Семейные истории

A strong family begins with communication and support. Parents must be able to listen to their children, understand their problems, and help them solve them. Children, in turn, must respect their parents and be willing to help them in times of need.

  • I betrayed my first love
    For almost two years I met a guy, his name was Andrey. We were perfect for each other, never quarreled. Even when I was wrong, he never reproached me, he always forgave everything.All my friends envied me, they said that I would never find a better husband. We also dreamed of getting married, but I ...
  • My real and fantastic weight loss methods
    Last night I met with my university friends (we successfully graduated from university 6 years ago) for a cupcoffee . And the conversation flowed so smoothly to a very unloved topic. No, not about the fact that “all men are goats” - here someone is lucky. We are talking about excess weight and numer...
  • I chose a serious profession, and now I'm afraid of competition
    I always thought that I had definitely decided on the choice of profession. Almost immediately after graduation, I was able to find a job in my specialty, and all that was required, and now is required, is to constantly work on myself. But now, at the age of 26, I somehow hesitated a little. I am a....
  • How to deal with ex-wife after divorce?
    I readconfession of a woman who believes that it is not necessary to love her husband’s children from her first marriage, and I don’t blame her at all, because I think that ex-wives should be wiser and aware of their status as “ex”, and not make conflicts with a real wife. In order not to shed bitte...
  • I regret that I did not listen to the words of my mother
    Since childhood, my mother told me that I need to learn languages. I never really attached importance to her words, and it seemed boring to me. Only now I realize how wrong I was.At the moment I am a second-year student at the Faculty of Philology and I understand that this is not my thing. I would ...
  • I am lucky that my mother-in-law lives in another city.
    My husband and I are from different parts of the country, so we visit our parents only once a year. my dad andMom has never been with us, although we have been living in our apartment for 5 years. But the mother-in-law was already three times.When my friends talked about their mothers-in-law, I was ...
  • Provincial in the office
    Some time ago we had a new employee in our office. A provincial, she came to the capital from Western Ukraine. Naturally, for all our refined metropolitan public, she immediately became a target for ridicule and mockery. It's always like that in the women's team. Remember Ryazanov in "Offic....
  • My weird date with a guy
    I met a guy on the Internet, met only a few times. Everything was very good, no harassment, no hints, at the end of the second date, he kissed me, but very carefully, as if it was his first kiss, but we are already old enough (I'm 28 years old, he's 36). After that, we couldn’t meet in any way, then...
  • My husband is sick, and my conscience does not allow me to find a lover
    My husband had a stroke. Difficult. Hemorrhagic. At the age of 60 years. If there are doctors here, they will understand what is at stake. This is 80% fatal immediately, which would be the easiest, no matter how cynical it sounds. But of the remaining 20%, 18% of people remain vegetables.We did not ...
  • Divorce in old age
    We got married after our third year of college. These 3 years met without a close relationship. 43 years lived in perfect harmony, raised two daughters, three grandchildren.And suddenly the husband seemed to have been replaced. They operated on the prostate. He didn't need me anymore. And he registe...
  • The main thing is that he was satisfied
    Autumn has come, the first month of September. Every year for 18 years now I remember my past life, I remember my first and lastlove , I remember how good we were. They say that when they wipe their feet on you, it is a great spiritualwound . This is true, but it has already healed, sometimes it ach...
  • I want to talk and talk about my relationship with a married man
    I stumbled upon this site by accident, I just wanted to read.I have been working at a meat processing plant since I was 17, as a moulder (now I am 20). I wouldn't say pretty, but pretty. About 7 months ago, to me in the social. network addedguy , on the page there is only music and a status about hi...
  • The ill-bred son of my sister-in-law
    I have always had equalrelationship with his son. Raised alone, together with my grandmother. Since he is a military man, he found himself in distant Chukotka a woman 4 years older than himself, also with a 13-year-old son, divorced. She is alreadypregnant by my son.I recently got outmarried at 51. ...
  • About eternity and love
    He loved me. But in his understanding, love means kissing, hugging, caressing, feeling confident and, at the same time, comfortable around. He knew that I was stronger than him, but I so wanted to hope that this would pass. He tried to work on it. Realizing that a woman loves with her ears, he hones...
  • For my son, I became a stranger
    The son married only at the age of 35. At first I studied for a long time, then I broke up with my girlfriend, whom I already began to treat as a future daughter-in-law, but something didn’t work out for them.At work I met a woman, she is divorced, there is a ten-year-olddaughter . I was not too ple...
  • Resentment at the mother does not give rest
    I broke up with my son's father 5 months after his birth. He began to drink, go for walks, hardly showed up at home, spent the night with his parents, then with friends, then with another mistress. I really regret leavingmarried a month after they met, without knowing well the person with whom she w...
  • Mother-in-law loves only daughter's children
    My mother-in-law is a good woman, but for some reason she divided her grandchildren. She has two children of the weather, a son anddaughter . Both grew up to be wonderful people, both have already got their own families and both have two children. Only the difference in children is six months, ours ...
  • All my friends are married, I'm the only one
    I have never had a serious relationship. I always wished that I had tooguy , like the girlfriends, but he was not. I liked those who I did not like at all and vice versa. I was in love twice, both times the guys were already busy, and I found out about it much later.Since adolescence, I have been re...
  • Parents pay the price for bad parenting
    I am almost 30 years old, my brother is a year older. I decided to write here about how my parents pay for their actions, or lifestyle.MyMy father has been drinking for as long as I can remember. Scandals and fights in the family simply did not stop. I don't understand my mother why she endured. It ...
  • The past haunts
    This story happened to me when I was 16 years old. I foolishly lost my innocence to a scumbag I barely knew. True, then I felt some sympathy for him ... A few days after this event, he offered to meet and picked me up with his friend, whom I did not know. Everything after that is like a nightmare. W...