the age of 16, her mother left home and began renting a room and g...
  • I don't want a husband like my father
    In my family it so happened that the main breadwinnermother . She cared more about material stability, was more concerned about my sister and I’s financial well-being, and did a lot for us in this regard, even going so far as to buy each of us an apartment. And by nature she is more lively, active, ...
  • The price of betrayal
    We're talking about my little sister. We are already well over 30 years old. Each has its ownfamily , husbands, children. We communicate periodically. We try not to interfere in each other’s lives, but sometimes certain events about my sister’s life reach me. Fromcolleagues at work found out almost ...
  • An unexpected meeting with your first love
    I had my first schoollove , with which the most tender memories are associated. Unfortunately, in the tenth grade she moved with her parents to another city and lost contact.After college, I got married and had two children, but I still remembered her often. I even tried to find her through social n...