Семейные истории

A strong family begins with communication and support. Parents must be able to listen to their children, understand their problems, and help them solve them. Children, in turn, must respect their parents and be willing to help them in times of need.

  • My husband didn’t even notice how he became a stranger to me
    Imarried 2.5 years, yeschild . The husband is always at work and can arrive in the morning or late at night. When at home, the conversations are mostly only about work.To meThere is almost always only one question : “is there something to eat?” When I try to talk to him about us, there is immediatel...
  • Daughter does not take care of her child
    I met my husband at the age of 20. We dated for a year and then got married. They lived well, sometimes there were quarrels and scandals, but they always made peace. And then three years later I gave birth to my husbanddaughter _ I devoted almost all my time to the child. In six monthsMy husband lef...
  • Mom is against me returning to my wife
    I had a fight with my wife again. She collected my things and said that she would give it todivorce _ Two months have passed and she is calling me back. Yes, I want to go back. I still have feelings for her, and my son is with her, and I love my son very much.But this is not the first time. Due to h...
  • Love despite betrayal
    At the age of 18, I met a girl: she was 15 years old, beautiful, had a super figure, and was hardworking. The only drawback was the distance. At first I went to her, neglecting my studies, then I could barely put a stop to it. It couldn’t even be called a relationship – seeing each other once a week...
  • Money and work couldn't save me from loneliness
    Something has accumulated in me that I want to talk it out, but I have no one to talk to. I don’t have parents, I had guardians.As a child and during my school years, I was obsessed with correctness and obsessed with myself. Was among the nerds and black sheep. But at school no one bothered me, than...
  • A terribly difficult period in my life
    My childhood was quite bitter, I lost mymother and brother in the summer when I was 10 years old. After the tragedy, my family began to raise mesister andfather , until my father brought a new woman in 2017. My sister left because she didn’t want to accept her into the family, but I couldn’t do anyt...
  • I wish happiness to the woman I love, but I don’t want to let her go
    The story happened 23 years ago. I met a girl, she was a little younger than me. I fell in love with her very much, but she very rarely told me this.They started living together, visiting houses, visiting friends, drinking vodka. I didn’t listen to my relatives, or didn’t hear them. I wanted to seem...
  • My boyfriend is 30 years old and he goes with the flow
    I have been dating a guy for 2 years, we are 30 years old and we do not live together. A year and a half ago, he offered to rent an apartment and pay 50/50, but then he started saying that he couldn’t save money. This went on for several months. As a result, we decided to postpone eating for ....
  • How to return your husband's love?
    My husband and I dated for 6 years, then got married, married for 4 years. For 10 years we have practically never parted, we are always together and never get tired of each other. We were borndaughter , she will soon be 3 years old. Both were confident in each other and trusted each other.But 3 mont...
  • God's sign
    I want to tell my story, which proves, in my opinion, that God exists. Now to the story itself.One day my mother and I were sitting in the living room on the sofa, watching TV. And heremom says- Look, a messenger has come to us. When I looked at the wall, I almost screamed: there was a light silhoue...
  • My father annoys me
    In childhoodmy father beat my mother constantly, swore, drank, smoked. I remember all this from childhood, how I defended my mother, and he beat me at the same time. He is a military man, just a former one. Then we moved to another city. He quit drinking and smoking. Well, I only drank on holidays. ...
  • How I lived with a pathological jealous person
    I am now 24 years old. It so happened that I can’t meet people my own age – I’m just bored with them. So I managed to choose a 36-year-old man and marry himmarried _ But his age was not the main problem.Before I met my husband, I had a series of unsuccessful relationships, and when I met him, passio...
  • It's very hard to be poor and lonely
    I really need to tell someone everything, everything that prevents me from living a full life. AllThe problems started in childhood. Myfamily - dadmom ,sister _ Dad worked on the railroad, the job was good, but he was an alcoholic, drank, and went on binges. Mom walked with us, picked him up, and dr...
  • My husband's strange dream
    I'm still in shock after my conversation with my husband yesterday.My husband is 43 years old, I am 30, married for 3 years, no children together. Yesterday he told me that in five years he plans to go and live in the village where his grandmother lived! We ourselves are from Latvia, but the village...
  • I'm not going to follow my husband's parents' lead
    Myhusband - latechild , at the moment his parents are already pensioners. They live in a three-room apartment, which they once inherited from the former state.We first rented an apartment, then decided to move in with them to save up little by little.money for your home. I told my husband that there...
  • I don't love my child
    Do not misunderstand me. Of course, I love my one and a half month old mouse and little sparrow. But everything from the very beginning, and as usual, went almost perfectly and completely different from what I imagined.I’m 35, I’m relatively healthy, I’m beautiful, I’ve made a good career and met th...
  • bear
    Bear, Bear, where is your smile? Full of enthusiasm and fire, You don’t know yet, dear Mishka, how madly I love youThis is what I, paraphrasing a famous song, scrawled on the roof of a Kyiv high-rise building when I was 17 years old. And myMak Xu’s friend laughed at the simple poems and my love.Now ...
  • My husband didn't like the changes in appearance
    Imarried for 10 years. My husband always said that he admired my appearance. He loved to appear with me in society, to show off his wife to his friends.After these 10 years, I have changed a lot internally. Many “ideals” have ceased to be ideals for me. I retained my slim figure and flawless skin, b...
  • I wanted the best, but it turned out as always
    I had an anniversary (50 years old), celebrated one day with friends and relatives at the dacha, and the second in a restaurant with my bosses and colleagues. Everyone was with their other half, and I, naturally, was also with my husband.Everything went well, I heard a lot of nice words addressed to...
  • I want him back, but I'm only making things worse
    I dated a guy for almost 2 years and lived together for a year. We already broke up once, even before we moved in together, but we realized that we couldn’t live without each other. He is 10 years older, he really wants a family, children, to build seriousrelationship _ But now for some reason he de...