Семейные истории

A strong family begins with communication and support. Parents must be able to listen to their children, understand their problems, and help them solve them. Children, in turn, must respect their parents and be willing to help them in times of need.

  • My husband's children from his first marriage did not appreciate my love and care
    After reading the story about my husband’s children from his first marriage, I realized that the author did everything right, sent her husband and his children on time. And I regret that, finding myself in a similar situation, I did not do this right away.Just three years ago, I myself couldn’t imag...
  • It's all the mother-in-law's fault
    I grew up without grandparents. My parents worked from morning to evening, I did everything for myself. She came home from school, heated up lunch on the stove, washed the dishes and sat down to do her homework. And this is in first grade! I also cleaned my room myself.Now our son is 14 years old. Y...
  • Is it possible to persuade a civil husband to an official marriage?
    I am 25 years old, my boyfriend is 27. I read it hereconfession about whether to wait for a guy’s proposal or whether it’s better to leave and I want to share the same. Denis and I have been living together for two years, we have a so-called civilmarriage _ I am not a supporter of such relations, bu...
  • Guilt before my father and loneliness keep me from being happy
    I'm a little over 25 years old, I'm lonely, I don't have anyone, because I haveproblems with communication, I have a hard time getting along with people, I'm an introverted person, I was bullied at school, so I'm afraid of relationships.I have almost accepted that I will be alone all my life. The st...
  • My parents ignore my problems
    I think I'm seriousproblems . It’s impossible to contact people at all, and this really interferes with life. I have no friends or acquaintances, I don’t communicate with anyone at school, I’m constantly silent, and as a result they don’t pay attention to me.Wherever I go, I just can’t overcome myse...
  • The husband's jealousy has crossed all boundaries
    I am 38 years old, married for 11 years. Husband is two years younger, yesdaughter . My husband is very jealous, I live according to a schedule, I can’t stay anywhere even for ten minutes, it’s immediately a scandal. It was hard at first, evenfiled for divorce , butThe husband vowed to improve. I di...
  • My husband knows that I don't love him
    I am 42 years old. Married for 16 years. Two children. Before marriage there was a very strong mutuallove . They felt so sensitive that they understood each other without words. Our views, interests, tastes were like one whole.We were not an exclusive couple, there were quarrels and disagreements. B...
  • I am unhappy in marriage
    When I first met my husband, I won’t say that I loved him to the point of unconsciousness. He loved me, gave me a lot, and I was so imbued with his sincerity that I wanted to give in return.So 3, 5, 7 years passed and then in the 10th year of his life his attitude towards me completely changed. Once...
  • My fears prevent me from finding a job and becoming independent
    I haven't been able to find a job for a little over a year now. They don't hire me anywhere because... I have no experience, etc. At 23 years old, I look like a 15-year-old fragile girl. I want to work, but every time something doesn’t work out. I don’t lie in front of the TV, passively waiting for ...
  • Your children's comfort is your problem.
    For work, I often travel to other cities, and the train is most suitable. I choose one to sit down in the evening or at night, and in the morning already in place. Very tired of changing shelves. Some of the incidents shocked me to the core.I take myself only the lower places, I want to sleep on the...
  • I hate my mother for her attitude towards me
    Mythe mother does not drink, does not smoke, she is a fairly wealthy woman. But for as long as I can remember, she only reproaches me for my every action. Mother lives by the principle “so that people approve.” She constantly talks about how wonderful her friends’ children are, but sees only flaws i...
  • Marriage without love
    I am 27 years old, my husband is 36. We have been living together for 7 years, and we have known each other for 8. We have a son, 7 years old. The marriage is official.The fact is that my husband and I no longer have anything in common. We can be silent for days and not talk. And it's terribly borin...
  • I don't know how to manage money
    I am a passionate shopaholic and a big spender, I don’t know how to handle money, I can easily spend my entire salary on new clothes, and then I sit without money, subsisting on kefir and bread. Every time I promise myself to distributemoney immediately after salary, but on the same day I am drawn t...
  • Anxiety for my daughter does not allow me to live in peace
    I’ve been reading a variety of life stories on this site for a long time, but now I can’t understand how people worry about such little things against the backdrop of such a terrible threat as the coronavirus. I read how the author torments herself and her husband because she doesn’t like her daught...
  • I'm a lonely and unhappy person
    I'm a single person, I'm 25,father was an alcoholic andmy mother left the family when I was 9 years old. Now I only communicate with my close relatives on my father’s side, but I don’t find it possible to share with them my experiences about myself and life in general. That's why I'm writing mine he...
  • Internal conflict
    I am 19 years old. the essence of myThe problem is this. Even as a child, I realized that I am a person who loves constancy and tranquility. In a word -introvert . Solitude and hide from everyone, and do something (I had a hobby - origami, if anyone doesn’t know, it means folding all sorts of things...
  • Why is everyone ignoring me?
    Why doesn’t anything help, no matter what I read or do? I am sincere, open, sympathetic, amorous and emotional. Sociable and active. I love myself. I don’t save on myself. I take out loans and spend child benefits. But what have I not heard of such manifestations of mine - stupid, hyste....
  • I'm lonely and this is my conscious choice
    I -a girl who doesn't have a loved one. And children. There is no cat either. And yes, I am strong and independent. Have you already imagined a stereotyped monster who is terribly unhappy and desperately envies you? In vain, because the lack of personal life does not prevent me from being happy. I r...
  • My brother's ungrateful daughter
    My brother is an alcoholic. At the moment, thanks to his daughter, he went tohard drinking . His niece left for another country without even warning him. My brother called her, she didn’t answer, and he started drinking, although he had been holding out for three months before that. Moreover, hemy d...
  • Is sex necessary in the family?
    Sex is not only a pleasant pastime, but also an important aspect of healthy family relationships. Although many people are embarrassed to talk about it openly,sex is an integral part of every person's life. Why is it so important to have sex in the family? Firstly, it helps maintain closeness an...